The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

If nobody has a fog machine, you can always try SeaFoam. It smokes like ***** and you'll be able to see any leak(s) you have.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

If nobody has a fog machine, you can always try SeaFoam. It smokes like ***** and you'll be able to see any leak(s) you have.

thought about going that route, but it only smoke for 2 mins, and a lot of smoke comes out. rather have a steady stream of smoke, and a bigger time window to find the leak(s)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Got out for a short ride this afternoon, it's chilly out there today, and windy!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Anyone up for a ride tomorrow?
I'll be heading to the 'Three Blind Mice Cheese Company' in Paris. I met the owners a while ago at a friends wedding and have been meaning to go there....

I'll be leaving from the Guelph area in the early afternoon, but I have no problem swinging by Kitchener/Waterloo first if anyone wants to come along.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'll be working... but isn't it supposed to be a crappy day tomorrow anyway?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'll be working... but isn't it supposed to be a crappy day tomorrow anyway?

On that Gyroscopic mount for the GoPro we were discussing yesterday, right? ;)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

haha... maybe :)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'll be working... but isn't it supposed to be a crappy day tomorrow anyway?


I thought it supposed to be nice tomorrow so I scheduled a lunch with my grandmother for tuesday.... Maybe I'll call and switch it to tomorrow and then have all day tuesday to play. Yes, that's what I'll do!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Off topic: Anyone interested in a 27" Flat screen CRT with a stand?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

ANyone have any stands they want to get rid of?
Need another pair (front and rear). Rear needs the spool bracket, not the flat swing arm support.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

ANyone have any stands they want to get rid of?
Need another pair (front and rear). Rear needs the spool bracket, not the flat swing arm support.

Have you checked out T-Rex stands? Its pretty cheap for a front and rear compared to other brands. Reviews are pretty good on them too.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Have you checked out T-Rex stands? Its pretty cheap for a front and rear compared to other brands. Reviews are pretty good on them too.

Much cheaper to go to Royal or Princess Auto than going the T-rex way when you consider a hefty shipping charge and taxes to boot.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Finally got those leather pants I ordered a couple weeks ago in the mail today.
Overall, the quality is better than what I expected for $130 including shipping.
The leather is supple, but there is a little more synthetic material than I was expecting (not a lot more, but a bit more nonetheless). The seams are well done. The legs are a little on the long side, but will not be a problem.

On the plus side, there is extra armour (tri sectional) that seems very robust on the the sides of the hips and back of the tail bone. It's much thicker and stronger than what I was expecting.

The only real disappointment I have with the pants are the knee sliders. They look like somebody melted down some lego. They're a cheap polyurethane like material, and are maybe 1-1.5cm thick.
The velcro patches seem to be a little on the low side on the legs as well.
I'd definitely put on real sliders before wearing these pants to the track. Would also take along my other pair of pants just in case the sliders are too low on the leg, and would make any sliding dangerous.

Here's the link...

figure I'll give the full suits a shot. They offer your choice of stitching (single, double, triple), speed humps, stretch panels, perforation etc etc etc. And for $250 shipped, it's a deal IMHO. Oh yeah, full custom measurements and colour choices too.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

So far according to the weather network thursday looks like it will be nice for a group ride ...try for 6pm ?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I might be able to make Thursday. Depeneds on some stuff thats going on .

On a sour note the import of metzler Z8's to canada has been delayed another month. That means looks like i will have to wait till next season to get the new rubber. That means im going to be out for any rainy days. I just done feel confident on these Macaderms
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I should have a sitter so I will be good to go, I wouldn't mind meeting at 6pm either.
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