Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

BUTTTT the officer should have the knowledge to use reasonable force. They do have training with non lethal force.
Put yourself in that situation. Are you really going to be thinking as 2 guys are beating you up "hey maybe I wont die, I should just lay here and take it just incase I dont die..."

I think not, you are going to defend yourself to the best that you can. In this case, it was with a gun.

Yes and ppl should note that the cop was already injured when he crashed.
The father could have lived if he used his head first before swinging his fists. Mind over matter helps.

It is beyond me why would the father jump to beat the cop's a** BEFORE attending to his injured child. And now he's dead.

unfortunately the father is at fault

A very bad combination of factors that resulted in a tragedy.

Father is the one most at fault? Yes. And the nephew too.

Could've been prevented? Ditto.

Cop acted appropriately? Yes, it was self defense, but he didn't have to kill the poor bastard.
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This TBH. Each human is only worth anout $2:00 in its basic material components anyway. No lifes is actualy more valuable. Its a situational thing.

Say whaaaa..!!??? I'm priceless! You hear me?? FOTHERMUCKING PRICELESS!!!!
Maybe it was too late and he purposely low sided the bike last second in an effort to avoid hitting her? Probably a knee jerk reaction.

I don't know, we did not see the situation from the riders point of view. Kids running into streets are similar to a deer coming out of nowhere, they just hit you on the side, not giving you time to react. I say that because I have seen children run out of nowhere and many times getting pulled back by the parents.

Is hard to say how it all went down.
just my opinion, not trying to start an argument for such a back turnout of events.

all I wonder is how do you "intentionally" ditch a bike?? Do you just let go giving up all control and jump off hoping it doesn't slide into the obstacle?? I've never tried this so have no idea...I think he just ****ed up couldn't control it and went down. Later they said he did it on purpose to avoid making the copper look like an unskilled dumbass rider.
If he was getting his *** beat so hard to the point of potential death I'm sure a fullface helmet and proper gear would have helped, which he likely didn't have either...of course he didn't forget to strap his pistol to his pants though...
This is why I'm glad we're not all carrying guns around in this country.

I prefer to be able to defend myself with any means available if im getting the hell beaten out of me. Im sure we can agree that police officers in Ontario have shot and killed people for less than than in this example......but thats ok cause they are police, but civilians shouldnt be able too defend themselves?
Anyone else in the world who brought a gun to a fistfight and used it would still be charged with murder, for using excessive force.
I guess if you're a cop you can use lethal force if you want, but the rest of us are limitted to equal and neccessary force.
I prefer to be able to defend myself with any means available if im getting the hell beaten out of me. Im sure we can agree that police officers in Ontario have shot and killed people for less than than in this example......but thats ok cause they are police, but civilians shouldnt be able too defend themselves?

Defend, yes... BUT in theory, we don't need guns to defend ourselves. Only people that SHOULD be carrying guns should be trained professionals. Too bad the world is messed up in so many different ways.
The article says the cop identified himself as a police officer. Assault on a police officer is worse than assault on a civilian isn't it? legally I mean.

The father had almost no right to even be angry with the rider. The cousin was there and witnessed the accident, but then joined in? I sure hope he gets pinned with assault at the least. He's even worse than the dad because he actually saw what happened, didn't react, then jumped on the bandwagon when he thought he could get some free shots in.
Defend, yes... BUT in theory, we don't need guns to defend ourselves. Only people that SHOULD be carrying guns should be trained professionals. Too bad the world is messed up in so many different ways.

Define "Trained Professional"? Does being Paid make you a trained professional? Almost everyone I know has guns (Most not hand guns) but all are trained and know how to shoot and use the guns and practice. Every town here has a rod and gun club, and many people I work with are on shooting teams and none of them are law enforcement.

Also what is Equal Force, He is one injured Cop who identified himself, being beaten by two people. The Gun at this point was the only thing he had to be able to stop what was happening.
Prolly went like
*cop trying to save the little girl
*dad comes out
*cousin screams "HE KILLED HERRRRRRR"
*dad puts his gorilla face on and starts beating the cop
*cop goes 'stop this im a cop, i dont wanna hurt you'
*dad gets madder and cousin joins in
*cop starts losing consciousness so he shoots to get them away but shoots the dad

I agree with you on this one.

