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So this 25% savings we are to get in Hydro rates is costing $1.4B per year in extended financing of infrastructure, etc.
So this 25% savings we are to get in Hydro rates is costing $1.4B per year in extended financing of infrastructure, etc.
Why aren't there any honest politicians?
A: Because we want to be lied to. We can't face the truth and the truth is getting uglier every day.
Could Wynne get re-elected? Yup, she's cut hydro rates.
Wynn's press conference, " we took several decades of hydro mismanagement and tried to correct it in a single generation, we were wrong"
She has a good team telling her all the right things to say and do. And a conservative collection that couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
The conservatives are at least moving to kick out the kid that won in Niagara, another home schooled wackadoodle is not what they need in the spotlight.
Today’s sheep are spared, so that tomorrow’s may be more lavishly fleeced.
How are they trying to remove him? He just got voted in so that would seem like a civil war.
Quirk said his efforts were hampered, in part, by a late change to the riding nomination voting day, giving him less time to get his campaign moving.
This time, he said, voting day is fixed on March 7.
“This gives me time to run a proper campaign,” he said.
Translation: Now I have the time required to spend my way in. proper politics. lol
There was a poll indicating a rise in popularity. Ouch. Did she go up or did the others sink lower?
BTW a buddy who lives in the Stouffville Whitchurch area indicated that some of the lands that McGuinty protected from development are now being sold off and developed. I couldn't get any specifics but I was wondering if a generous donation to a political charity could get restrictions lifted?