For a Ginger, your pretty hawt.
Sex does not equal love....
My advice is to stay single...once you get a boyfriend that we know about, your stock around here drops like a stone.
My advice is to stay single...once you get a boyfriend that we know about, your stock around here drops like a stone.
Nah all I see is someone who doesn't have the guts to end a dead end relationship and is too scared to let go of his backup plan and fly solo. Sorry dude to be mean but I know its hard. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard.
Ok Boys. Grant me access to Trash Talk, and I'll upload their pics + naked pics.
I am banned from Paypal, and my CC is currently maxed.
Their names will not be revealed, and the pictures posted on GTAM shall be governed by the laws within the Province of Ontario, and the parties shall take all proceedings in the court of jurisdiction within the judicial district of Toronto.
Right after I bring short stop back to our side.
This is true, but the second you become single they'll come pouring back.My advice is to stay single...once you get a boyfriend that we know about, your stock around here drops like a stone.
This pic ^^^^^
Reminds me of this........
Sorry dude, don't feel ripped off. I am curvy girl but not that curvy. 39", 29", 39" and I work out 3 or 4 times a week. That pic was taken late at night, when I couldn't sleep, I ran it through a filter because I had just woke up from sleeping on my face. And the only body pics I have are not g-rated...not that I would post any more pics anyway.
Please post those pics instead .. cuz the one above aint cutting it.