Causes (ranked in order):
1. Poor parenting.
2. Poor rider training. There is no situation -in my opinion and limited experience- where 'laying it down' is the right move. Swerve, brake, whatever; always maintain control of yourself and the bike for as long as possible). He was probably on a cruiser, so stopping that behemoth is un-like our sport/standard bikes.
3. Poor judgement by the dad. Check on your kid FIRST, and DON'T go beat on someone without understanding the situation.
4. Poor use of power by the cop. This situation did not warrant the use of a gun. Perhaps a shot in the air, or pulling it out wouldda sufficed. He's a COP; he should be able to withstand a beating for a few minutes... AND he was riding, so he shouldda had gear on? We weren't there, so no one can say how bad the beating was. TBH, if he has time to pull out the gun, it probably wasn't that bad of a beating.

Okay, I'll concede that the gear argument was weak, but still; there are a LOT of factors that led up to this unfortunate incident. Chalk it up to Darwin for both of these guy's stupidity.
all I wonder is how do you "intentionally" ditch a bike?? Do you just let go giving up all control and jump off hoping it doesn't slide into the obstacle?? I've never tried this so have no idea...I think he just ****ed up couldn't control it and went down. Later they said he did it on purpose to avoid making the copper look like an unskilled dumbass rider.
If he was getting his *** beat so hard to the point of potential death I'm sure a fullface helmet and proper gear would have helped, which he likely didn't have either...of course he didn't forget to strap his pistol to his pants though...

I've purposely low sided my bike when I was about to crash when I run wide and before I hit the guard rail. Bike stopped sliding before I hit guard rail. Walked off with only scratches to me and my bike. Had I kept going I would have hit the guard rail and it would have been much worse.

Had I been a better rider at the time I could have of course, actually made the turn, but in hind sight, I still think it was a good move at the time.
I agree with you on this one.

4. Poor use of power by the cop. This situation did not warrant the use of a gun. Perhaps a shot in the air, or pulling it out wouldda sufficed. He's a COP; he should be able to withstand a beating for a few minutes... AND he was riding, so he shouldda had gear on? We weren't there, so no one can say how bad the beating was. TBH, if he has time to pull out the gun, it probably wasn't that bad of a beating.

Okay, I'll concede that the gear argument was weak, but still; there are a LOT of factors that led up to this unfortunate incident. Chalk it up to Darwin for both of these guy's stupidity.
I disagree with you on this one :p

You just had an accident, you're injured and you get beaten up by a full grown adult and an 18 year old girl both consumed by the rage of seeing their loved one being killed "by you"?!
Fight or flight instinct will kick in and he fought back.
I dont think he WANTED to kill the dad... if the dad's all over him beating him up, he's trying to injure him to get him off but after an accident and being beat on the head for a while i think your focus to shoot isnt as sharp as our favorite James Bond or Crank movie.
To try to save the little girl, id also assume he removed his helmet for 1st aid...but whatever.

I've purposely low sided my bike when I was about to crash when I run wide and before I hit the guard rail. Bike stopped sliding before I hit guard rail.
So, the side of your bike worked better at stopping than your tires+brakes would have? I've never understood this.
Anyone else in the world who brought a gun to a fistfight and used it would still be charged with murder, for using excessive force.
I guess if you're a cop you can use lethal force if you want, but the rest of us are limitted to equal and neccessary force.

Frankly no.. Depending on the state and there and assuming he was carrying the weapon legaly anyone in the same situation could get away with it.
I disagree with you on this one :p

You just had an accident, you're injured and you get beaten up by a full grown adult and an 18 year old girl both consumed by the rage of seeing their loved one being killed "by you"?!
Fight or flight instinct will kick in and he fought back.
I dont think he WANTED to kill the dad... if the dad's all over him beating him up, he's trying to injure him to get him off but after an accident and being beat on the head for a while i think your focus to shoot isnt as sharp as our favorite James Bond or Crank movie.
To try to save the little girl, id also assume he removed his helmet for 1st aid...but whatever.


Yeah, i don't think he wanted to kill him, either... hence my position of "Poor use of power".
Define "Trained Professional"? Does being Paid make you a trained professional? Almost everyone I know has guns (Most not hand guns) but all are trained and know how to shoot and use the guns and practice. Every town here has a rod and gun club, and many people I work with are on shooting teams and none of them are law enforcement.

Also what is Equal Force, He is one injured Cop who identified himself, being beaten by two people. The Gun at this point was the only thing he had to be able to stop what was happening.

Trained professional = someone that has actual training with a fire arm. The training on when and how to use it. And someone that should be carrying it out on the streets.

If I'm not mistaken, even people on gun clubs are only allowed to have the gun on them when going to or from the event. ( I could be wrong)... But regardless. Just knowing to shoot a gun does not make you a trained professional.

To me..... Once you've gone through field simulation with fire arm training etc.. Then you've been trained to have a gun on your hip.
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