Your home is not your castle

You stated that the neighbourhood kid is most likely to rob u. You know, having a perimeter will prevent that neighbourhood kid from snooping into your property :)
Judging how this law was instilled I guess there are lots of people who are willing to give up their freedom to earn a bit of security.

Was it Ben Franklin who said "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety?"
Not unless you've got it tied to a couple of point defence guns.

I said nothing about guns sir.
I just think it is fair to build a perimeter over your own property. Don't most houses in Caledonia have a perimeter?
I said nothing about guns sir.
I just think it is fair to build a perimeter over your own property. Don't most houses in Caledonia have a perimeter?

There's quite a difference, both in definition and implication, between the words 'perimeter' and 'fence.'
If I put up a fence that's a perimeter. That means that is my Property and you are to stay out unless I invite you in... If you aren't welcomed in, be ready to be confronted.
No reason why I shouldn't be able to monitor my own property via any means I want as long as it doesn't cause any physical harm.
If I put up a fence that's a perimeter. That means that is my Property and you are to stay out unless I invite you in... If you aren't welcomed in, be ready to be confronted.
No reason why I shouldn't be able to monitor my own property via any means I want as long as it doesn't cause any physical harm.

There appears to be absolutely no problem with the government putting CCTV cameras up on their own property and on public property to monitor people. I can't really see how it's an issue for a citizen for doing the same thing. I understand their intent and while it may be well-intentioned, I think the police should be required to get a judge's permission to enter your home without being invited in. Today it's bikers..what's next?
If I put up a fence that's a perimeter. That means that is my Property and you are to stay out unless I invite you in... If you aren't welcomed in, be ready to be confronted.
No reason why I shouldn't be able to monitor my own property via any means I want as long as it doesn't cause any physical harm.

I know eh?
Why am I paying so much property tax if I can't even protect it from intruders? Whats next? They can anally probe me without my permission? :rolleyes:
I have nothing to hide. But may I come to your house and search it?

Don't forget to give him a free anal probing while you're at it :D
Don't forget to give him a free anal probing while you're at it :D

I'll leave that to experts.
I think Gaymanloveisok would be delighted if I ask him to do it for me
I'll leave that to experts.
I think Gaymanloveisok would be delighted if I ask him to do it for me

No future in airport security or with the CRA for you :(
Was it Ben Franklin who said "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety?"

It seems there are many different iterations of that same quote, but yes that was Benny.
Whats next? They can anally probe me without my permission? :rolleyes:
Well, if you have nothing to hide...
I have nothing to hide. But may I come to your house and search it?

Sorry, my sarcasm doesn't translate well to the typed word.
I was making a joke about people hiding stuff up their poop-chutes.
And also trying to suggest that people who agree with this sort of law would also enjoy a good anal probing, for the sake of public safety.
(And no, you can't search my house because of all my second floor barred windows, perimiter alarms, gun towers, surveilance cameras and bullet-proof walls.).
Maybe I'm just too juvenile.
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It seems there are many different iterations of that same quote, but yes that was Benny.

He's one of the fathers of American independence (I think). Heard he was a stone mason.
If u read a few of his quotes, he makes alot of sense. I think I would've vote for him if he were running for my country

Sorry, my sarcasm doesn't translate well to the typed word.
I was making a joke about people hiding stuff up their poop-chutes.
And also trying to suggest that people who agree with this sort of law would also enjoy a good anal probing, for the sake of public safety.
(And no, you can't search my house because of all my second floor barred windows, perimiter alarms, gun towers, surveilance cameras and bullet-proof walls.).
Maybe I'm just too juvenile.

Sorry, weren't too sure of your irony
What a bunch of bull.
From a logical standpoint it makes sense.

Say you are boarded up in your house like Fort Knox. You suffer a minor stroke and all the energy you can muster up is to call 9-1-1. They show up and can't get in your house. Things worsen for you, such as going further into your stroke, or worse, you find out that meat you planned on having for dinner has freezer burn.

Medics still can't get in your house. You either die, or suffer serious head injury, or brain damage, or **** your pants, and you can't move. Finally after 6 hours they get into your house. They had to rent a bulldozer to knock down a wall of your house so they could get in.

So not only are you dead/in a coma/ severely injured/ covered in ****, your house is destroyed and the medics/contruction company/fire dept/police are all ****** off that your stupid house was locked up like a bank.

Makes sense to me.

Plus, who wouldn't want to be robbed these days? You know how much insurance companies pay out?
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