if 604 and 403 ever meet, there's going to be a 187 in the 416.
Ha... I was dating 2 girls last year, just in that get to know you stage, dates here and there and all that, one of them I was closer with and it was a more "physical" relationship, I assumed they would never run in to each other... They now work together and are beginning to text and hang out lol.
We can call them #1 and #2.
Both of them knew I was going on dates with another girl, until #1 and I got a bit more serious and I stopped seeing #2 because she was a bit of a b----.
#1 knows who #2 is, but #2 doesn't know that #1 is now her new girl pal. #1 and I are still really close, and we think it would make the friendship both of us have with #2 awkward so we just don't say anything to her, even though she has asked both of us if we know each other, we always deny.
Sort of funny, and what makes it great is since I was HONEST and up front my life is awesome, guilt and drama free.