The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm a Sens fan too...where are all the Leaf Blowers?

Awesome.. I'm a HUGE Sens fan.. have tons of signed memorabilia etc in my basement...
Among the best item would be a team photo signed by everyone but 1 player and just about all training staff etc etc.

Usually try to head to a game once a year if anyone's up for a road trip... usually a get up early, drive down, see an afternoon game and drive home again... as a hockey referee it's tough to get away for a whole weekend at times!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'd be down for that trip. I can't believe all Sens fans in here...LOL
When I worked in radio up in Ottawa I got to see my fair share of games. I got to interveiw Mike Fisher a couple of times as well as and Brian Pothier. Both guys were class acts.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'd be down for that trip. I can't believe all Sens fans in here...LOL
When I worked in radio up in Ottawa I got to see my fair share of games. I got to interveiw Mike Fisher a couple of times as well as and Brian Pothier. Both guys were class acts.

Yeah, Fisher was a favourite of mine... really gritty hard nosed player. Actually, he sent me a bunch of stuff over the years -- he was dating an employee of a friend of mine 6-7 years ago and they got me hooked up. :p
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Are you guys kidding me there are no other Canucks fans here? ( I still cant believe they lost that bad jerks ) I would be interested in the pool. What are we talking about for a buy in, how much?

Hey guys thanks for all the advice and Jeffjones thanks for the offer to help me with the HIDs install. Would have thanked every one sooner but I was forced to go and buy a new lap top. Old on just wouldn't fire up any more. So i am going to reinstall the newer operating system into that one when i have a few extra bucks ( lol like that's going to happen when my bike is calling for some more mods ) and turn the old laptop into my R6 computer.

Thanks again for the help with the Racer5 Dean I am already trying to talk my brother who is obsessed with the cbr 600 rr to come and join me on the track. Will be doing early next year. Already started a racing fund. Thanks to all for the help guys.
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Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Im a huge oilers fan ..have been since the beginning ....
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

What are we talking about for a buy in, how much?

I dont care if its for money or free.
i was thinking at the least $10 as it keeps people kind of interested, $20 is probably better :D, But I have no idea how many people would want a money pool.

If anyone wants to join follow the link and let me know if you want to do it for free or money. You can always back out before the draft if terms change.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Thanks again for the help with the Racer5 Dean I am already trying to talk my brother who is obsessed with the cbr 600 rr to come and join me on the track. Will be doing early next year. Already started a racing fund. Thanks to all for the help guys.

That is too cool you're going to give the track a whirl!! It's a freakin' riot... just make sure you have all the right gear. A 2 piece suit with 360 zipper or a full one piece is mandatory. Gauntlet style gloves may be required, but not sure on that. Snell 2010 for the helmet or the ECE certification is needed as well. Boots, dunno about. You can rent a suit from them for $50 for a day too.

Hopefully you'll luck out and get Angela as your instructor - she was simply fantastic.... and a nice caboose to boot! hehehehe...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Are you guys kidding me there are no other Canucks fans here? ( I still cant believe they lost that bad jerks )

I'm a Canucks fan. Basically, like I said, if there's a game on with a Canadian team and an American team, I cheer for Canada no matter the team! The Leafs I just turn off... ;)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Looks like we're going to get hosed for ride weather tonight...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I need to get some wer ride practice but not until i get the crappy macaderns on the bike. I need to call petes and find out were my Z8's are.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I got my rain gear and I didn't get a sitter and bring my bike to work today for nothing lol.
I'll be there unless its just pouring rain.


See you there!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

That is too cool you're going to give the track a whirl!! It's a freakin' riot... just make sure you have all the right gear. A 2 piece suit with 360 zipper or a full one piece is mandatory. Gauntlet style gloves may be required, but not sure on that. Snell 2010 for the helmet or the ECE certification is needed as well. Boots, dunno about. You can rent a suit from them for $50 for a day too.

Hopefully you'll luck out and get Angela as your instructor - she was simply fantastic.... and a nice caboose
to boot! hehehehe...

I will most likely be renting the gear until I know that I want to do this on a regular basis. I will need new gloves but the boots and helmet i have. But as for this Angela sweet I really like nice babooses.

I will watch hockey no matter who's playing, I just like to watch it. I agree about cheering for a Canadian team. Except I am not a fan of the habs. ( at all ) lol. But will still watch they have a lot of good players.

I will watch the weather and see what the rain does. But if it's good as long as nothing comes up I'll be there tonight.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Well yeah, if it gets nice out I'll ride. haha...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I will most likely be renting the gear until I know that I want to do this on a regular basis.

Yeah... you never know, you might not enjoy dragging knees around the track. ;)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I will most likely be renting the gear until I know that I want to do this on a regular basis. I will need new gloves but the boots and helmet i have. But as for this Angela sweet I really like nice babooses.

At $50 a pop to rent, it adds up pretty quickly. Have you considered a cheaper track suit? I ordered a pair of pants from a company in the US a few weeks ago - it finally shipped and should arrive within a week. I'll take photos and let everyone know what I think of the quality. IF it's good, I'll be ordering a suit from them as well - around $250 after shipping. Custom tailored in Pakistan from what I gather.

If you need gloves - check out that sale posted up in the main forum (! )- I ordered 2 pairs of gloves on Sunday, for $108 after taxes and shipping (would have been $210 plus shipping at normal price). Arrived yesterday.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

That is too cool you're going to give the track a whirl!! It's a freakin' riot... just make sure you have all the right gear. A 2 piece suit with 360 zipper or a full one piece is mandatory. Gauntlet style gloves may be required, but not sure on that. Snell 2010 for the helmet or the ECE certification is needed as well. Boots, dunno about. You can rent a suit from them for $50 for a day too.

Hopefully you'll luck out and get Angela as your instructor - she was simply fantastic.... and a nice caboose to boot! hehehehe...

During the instruction, Angela once said, "There are no stupid questions..." Then Tim tried his luck.... (Points for trying brother! ;) )
I wonder if she still subscribes to this policy. LOL.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

During the instruction, Angela once said, "There are no stupid questions..." Then Tim tried his luck.... (Points for trying brother! ;) )
I wonder if she still subscribes to this policy. LOL.

For anyone not in the know...
Angela: "Anyone have any questions?"
no hands or questions...
Angela: "Remember guys, there are no stupid questions..."
Tim: "OK, so I can have your number then?"
Angela: "OK, no stupid questions, just inappropriate ones!"

This was all kidding around of course....
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

For anyone not in the know...
Angela: "Anyone have any questions?"
no hands or questions...
Angela: "Remember guys, there are no stupid questions..."
Tim: "OK, so I can have your number then?"
Angela: "OK, no stupid questions, just inappropriate ones!"

This was all kidding around of course....

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