Running from police.

The Gambler’s fallacy is the tendency to think that future probabilities are altered by past events, when in reality, they are not. Certain probabilities, such as getting a heads when you flip a (fair) coin, are always the same. The probability of getting a heads is 50%, it does not matter if you’ve gotten tails the last 10 flips. Thinking that the probabilities have changed is a common bias, especially when gambling. For example, I am playing roulette. The last four spins have landed on black, it has to be red this time right? Wrong! The probability of landing on red is still 47.37% (18 red spots divided by 38 total spots). This may sound obvious, but this bias has caused many a gambler to lose money thinking the probabilities have changed.
No, it's actually a terrible explanation. Its good to see you fall into that "most" you speak of.
Its amazing I keep reading post after post about the theory of probability When I dont think anyone actually understands it. Not to complicate this thread but using the theory of deductive reasoning would be more useful here. As each time you risk your self by fleeing the rate or percentage of getting caught/crashing are increased. So by not fleeing you eliminate the % by 100% No event can be judged against the other. Playing the lottery weekly gives you a better chance of winning
Dont hate because you aint got the balls to do what I do. You continue to go to the track and run your one way traffic with smooth roads and obstacle free environment. Waste your money on tire warmers lap timers etc etc and pretend your ROSSI lmfao. No where in motorsports are there so many wanna be's I'm a street rider I prowl that jungle daily. peace

LOL unless you're at Calabogie, most of the tracks on this side of the border that have been around a few years have just as many bumps, if not more than freshly paved roads on the street.. argument fail

Waste my money? You're absolutely right. I'm better off saving my money and starting a collection jar so we can start an education fund for yourself or your child. You're obviously in need of a decent one since your balls are bigger than your brain.
The Gambler’s fallacy is the tendency to think that future probabilities are altered by past events, when in reality, they are not. Certain probabilities, such as getting a heads when you flip a (fair) coin, are always the same. The probability of getting a heads is 50%, it does not matter if you’ve gotten tails the last 10 flips. Thinking that the probabilities have changed is a common bias, especially when gambling. For example, I am playing roulette. The last four spins have landed on black, it has to be red this time right? Wrong! The probability of landing on red is still 47.37% (18 red spots divided by 38 total spots). This may sound obvious, but this bias has caused many a gambler to lose money thinking the probabilities have changed.

Chances of getting a red 500 times in a row please?

Chances of getting away 500 times in a row?
Stats can't take into account if a cop feels like pulling someone over.

Trying to put a number on this type of thing is lunacy.
No, it's actually a terrible explanation. Its good to see you fall into that "most" you speak of.

If the odds of a successful run are say, X%, that value doesn't change based on any previous or subsequent run. The events themselves are mutually exclusive. However, the more events there are the more likely that sheer numbers will overcome the odds and you will have a run that is unsuccessful. The odds on that particular run didn't change, it's still a X% chance of success but for N number of events.. the odds of all being successful are:

P = X^N

X being a decimal between 0 and 1.
N being the number of events

This is why there's house limits at casinos, otherwise a simple double-up scheme would always end up winning.

Well done Sir. Glad someone can actually remember Stats class.
According to this reasoning, if you plan to play the lottery more often in the future your chances of winning actually decrease?! NO, the chances of winning always remain the same! Doesn't matter how many rounds you play.

You're right that each time you play, the odds of winning that single game are the same. However, a single even and a series of events are not the same.

If you win a lottery once you'll likely stop playing (it's like getting caught by the police while fleeing). So, it's not that the odds of winning decrease, the way to look at it is that your odds of losing all the time decrease. In other words, the more times you play, the more likely you are to eventually win.
Once the officer has called it in the rider is pretty much done-fore. Not only is the rider trying to outrun a radio they also have to deal with the ego of the officer. I do not mean this in a bad way... If they do not catch you they will get a tonne of ribbing from the boys back at the office, this may be strong motivation.

Also running may mean one of a few things:

-Maybe you are some sort of criminal running from another crime you just committed but has not been called in yet.
-Maybe the bike is stolen.
-Maybe you have outstanding warrants.

Basically if someone is running from a minor ticket there must be a reason...

In the old days running was extremely stupid because the court conviction rates are so low. Easy to beat a ticket why risk running.

I do agree that the new stunt driving laws are downright scary. Too many cases where a lane change or some other common benign maneuver has resulted in the charge. We also had the OPP guy that was suspected of charging people for over 50 that were not going over 50 because he did not like them (there was also some speculation there was a tow truck kickback as well)--not sure if this has been proven in court yet. I can see how the new laws may encourage more people to run because you do not get to go to court before being "convicted". Still stupid but it is easy to understand the possible increase in motivation.
Waste my money? You're absolutely right. I'm better off saving my money and starting a collection jar so we can start an education fund for yourself or your child. You're obviously in need of a decent one since your balls are bigger than your brain.[/QUOTE]
LOL unless you're at Calabogie, most of the tracks on this side of the border that have been around a few years have just as many bumps, if not more than freshly paved roads on the street.. argument fail So the tracks here have just as many bumps as a fresly paved road WTF are you talkin about willis.

And saving for my education lol I pull six figures a year and have for more then 25 years being self employed. Graduated from U of T.
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Once the officer has called it in the rider is pretty much done-fore. Not only is the rider trying to outrun a radio they also have to deal with the ego of the officer. I do not mean this in a bad way... If they do not catch you they will get a tonne of ribbing from the boys back at the office, this may be strong motivation.

Also running may mean one of a few things:

-Maybe you are some sort of criminal running from another crime you just committed but has not been called in yet.
-Maybe the bike is stolen.
-Maybe you have outstanding warrants.

Basically if someone is running from a minor ticket there must be a reason...

In the old days running was extremely stupid because the court conviction rates are so low. Easy to beat a ticket why risk running.

I do agree that the new stunt driving laws are downright scary. Too many cases where a lane change or some other common benign maneuver has resulted in the charge. We also had the OPP guy that was suspected of charging people for over 50 that were not going over 50 because he did not like them (there was also some speculation there was a tow truck kickback as well)--not sure if this has been proven in court yet. I can see how the new laws may encourage more people to run because you do not get to go to court before being "convicted". Still stupid but it is easy to understand the possible increase in motivation.
I only run if its a 172 charge or 50kph over
I pull six figures a year and have for more then 25 years being self employed. Graduated from U of T before you were pissing your bed.

I only run if its a 172 charge or 50kph over

50 over I guess you will know or if it was blatant stunting (wheelie etc.).

The catch I am getting at is the little tire squawk (that maybe someone else did) or lane change they do not like that results in the 172 charge. You don't know until they charge you and convict you on the spot. My concern is that this law creates a run mentality for every minor offense. That is not good.
50 over I guess you will know or if it was blatant stunting (wheelie etc.).

The catch I am getting at is the little tire squawk (that maybe someone else did) or lane change they do not like that results in the 172 charge. You don't know until they charge you and convict you on the spot. My concern is that this law creates a run mentality for every minor offence. That is not good.
Your right ten years ago I would pull over and lick my wounds. But now its a catastrophic life altering event
Why are you and caboose combining all the events together? When someone runs they're not thinking of "I'm going to get away from the cops all the time" they're more likely thinking "my chances of getting away THIS TIME is X so I'm gonna run" not "oh crap my last run was succeful so this time or next time I have a higher chance of getting caught"
basic math its all they understand
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