victim of Road Rage, hit and run by a coworker, how should I handle this?

This is a company issue. I have forwarded the matter to HR and to the fire chief ... The company is required by law to do something if they won't this becomes a MOL issue to redress.

I find it interesting that your life was put in danger by these guys and you only see it as a company issue. The company probably won't risk a lawsuit based on your word vs theirs, the only way to demonstrate concrete evidence is through legal (police) means.

Given the events I have been pushed into pending actions. Unfortunately, I lack the right connections to resolve this matter properely. Running to the police will accomplish what?

This is a crazy passive attitude to take on the matter. I don't even know what you're referring to but it sounds crazy. "Running" to police will accomplish the following in the worst case scenario:

#1. Creates a public record of your claim.
#2. Any harassment/incidents will work in your favor when reporting it correctly at the time of incident (which you should absolutely have done the first time).
#3. Let's these coworkers know you're not joking around about their idiocy.

You ask for advice and opinions but disregard everything everyone is telling you here. Is this some kind of troll, or did you honestly **** up enough that you don't even want to get the law involved?
So... Do you have video evidence or witnesses of this incident? Without it, Guy#2 will likely say you rear ended Guy#1...
Like post #88 in this other thread perhaps?..... that's some expert advice right there.....he sure schooled Robm...... :rolleyes:

I forgot about that one.

OP, go ahead and do whatever you like. Obviously you know better than me anyway :D

Try and keep up!

There are certain members who's posts always seem to have one thing in common..

I agree... OP, are you a fireman? Why does your co-worker have the flashing green light? and why didn't you get out of his way when he used it (even if you were speeding and even if he was misusing it)?

Your HR department doesn't need to be involved, aside from informing them that you and this co-worker 'got beef'. These incidents happened outside of work, and the verbal 'abuse' was relatively minor.

Fireman? You mean those folks that stoke a steam locomotive? I don't know what that has to do with anything.

The green lights are used by volunteer firefighters. They provide NO legal privelege or advantage. It is intended to afford other motorists the opportunity to assist the volunteer firefighter by getting out of his/her way. They are routinely abused and there are a great many incidents of volunteer firefighters crashing while responding (usually in their pickup trucks). One occurred near Barrie a couple years ago with the young firefighter taking out and killin a good samaritan because he was wailing down the road, green light flashing. Most responsible fire chiefs are VERY concerned about this issue and try to ensure that their firefighters drive their pickup trucks safely, green light notwithstanding.

On you second point, the company has a legal obligation to address harassment in the workplace. Not doing so opens them to a large can of whoop *** in court if crap happens afterwards.

But, as previously noted, all this is irrelevant because the OP just isn't getting in touch with our reality.
Seriously who would let this happen to them? If there's a reasonable excuse like anxiety disorder or whatever else, I'm sorry you had to experience such stupidity. Otherwise, I don't see how this could possibly happen in reality. I'm not on the forum enough to know if this was trolling. If it was, they apparently won.
I'm not on the forum enough to know if this was trolling. If it was, they apparently won.

On the contrary, this post made everyone think of serious or funny responses and provided a fun read. Win-win for everybody!
They are routinely abused and there are a great many incidents of volunteer firefighters crashing while responding (usually in their pickup trucks).

Whats with the Pickup truck? Is it because often they are Rural based?
For the nth time, the perpetrators drove off. There is no upside to me calling the police at this time. I don't want this on my driving record or apart of the info declared when I get insurance quotes. If it were not for my employer I would not know these guys. These guys used company property to harass me over stated incidents and used company time to plot their actions. This is a company issue. I have forwarded the matter to HR and to the fire chief. On monday I will be driving my 4500 lb all wheel drive car. These jerkoffs can go ahead and try something, my car will eat them for lunch. On monday I will be getting out of my car on company property upon which time we will see how this matter is resolved. The company is required by law to do something if they won't this becomes a MOL issue to redress.

I was involved in a situation last year in a construction zone where 3 lanes where being condensed into one where someone stopped so suddenly in front of me that his car actaully nose dived, as i seen the car dive i glanced to the right to see an suv directly beside me cutting off that as an escape route I chose to endo the bike and lay it down rather then hit his back end and end up in his rear window. the cops did come to the scene, the report was given( no fines or charges for anyone) and my insurance knows about it. I made no claims on insurance and have just renewed with no penelties or rise in insurance. sorry to say man but you are just being plain a** stupid about this whole situation and crying insurance is BS. Its your life man so smarten up and use your brain.
Whats with the Pickup truck? Is it because often they are Rural based?

Well, I was just stereotyping. I find the vast majority of firefighters drive pickups. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation. And, that pickups ain't my favourite vehicle but, that's just an unwarranted prejudice on my part.

You can't fight a fire without a pickup truck. Fact.

There may well be some validity to this.

But then again, Google "fire department motorcycles" and you may be surprised. I was.
Well, I was just stereotyping. I find the vast majority of firefighters drive pickups. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation. And, that pickups ain't my favourite vehicle but, that's just an unwarranted prejudice on my part.

ah.. like Guys who Have F150s want to have a Harley Davidson's as well. Esp those who live out in Ajax/Pickering/Whitby/Oshawa way ;)
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