Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

How did this thread turn so quickly. Honestly. The parents of that kid are the issue here. I hate to see anything happen to a child but the responsibility of all the events that took place fall squarely on the shoulders of the parents. They have failed this poor kid, the 6 year old and the one coming along. They will now all grow up without their dad.
So, the side of your bike worked better at stopping than your tires+brakes would have? I've never understood this.

I've low sided a bike before too. It stopped right at the feet of the instructor while doing an emergency stopping exercise otherwise I would have run him over. Think the key is to apply full brakes than lay her down. Think people watch too much movies and see bikes sliding forever.
No Offence, But you have the most powerful tool in the world at your finger tips, read the entire article.

Then instead of just dismissing what I am saying bring some evidence of the reverse.

It is customery for thouse making the point to provide the evidence to support their case

I have not dismissed anything of what was said. I have just asked additional questions. Lets look deeper at KENNESAW

Here is the only data i could find on short notice

Year Population Murder Rape Robbery Agg Assault Total

2005 28,189 1 1 7 27 36
2004 26,246 1 2 9 12 24
2003 25,183 1 0 7 15 23
2002 22,664 0 2 4 19 25
2001 22,198 1 0 7 15 23
2000 21,675 1 1 2 13 17
1995 10,625 0 2 3 14 19
1990 8,936 0 6 2 9 17
1985 6,092 0 0 1 3 4
1980 5,084 0 2 3 8 13

There may have been an inital down spike due to teh publicity of the law at the time. However it is not particilaly sharp and consistent decline. The town is deffinatly below the national crime rate i cant find pre 1982 data for this however
Another questions outlaw was did Gun ownership increase in the town following the passing of the law. Its data i cant seem to fine. After all there was no punishment for no-compliance with the law
I'm beginning to see a pattern of threads on this forum being converted into conversations about guns, the use of guns, and laws about guns....I wonder if we should change the name of the forum to GTA motorcycle and gun - GTAMG ? Anyone up for a concealed weapon group ride ? :D

LMAO Yes, lets get this thread back on course, or course there are guns involved in the story so it was easy to get on a tangent, Sorry I contributed to that tangent.
I'm beginning to see a pattern of threads on this forum being converted into conversations about guns, the use of guns, and laws about guns....I wonder if we should change the name of the forum to GTA motorcycle and gun - GTAMG ? Anyone up for a concealed weapon group ride ? :D

Yeah!! Brisk pace... No small guns.. Lol
Aww i was enjoying the discussion with you...
There are PMs and "New Thread" options if you want him that bad :D

Makes me think of that one night where kid was with her mom at 1030 chatting with another neighbour on the driveway. Im turning a 90degree corner at about 20 km/h and get up to 35-40 km/h fast.
Her kid got scared of my stock car exhaust when i was going way under the speed limit (she went to grab her mom's skirt).

Same thing couldve easily happened to me if that same girl had decided to go on the street and what not...but the mom was there to supervise. These kids run fast!
So 18 year old was doing a poor job of watching kid. Dad has anger management issues. cop defended himself. I understand how upset you would be, but my first concern would be my daughter's well being. Sad that a life was lost, but beating a man while he's down, i don't blame him for shooting. 2 on o1 after dumping the bike, i would have done the same thing.
This kinda reminds me of the guy in Scarborough that got charged with criminal negligence causing death because a 2 year old fell into his pond and drowned. Regardless of that bit, I was surprised that nobody mentioned anything about the parents who were supposed to be watching the 2 year old that somehow managed to get out of the house, go next door and fall into the pond. You'd think they'd be more attentitive?
This kinda reminds me of the guy in Scarborough that got charged with criminal negligence causing death because a 2 year old fell into his pond and drowned. Regardless of that bit, I was surprised that nobody mentioned anything about the parents who were supposed to be watching the 2 year old that somehow managed to get out of the house, go next door and fall into the pond. You'd think they'd be more attentitive?
Lets blame mother nature for the ravines, rivers and dangers of the world while were at it
Look at Switzerland, the country with no standing military, the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and almost everyone is trained to shoot. Lowest crime rate.

Are you going to try to do a robbery when you know every house is armed and they all know how to shoot?

These are very simplistic arguments. Are you going to compare robbery rates in Switzerland and the US? There are fundamental socio-economic differences there. I'm not arguing against gun ownership, but you're using a very weak argument.
Yes. I have a bias against people being able to carry concealed guns on their person in public.

What makes you think it was concealed?
BUTTTT the officer should have the knowledge to use reasonable force. They do have training with non lethal force.

The scale for reasonable force is a sliding one. The cop was injured, may not have been able to effectively use "non lethal" force to do anything. This is probably why he was getting his butt beaten.
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Lets blame mother nature for the ravines, rivers and dangers of the world while were at it

Well that was kinda it. Ok..the guy has a "pond"..I don't even know what the details are of should be fenced according to the by-law. But criminal negligence causing death?? I dunno..that seems pretty harsh..and nobody even mentioned the parents not watching the kids. If they let a kid fall out of a window in a high-rise they immediately begin to question what kind of parents they are. Just seems a little over the top.
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