Wynne down to 11% rating/popularity. Lowest ever. Can she get into single digits?

Funding source is my back pocket. I give her thousands a yr and she hands it out to complete strangers.
If wake up every morning and make your way to your place of middle class gainful employment you are the "funding source".

Sweet! Another reason to wake up tmrw with something to look forward to:lmao:
Where is that duck? Is it here yet?
Certain immigrants are out kidding regular Canadian folk by a wide margin. They'll be 50% of the population soon. And later more. Let them pay for for these shenanigans. Do you think a childless butch dyke gives a ratsazz today except to get voted back in by these very same immigrants? State of affairs suggests it foolish to have b/n kids these days. Born into debt and slavery. Trouble's a brewing. We had it good. The culture, morals and ethics now ruined. Hitler would not have let this happen if you get my drift.
Liberals have been in power almost 15 years now in ON. They ran a deficit every year and doubled the debt to $300 billion (what many consider the largest sub sovereign debt in the world). This year they tout a balanced budget for the first time but only because they raided the public purse even more than historically with their tax increases and deficit spending, and sold off a large portion of the ON hydro crown corporation. All to balance the budget for just one single year. Sad. But ON voted for them over and over so they get the government they deserve.
**** it, let it burn. I got guns, opioids and cryptocurrency, everything I need for the new economy.
Less than a year to go and Patrick Brown and his blue party are as quiet as it can get .... at least to my ears. This is worrisome. Everyone with their senses knows that Libs need to be replaced with something better (not the same or worse just for the sake of Libs paying price for naivete) ... but with a less than 10 months to go I am having seriously hard time to imagine who is that supposed to be???
Know a few friends who are closing their QSR restaurants Jan 1st.

They didn't make much from them but kept it because they could still operate in profit. Between 3 of them is about 62 jobs gone.

They all supported $15 but as a manageable pace. Even $1/year would have been ok.
Know a few friends who are closing their QSR restaurants Jan 1st.

They didn't make much from them but kept it because they could still operate in profit. Between 3 of them is about 62 jobs gone.

They all supported $15 but as a manageable pace. Even $1/year would have been ok.

As they are going anyway and have little profit to lose, they could run an interesting test. Increase prices to those required to maintain profit at new wages and see what happens. Either people pay the increase and they can decide to stay open, or sales collapse and it's a good media piece on the destruction Wynnebag is causing.
As they are going anyway and have little profit to lose, they could run an interesting test. Increase prices to those required to maintain profit at new wages and see what happens. Either people pay the increase and they can decide to stay open, or sales collapse and it's a good media piece on the destruction Wynnebag is causing.

A lot of places will increase prices but not 20-30% as the labour increase is. They can't... It'll be too much of an increase.

My place already cut hrs worked by 10%. More to come... They don't want to do it but have no choice.
A lot of places will increase prices but not 20-30% as the labour increase is. They can't... It'll be too much of an increase.

My place already cut hrs worked by 10%. More to come... They don't want to do it but have no choice.

Yeah, high minimum wage makes us like Australia. The $1 coffee in the morning is just not worth it for a business to sell. Everything starts at at least $5 (even coffee) and moves up from there.
Slightly off topic but some minimum wage earners in the food and beverage industries might get a little ticked off when they discover people aren't tipping anymore/less regularly and their take home pay may actually be going down as a result. There may still be some that tip but one of the main reasons for doing so....supplementing a lower wage....won't be there anymore. I know of some students that paid their way through school working as barstaff in a busy nightclub and earning insane money in tips.
Tipping, we talked about this the other night with some young friends that worked this summer in higher end restaurants. Thought was better dining, where the staff are career waiters and already make ok money, tipping will stay the same. In lower scale "montana/ swiss chalet" type places where the tipping is a factor of salary may start to suffer. The price concious dinner, when dinner just went up, may stiff the server on tip. And its sure not there fault, unless they voted liberal.
The biggest loser in all of this is the middle class. People who went through college and university for 2-5 years. Working in a job where the company would rather outsource to another province or country rather than give a raise. These people won't see any real increase in their wage. If anything, I expect a lot of them to lose their jobs. They will demand higher wages because of an increase in cost of living. For an employer it's cheaper to move the job to sask or quebec where it's lower in wages.

Good example is the banks. They wanted to cut labour? They got rid of their cheque scanning department. They installed scanners where the tellers are. Saved millions. When a branch under performs with tellers not selling enough? They remove all the tellers and put in machines (CIBC did this in a few branches).

Look at Mcdonads. They don't want to raise food prices for consumer so they cut labour. Fewer cashiers and more self-serve kiosk.

Ever go to Switzerland? Compare the cost of a meal there vs here. They even charge for ketchup packets....

Instead of just increasing min wage by so much so fast. I would rather see education and accommodation for education become free. Let lower skilled workers go to school and upgrade themselves to find a great job that pays well. There will always be those that don't want to learn or improve. They want to work at McDonalds for the rest of their lives... Why pay them a middle class wage?
The biggest loser in all of this is the middle class. People who went through college and university for 2-5 years. Working in a job where the company would rather outsource to another province or country rather than give a raise. These people won't see any real increase in their wage. If anything, I expect a lot of them to lose their jobs. They will demand higher wages because of an increase in cost of living. For an employer it's cheaper to move the job to sask or quebec where it's lower in wages.

Good example is the banks. They wanted to cut labour? They got rid of their cheque scanning department. They installed scanners where the tellers are. Saved millions. When a branch under performs with tellers not selling enough? They remove all the tellers and put in machines (CIBC did this in a few branches).

Look at Mcdonads. They don't want to raise food prices for consumer so they cut labour. Fewer cashiers and more self-serve kiosk.

Ever go to Switzerland? Compare the cost of a meal there vs here. They even charge for ketchup packets....

Instead of just increasing min wage by so much so fast. I would rather see education and accommodation for education become free. Let lower skilled workers go to school and upgrade themselves to find a great job that pays well. There will always be those that don't want to learn or improve. They want to work at McDonalds for the rest of their lives... Why pay them a middle class wage?
Middle class will always pay the taxes because they are the law abiding working class. The ones on welfare & hooked on drugs we can keep them there, they will keep voting liberal
Middle class will always pay the taxes because they are the law abiding working class. The ones on welfare & hooked on drugs we can keep them there, they will keep voting liberal

Never again. I was a liberal growing up, but now I will never vote for them ever.
Never again. I was a liberal growing up, but now I will never vote for them ever.
My experience... Teens & 20 year olds are generally left leaning. Business owners & older folks who has been in the work force long enough are conservatives. This doesn't apply to union workers & government employees!
So the above means I should vote the the blue right. What positive changes will they bring, you think? (don't count the obvious one meaning they will avoid the scandals the Libs managed to attract so well, because the conservatives will have their own baggage, every political party does. sooner or later ...).
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