You Know You're a Rider When...


Well-known member
Thought this might be fun
  • you have enough leather in your closet for an S&M convention
  • your hair is cut to accommodate your helmet, not fashion
  • you know what WFO is
  • you find yourself leaning into turns when you're in your car
  • you only have two seasons, riding and not riding
Add your own:p
- You take a backpack shopping so you can use your bike to get groceries.
- You check the forecast everyday and hate the days that it says 40% P.O.P.
- You drool over pieces of billet aluminum that cost way too much
- You giggle to yourself when you hear 12,000+ RPM off in the distance
- You recognize the models of bikes even when they blow past you.
- You suffer from PMS in the Winter. (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome)
- You recognize the models of bikes even when they blow past you.


- Your feel vibrations in your throttle hand the day after a long ride.
- You can tell what kind of bugs you hit by the way they taste.
- You ask for motorcycle gear/parts for christmas/birthdays.
- Your bathroom reading material is this month's issue of all the major bike mags.
- You only get a sun tan on the back of your neck and hands (doesn't apply to atgatt'ers).
- You joke that you want to ride down the aisle at your wedding, and then you start to wonder if your fiance will let you.
- You spend more time maintaing the bike than your car/truck.
- You come home and smell like exhaust, bugs, sweat. You call it "Hugo Motorcycle".
- You take a backpack shopping so you can use your bike to get groceries.
- You check the forecast everyday and hate the days that it says 40% P.O.P.
- You drool over pieces of billet aluminum that cost way too much
- You giggle to yourself when you hear 12,000+ RPM off in the distance
- You recognize the models of bikes even when they blow past you.

i just hang the shopping bags off my wrists, although at speeds over 60km/h it feels like the bags are going to tear themselves apart.
**The following likely only applies to the girls in the forum**

*you shop for shoes/boots you don't mind ruining the toe of, JUST to ride in
*you look for a purse that you can throw over your shoulder like a slingbag, but still use as a "purse"
*you ALWAYS have a hair tie around your wrist for the entirety of summer
Your bike is a regular at Home Depot and you don't work there.
your contact list on your phone has bikes attached to the names.
example; Mike GSXR, John R6.... etc
- you start checking for rise in temperature near the end of March
- you buy clothes that are suitable for riding and stylish at the same time
- you see yourself riding in your dreams....!
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your contact list on your phone has bikes attached to the names.
example; Mike GSXR, John R6.... etc

You have so many riding contacts in your phone, you made a group specifically for them all.
You know you are a rider when you couldn't care less about rain in the weather forecast and are riding regardless.

You know you are a rider when you park your car in March and put a battery maintainer on it.

You know you are a rider when you don't have a closet full of leather (bikers have closets full of leather) but do have one good riding outfit that you can wear in any weather condition.

You know you are a rider when you go everywhere on your motorcycle.

You know you are a rider when it isn't about the bike, but is about the riding you can do on your bike.

You know you are a rider when you go to a party in February and you are the only one there on a bike.

You know you are a rider when you realize your tires aren't that good in the snow.

...when you bang your hand on your driver side window trying to wave at a fellow motorcyclist.

I've come close on several occasions, tempted to wave out the window when it's open. :-)
When you're on forums like this more than anything else on the internet!
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