Wynne down to 11% rating/popularity. Lowest ever. Can she get into single digits?

So this 25% savings we are to get in Hydro rates is costing $1.4B per year in extended financing of infrastructure, etc.

Yep. There was no effort to reduce expenditures as part of this "fix", it was basically just the equivalent of calling up the bank and rearranging your mortgage amortization period from 10 years to 30, and then running out on your front lawn and yelling "Look at all the money I'm saving!".
It must be fun being at the negotiation table against Wynne....

KW: I need to reduce hydro rates
Hyd: OK, we'll extend the loan, drop your payments, but you'll pay more overall
KW: But current rates will go down?
Hyd: Yes
KW: Sold!

Wait....this sounds just like people buying stuff they can't afford....hmmm....96 month car finance anyone???
Why aren't there any honest politicians?

A: Because we want to be lied to. We can't face the truth and the truth is getting uglier every day.

Could Wynne get re-elected? Yup, she's cut hydro rates.
If you ever done a full nut and bolt rebuild of a car, bike or house the first thing you do is make it worse.

You take a tired crappy looking but usable car or bike and disassemble it making it useless and looking like a pile of scrap.

Then over a period of time you restore it to what it should be.

We need to rebuild our political systems but it would take more than four years to fix or even see some light at the end of the tunnel so people would see it as you making things worse. "Before you started messing with it the car at least ran and I'm tired of walking."

Before you got to the reassembly part of the project you would get the boot and your replacement would finish things and take the glory. (After substituting offshore parts for genuine and patching with duct tape)

Add to the problem many of the things that need to be fixed are things you are banned from working on. Many of our problems are the result of laws giving certain decisions to provinces, some to the federals and some to municipalities.

The end result is a society held together with bondo.

We're doomed.
Wynn's press conference, " we took several decades of hydro mismanagement and tried to correct it in a single generation, we were wrong"

She has a good team telling her all the right things to say and do. And a conservative collection that couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.

The conservatives are at least moving to kick out the kid that won in Niagara, another home schooled wackadoodle is not what they need in the spotlight.
Why aren't there any honest politicians?

A: Because we want to be lied to. We can't face the truth and the truth is getting uglier every day.

Could Wynne get re-elected? Yup, she's cut hydro rates.

you are right about this, someone that is honest is hiding something :rolleyes:
Wynn's press conference, " we took several decades of hydro mismanagement and tried to correct it in a single generation, we were wrong"

She has a good team telling her all the right things to say and do. And a conservative collection that couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.

The conservatives are at least moving to kick out the kid that won in Niagara, another home schooled wackadoodle is not what they need in the spotlight.

How are they trying to remove him? He just got voted in so that would seem like a civil war.
How are they trying to remove him? He just got voted in so that would seem like a civil war.

Google is your friend.
Translation: Now I have the time required to spend my way in. proper politics. lol

Hey, at least he wasn't opting for a GoFundMe campaign to fund his campaign like Oosterhoff briefly tried before his mom and dad told him that it was probably a bad idea, and then took his internet away and sent him to bed.
They're due for the promised balanced budget but the Fraser says they're actually digging a deeper hole by $9 billion. I wonder if she has a bet on with Trump as to who can better plunder their own turf.
There was a poll indicating a rise in popularity. Ouch. Did she go up or did the others sink lower?

BTW a buddy who lives in the Stouffville Whitchurch area indicated that some of the lands that McGuinty protected from development are now being sold off and developed. I couldn't get any specifics but I was wondering if a generous donation to a political charity could get restrictions lifted?
There was a poll indicating a rise in popularity. Ouch. Did she go up or did the others sink lower?

BTW a buddy who lives in the Stouffville Whitchurch area indicated that some of the lands that McGuinty protected from development are now being sold off and developed. I couldn't get any specifics but I was wondering if a generous donation to a political charity could get restrictions lifted?

Lands get redesignated "Light Green" then developed. Happening all along the escarpment corridor. Development in Milton is going right up to the base of the escarpment.
Are some people still trying to save the planet? Immigrants move downtown and the new middle class moves to base of escarpment. Native Indians stand by in bewilderment.
One of these days you may actually make a post that has a point.
Shame that you'll never know it.
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