you CHEATING son-of-a-*****!!!!

You have basically already cheated. Your current "relationship" is already ****ed. You will never be satisfied with her if you aren't now.
On another note, every body cheats. It is way more common than a lot of people think. Your girl clearly isn't the one you should stay with long term and it doesn't sound like you have anything more than a physical attraction to the new one.

Right on there girlfrannnng.

Going to have to disagree. Not everyone cheats.

I've cheated death. :)
On another note, every body cheats. It is way more common than a lot of people think. Your girl clearly isn't the one you should stay with long term and it doesn't sound like you have anything more than a physical attraction to the new one.
So, you're saying you've cheated before?

I agree with everything else you've posted.
its not cheating if its in a different area code.


you never sell your car until you've bought another one.............. and you'd never buy a car until you took it for a test ride.

also, if shes only a gf, its not cheating. a Gf is like a car rental. and you'd never want to buy a car that was used as a rental, would you ?
It wasn't me....
Thanks for giving the ladies of GTAM a heads up that you're everything they're not looking for.
You have basically already cheated. Your current "relationship" is already ****ed. You will never be satisfied with her if you aren't now.
On another note, every body cheats. It is way more common than a lot of people think. Your girl clearly isn't the one you should stay with long term and it doesn't sound like you have anything more than a physical attraction to the new one.

Weren't you the one complaining about a failed relationship? and now you're giving out advice?
Shouldn't you be working on your presentation? wtf is this crap and what does this have to do with the most important thing you have to deal with right now?
And there is nothing you can do in the meantime except think about cheating on your gf. Gotcha.

Get your act together, 23 isn't old but it ain't that young.
Yeah, I am Matthew. Cause that's what us "attention whores" do. You gotta problem with that??? How about saying something constructive once and a while instead of sitting behind your computer criticizing everything everyone who actually contributes something says? I am on to you man!
Is is the cheating part that is the thrill or having multiple partners?

You've got no respect for either lady.

You can have multiple partners very easy. My best friend had 5 on the go at one time and each one knew up front. A couple tried to make it exclusive and he told them each time, not happenning. Their choice to stay or go.

So if you want to play, go for it. Just do it with some kind of dignity.
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