You Know You're a Rider When...

You know you are a rider when you couldn't care less about rain in the weather forecast and are riding regardless.You know you are a rider when you park your car in March and put a battery maintainer on it.You know you are a rider when you don't have a closet full of leather (bikers have closets full of leather) but do have one good riding outfit that you can wear in any weather condition.You know you are a rider when you go everywhere on your motorcycle.You know you are a rider when it isn't about the bike, but is about the riding you can do on your bike.You know you are a rider when you go to a party in February and you are the only one there on a bike.You know you are a rider when you realize your tires aren't that good in the snow...Tom
You know you are a GTAM member when you take a light-hearted thread and turn it into a ponderous lecture of correction and one-upmanship, lol.
You know you are a GTAM member when you take a light-hearted thread and turn it into a ponderous lecture of correction and one-upmanship, lol.

I was going to make a similar post but then decided against.

Thank you for wording it more politely than I would have.
You know you are a GTAM member when you take a light-hearted thread and turn it into a ponderous lecture of correction and one-upmanship, lol.

Sorry, I thought it was funny! I guess my German humour doesn't work well here.

when you give bikes the wave even while you walking...and then feel dumb
You know you are a rider when you couldn't care less about rain in the weather forecast and are riding regardless.

You know you are a rider when you park your car in March and put a battery maintainer on it.

You know you are a rider when you don't have a closet full of leather (bikers have closets full of leather) but do have one good riding outfit that you can wear in any weather condition.

You know you are a rider when you go everywhere on your motorcycle.

You know you are a rider when it isn't about the bike, but is about the riding you can do on your bike.

You know you are a rider when you go to a party in February and you are the only one there on a bike.

You know you are a rider when you realize your tires aren't that good in the snow.


Sounds about right to me :)
Sorry, I thought it was funny! I guess my German humour doesn't work well here.


Well, I thought it was funny, but I can see how some might perceive it as one-upsmanship. I used to do most of your list before I needed two baby seats and space for dogs. :p

Now, for the list, how about this:

- unlike all the other drivers around you, you don't mind being passed by a motorcycle when driving your car.
- You don't care that you will have bad hair from helmet head all summer
- You spend more time shopping at Royal Dist, and GP bikes, than at the mall.
- You wave at riders when on your bicycle
-You plan your summer vacations by where you can go on your bike.
- You take more pictures of your bike in various places than your significant other.
- You run to the window when you hear a group of bike riding by.
- You don't mind when the local crackhead sleeps next to your bike because you know he is harmless, and he will keep others away from it.
your screen saver is your bike instead of your family/gf/wife/dog/cat bike is my desktop on every pc I own/use, and in a meeting once, while we were remoting into my pc, they accidentally closed the app we were in, and there she lovely bike...needless to say the meeting veered right over to a 2wheel convo. =P
-when your friends start sending you mms texts with photos of bikes
-when you find yourself in a tim's parking lot on a Thursday night posing instead of clubbing
- you have one more reason to keep your head shaved from March Till November.
- the broken AC in your car really doesnt bother you that much
- you wonder, just how much crap CAN i fit in the underseat compartment.
- you blow a tire on the car and bike in the same week.. The car ends up using a winter wheel for a month during the summer, whereas the bike gets a new tires the next morning.
- you feel as though you are standing still the couple times per month you have to drive your car during bike season..
Somewhere around the mid 70's i think,a guy by the name of Rick Seiman (aka Super Hunky) did little editorials that where right in with the theme of this thread for the magazine "Dirt Bike".The best one was titled,"Did ya Ever?".Anyone else remember that ****?
- Your friends are named after reptiles
- You spend the winters pondering new tattoo's
- By sound alone you can balance carbs
- People have to point out the bikini girls, cause you only see the bike
- Zip ties and bungee cords are your best friends
- You've never finished a coffee at Timmies
- You like your "biker" family better than the one you were born into
- All your footwear has a black line and dent on the left toe
- You use your helmet as a shopping basket
- V-Tom can back up his claims!
- A sore butt is a badge of honor
- When people say "your nuts" you smile like a moron

Cheers 8)
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