You Know You're a Rider When...

When you run into house, after putting bike away from a great ride, and log onto GTAM to announce road construction areas to the world.
When your friends start saying riding isn't everything...then by the end of the season they have there M1's and booking their M1 exit course!!! lol
-You know of, and take alot of back roads to your destination.
-People at work/home ask you what the weather forecast is.
-When someone tries to bum a ride you relax and tell them you rode today.
-When driving in someones car you comment: "Why'd you slow down for that turn? You're in a car!"
This! - You joke that you want to ride down the aisle at your wedding, and then you start to wonder if your fiance will let you.
Hey! I took the bride down the aisle , side saddle on the "b!tch" seat . dress of the day was Road King, black and chrome!
When non-motorcyclists ask you stupid questions like, "Do they make snow tires for bikes? How do you ride in the winter?"
You know your a rider when..the first thing you ask when you regain consciousness is "How's my bike?
Your coffee table collapses from the weight of motorcycle magazines on it.
every corner is a chance to see how far you can lean
you leave Santa Claus a letter and its all part numbers
When you rebuild your bike in your dining room, over the winter
Every left shoe you own has a black spot on it from the shift lever
you check the weather forecast before you check the traffic news.
your bike is mint, your car is knackered
You know what it's like to get a fat lip and black eye in a hail storm
You think a tachometer is far more important than a speedometer.
You define quality time as a long ride alone on your bike.
You refer to biker magazines as "literature".
You think "helmet hair" is a fashion statement.

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When non-motorcyclists ask you stupid questions like, "Do they make snow tires for bikes? How do you ride in the winter?"
But I am a motorcyclist and asked this question on Google and found out that there are snow tires for bikes.
your left shoe always seems to be a lot more worn/dirty than your right
-When you break up with your girlfriend cause she bitches about how much you ride!
When you figure your bike cost you about $500,000. $8,000 to buy and $492,000 in alimony and other separation costs as you had to make a decison between the bike and the wife.

And you think it's the best money you ever spent!

I'm sure there are but let's just assume that virtually no motorcyclist here changes to snow tires and rides through the winter like a car.

I used to see a guy on a Honda Dual Sport (a 240cc I think) riding his bike all winter from Mount Albert to Newmarket. He rode in even the most extreme snow Storms and every kind of weather. (If Barrie gets two feet of snow, we often get one foot, and Toronto gets a half inch and drivers panic and crash all over the place.) He wore snowmobile gear to keep warm but the standard nobbies seemed to work fine for him in deep snow. I talked to him a few times at the local gas station and it was neccessity on his part It was the only wheels he had.

-When you break up with your girlfriend cause she bitches about how much you ride!

LOL...on the flipside...
-when you break up with your boyfriend cause he bitches about how much you ride

-When "Tits to the tank" mean something to you
-When you get sore just thinking about getting on the bike after a long night of...*cough cough*...(not gonna send this to trash)...but do it anyways
LOL...on the flipside...
-when you break up with your boyfriend cause he bitches about how much you ride

-When "Tits to the tank" mean something to you
-When you get sore just thinking about getting on the bike after a long night of...*cough cough*...(not gonna send this to trash)...but do it anyways

You sound like my kind of rider! :)

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