something that ****** me off!!!


Well-known member
so yesterday while i was going home from work, driving on 401, i saw this lady in a porshe cayenne S cut off a pontiac sunfire. The lady driving the pontiac honked and waved her hands as to "wtf???". In response the lady driving the porshe showed her a finger??!!!???:o

My friend was right that people driving porshe, mercedez, bmw and audi are just d**ks. May be not all of them!
so yesterday while i was going home from work, driving on 401, i saw this lady in a porshe cayenne S cut off a pontiac sunfire. The lady driving the pontiac honked and waved her hands as to "wtf???". In response the lady driving the porshe showed her a finger??!!!???:o

My friend was right that people driving porshe, mercedez, bmw and audi are just d**ks. May be not all of them!

Tee hee.
so yesterday while i was going home from work, driving on 401, i saw this lady in a porshe cayenne S cut off a pontiac sunfire. The lady driving the pontiac honked and waved her hands as to "wtf???". In response the lady driving the porshe showed her a finger??!!!???:o

My friend was right that people driving porshe, mercedez, bmw and audi are just d**ks. May be not all of them!

It's mainly the Asian (I'm Asian) kids whose parents buy them cars. I know only one that has a Porsche and a BMW that is not a dick; the rest of them are complete ******** on the road.

I've yet to see an ******* Ferrari, Lambo, Lotus, or other exotic cars though lol. I did once see two Ferrari's cut each other off over and over was nice to watch =D, pretty sure they were friends.
油井緋色;1678308 said:
It's mainly the Asian (I'm Asian) kids whose parents buy them cars.

mainly asian huh?

i guess you didn't hear about this british kid who wrecked his dad's MB SLR? or this caucasian kid in the usa wrecked the M3 dad bought him on his own street? or this european kid wrecked his dad's veyron, nor in ontario these caucasian kids drove dad's audi s4 into a lake?

and in dubai if you drive a bmw m5 to high school you are considered middle class, cuz you will be parking beside bentley, AM, lambo, and etc

rich parents of ALL ethnicities buy their kids expensive things.
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It pisses me off too when I see things that I can't afford and ***** about how they're ******** cause they can buy that stuff.

so, what colour is your sunfire?
has nothing to do with the types of cars, there are ***** in every make and model, you just enjoy hating the rich people more then the poor ones.
The other day some ******* in a gold Mercedes refused to let me merge onto the 427 from the 407. Then he added further insult by giving me the finger and mouthing "**** you" to me. I was like, WTF?!

Know what else pisses me off? I let people in all the time on the highway. No one ever puts their hand up to say thanks anymore. I always say thanks whether I'm on the bike or in the truck. And even if I'm not 100% sure that they intended to let me in. It's just common courtesy to acknowledge someone else for letting you in, but so many people have forgotten what courtesy is and how to demonstrate it.
It pisses me off too when I see things that I can't afford and ***** about how they're ******** cause they can buy that stuff.

so, what colour is your sunfire?

did u think maybe they can afford it is cuz they work hard? when steve jobs was a millionaire he still pulled 100 hr work weeks and his employees can't keep up.
Happened to me today by some guy in a H3, I was driving down the 401 in the rain and no blinker or anything the hummer swung into the fast lane while I was beside his rear bumper and also going about 20km slower then I was. I was ****** because I had to slam the brakes on in the rain, So I pulled into the lane he was in and pulled beside him and gave him the WTF shrug and he just flipped me off.
I hate the ******* that think their vehicles are to good to signal and everyone on the road should drive according to them.
did u think maybe they can afford it is cuz they work hard? when steve jobs was a millionaire he still pulled 100 hr work weeks and his employees can't keep up.

Tongue in cheek dood....sheesh. Calm down.
I hate these pointless threads...she wasn't even riding a f-ing bike at the time for f*ck sakes! Don't you people have facebook pages to annoy others with?
What i always find amusing are those leaving in their cars after work, presumably going home.

They go blazing out of parking lots, down streets, up streets, as if they are all in a race. And at the next block its dead traffic!!! So why the heck do you have to go blazing out of parking areas just to hit traffic! You can actually hear the roar of the engines when they just stomped on the gas leaving a parking lot. Come on!! you're in a parking lot - calm down.

And the kicker is the real aggressive folks. Cutting each other off, weaving around people, all to get 2 cars lengths ahead.

I have no sympathy for the fender benders in traffic that i see occasionally on my walk home from work.
They go blazing out of parking lots, down streets, up streets, as if they are all in a race. And at the next block its dead traffic!!! So why the heck do you have to go blazing out of parking areas just to hit traffic! You can actually hear the roar of the engines when they just stomped on the gas leaving a parking lot. Come on!! you're in a parking lot - calm down.

I dunno about everyone else, but I do this sometimes because it cuts through the boredom. ;)
I hate these pointless threads...she wasn't even riding a f-ing bike at the time for f*ck sakes! Don't you people have facebook pages to annoy others with?

they're bad drivers and even worse in parking... D I C K S !!! and that goes for the girls too
Heh..try coming off the Gardiner and up Bay St. in the mornings. It goes down to one lane due to construction. Most people dutifully line up well in advance of the merging lanes so things go smoothly...except for cabs and most times fancy cars. I had one guy in a Volvo SUV decide he was going to jump ahead of 10 cars and me on my bike. I wouldn't let him in and I could see his blood boiling in the car. I just sat there with a big "FU" grin on my face.

But ya, doesn't matter the type of car, the ethnicity of the driver, or time of day, there are asshats everywhere.
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