Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

Oh God this is just terrible for everyone involved.. Its such a moral Quandery.. but i dont know if i can fault the cop his life was genuinly indanger but i mean holy i dont know what to say
Gotta side with the cop on this one, and not just cause he's a rider. Pretty screwed up story:

I couldnt live with my self if my kids took off and something like this happened. I try to watch them lall the time but sometimes they just find ways to try to run away and play and as a parent you must take care of them. This is proof that the parents werent being responsible. It is truly tragic and i would not want this to happen to anyone.
At a restaurant my wife and i make sure the kids are always sitting unless they have to go to the bathroom. When in the bathroom they are always accompanied by one of us. I would say the father/parent is ultimately responsible for all of this. I think a judge would side the same way! very sad
I think it all comes down to the fact that no one was watching the girl. Why is a 4 year old in the middle of the street at 10pm unattended? While tragic, it is entirely conceivable that someone could crash into her by accident (car or bike). Sounds like the cop was trying to help the girl after and the father overreacted. If I had a gun on me while being pummeled to death by two adult men right after I had a motorcycle crash I'd shoot too.

EDIT: ^ My thoughts one was watching girl. It was unfortunate.
"he intentionally ditched the bike in an effort to avoid hitting her"....try your brakes next time dumbass.
So you're riding, and out of nowhere a lil girl appears - she wasnt supposed to be there

You do your "best" to try to avoid her - he didnt try to roll her over

Dad comes out as he 'lost track' of his lil girl + nephew - bad parenting...but the older cousin COULDVE kept watch on the kid easily at that age

Police officer feel threatened by the man so before losing he uses self-defense...
who knows what couldve happened to him otherwise had he lost consciousness...

Its gonna haunt him for a while
That makes me wonder. Let's say you hit someone with a bike head on with the bike upright or low side the bike and hit that person in the legs with sliding bike. What would do the least damage to the person you're hitting and you? I'm guessing the sliding as their legs would take the whole impact and probably break instead of hitting them square in the pelvis/chest. YOu would also only hit the ground instead of potentially flying over the handlebars and later, possibly being hit by your own bike. Wat are your thoughts?
"he intentionally ditched the bike in an effort to avoid hitting her"....try your brakes next time dumbass.
I don't know, we did not see the situation from the riders point of view. Kids running into streets are similar to a deer coming out of nowhere, they just hit you on the side, not giving you time to react. I say that because I have seen children run out of nowhere and many times getting pulled back by the parents.

Is hard to say how it all went down.
just my opinion, not trying to start an argument for such a back turnout of events.
This is why I'm glad we're not all carrying guns around in this country.

So you think this story would be less tragic if the cop was beaten to death? LOL At least the guy that was the most at fault died. Better than the cop who's only crime was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Always shoot first and ask question later. The parents where out drinking, no one watching the child cause babysitters cost 2 rounds of drinks, drunk dad uses vigilantly justice to avenge daughter but instead gets a cap in his ***. I love it.
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That makes me wonder. Let's say you hit someone with a bike head on with the bike upright or low side the bike and hit that person in the legs with sliding bike. What would do the least damage to the person you're hitting and you? I'm guessing the sliding as their legs would take the whole impact and probably break instead of hitting them square in the pelvis/chest. YOu would also only hit the ground instead of potentially flying over the handlebars and later, possibly being hit by your own bike. Wat are your thoughts?

I personally think is better to swipe someone of their feet with a bike sliding than having the same object hit them on the chest, hips.

Is like getting kicked by a person, if they swipe your feet you fall down, if they kick you on the chest you get pushed in the direction of the kick hard.
Always shoot first and ask question later. The parents where out drinking, no one watching the child cause babysitters cost 2 rounds of drinks, drunk dad uses vigilantly justice to avenge daughter but instead gets a cap in his ***. I love it.

****** parents. ****** situation for the guy on the bike. No one wins. Parents are 100% to blame. /thread.
So you think this story would be less tragic if the cop was beaten to death? LOL At least the guy that was the most at fault died. Better than the cop who's only crime was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.
1. Kid should not have been in the Street
2. Kid should have been supervised.
3. Rider should learn to ride a bike
a. Rubber on the pavement can stop much shorter than the metal of the bike and the time it takes to Lay-it-down could have been used to slow or stop
b. If no time to brake he could have swerved, it was a street, that means it is much wider than a person.
4. Vigilanty justice does no good, in this case it is a good thing he was armed or maybe he would be dead.
We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

Jail Dad is better than Dead Dad? No way, Dead dad is better. This way she'll always know that her dad loved her enough to beat up a cop and get shot for it.
1. Kid should not have been in the Street agreed
2. Kid should have been supervised. agreed
3. Rider should learn to ride a bike based on what info?
a. Rubber on the pavement can stop much shorter than the metal of the bike and the time it takes to Lay-it-down could have been used to slow or stop agreed
b. If no time to brake he could have swerved, it was a street, that means it is much wider than a person. you don't know how or where that kid came from, you're ASSUMING he had enough time to see the kid and react. He may have gotten spooked and just dumped it.
4. Vigilante justice does no good, in this case it is a good thing he was armed or maybe he would be dead.

This was completely preventable.
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