you CHEATING son-of-a-*****!!!!

That's a pretty piss-poor situation. You should break it off with the GF of 3 years. God only knows what sort of expectations she's had out of the relationship. 3 years is a lot of wasted time and a lot of missed opportunity while you're out skulking around sowing your wild oats. Very selfish & dishonest.

Always be honest and upfront in a relationship and keep the playing field even - that's integrity. I remember talking to a couple at a wedding about their open relationship - I could see in her eyes that she was crushed by his enthusiasm about the arrangement. In any case, she was only lying to herself. I had no issue with him.

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"Say these were previous encounters you made on business trips, that don't have you on facebook, but keep in contact with you over you cell phone every now and then; whenever you send/receive texts' from them, you delete them immediately to erase the trails."

There are no pictures.

Ms. 604, is a 31 year old flight attendant service-director for Air Canada in Vancouver.

Ms. 403, is a 24 yr. old sales associate for Holt Renfew in Calgary.

You sound like a friend of mine, shes got bootycalls in other countries and provinces. Makes traveling cheaper. But shes got the balls to stay single.

On another note, every body cheats.

Going to have to disagree. Not everyone cheats.

I for one have never ever cheated. I ended a relationship when I found my eyes wondering before but I was single before I slept with someone else. And thats both genders in account. Being with a man and sleeping with a woman is still cheating in my books unless hes ok with it.

Ha... I was dating 2 girls last year, just in that get to know you stage, dates here and there and all that, one of them I was closer with and it was a more "physical" relationship, I assumed they would never run in to each other... They now work together and are beginning to text and hang out lol.

I did the whole dating around thing and was open to everyone. Guys do it and its ok, girls do it and you get drama. They guys hated it and when they found out a girl was in the mix too I got even more ****. Was way too much drama for this chic.

Anyone else think this was more a thinly-veiled stealth bragging thread, disguised as looking for advice?

Nah all I see is someone who doesn't have the guts to end a dead end relationship and is too scared to let go of his backup plan and fly solo. Sorry dude to be mean but I know its hard. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard.
BTW Red I would say your scenerio is not really cheating. You guys are seperated. Its a grey zone.
aaaaahahahahaha!!!! I've heard this before... From a guy that kept on coming back with the clap!

Wow, I guess the perks of your job.
Guys flashing their STDs pkg in your face

OP should post his own pic and let us be the judge of weather he's hot enough to score 3 so called hotties at once.
BTW, Anyone who needs internet dating advice has no game to begin with anyway.

I say go for it...then they tell us how it blew up in your face afterwards.

I say wear a GoPro and post it here. How are we supposed to know he's not f'ing us over?

You have to follow posts like this with (no homo)
That made me LOL hard.
Waiting for the rebuttal
If you have to ask these questions......this game is definately not for you.
This is no joke. Everyone I know who were in relationships or divorced are in terrible shape. All the folks who remained single are in good shape.

Is the OP going to post pics?

+1 Being Single FTW
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If you have to ask these questions......this game is definately not for you.

Ditto ^^^

But it is wonderfully entertaining for the rest of us. The forum has been kind of boring lately otherwise. We need more juicy stories like this. Otherwise I will be forced to do more productive things ;)
Still no pics?? I r the disappointed.

Couldn't get the video to start play at 1:36 mark...

Sir, I cannot see your video at work
a clip from the movie Old School...
Ok Boys. Grant me access to Trash Talk, and I'll upload their pics + naked pics.

I am banned from Paypal, and my CC is currently maxed.

Their names will not be revealed, and the pictures posted on GTAM shall be governed by the laws within the Province of Ontario, and the parties shall take all proceedings in the court of jurisdiction within the judicial district of Toronto.
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Send it to me I'll post it for ya.

If not, GTFO
Ok Boys. Grant me access to Trash Talk, and I'll upload their pics + naked pics.

I am banned from Paypal, and my CC is currently maxed.
PM the pics..I'll photoshop the boobies out so we can keep it family.
You will have to give me some time, I am currently at work. I will do it around 5 pm.

You seem to have lots of time for posting nonsense at work and now that it's time to get down to business, we have to wait?

You will have to give me some time, I am currently at work. I will do it around 5 pm.

While you're at it, send her phone # too. I gotta confirm its her
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