Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

u had a fast metabolism like an audi engine, worked out, ate at mcdonalds too? What do u look like now. fffffffffff
I wish I had a fast metabolism. It was like an Audi. Like a 1988 Audi 5000 (pos).

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
the trick is to use a weighted vest

boosts metabolism, increases bone strength, improves speed, cardiovascular endurance/overall fitness and u can do calisthenics, jump squat, burpess, work type 1&2 muscle fibres .


if u think u can handle it, start off with a 20 and work your way up. i can Run with 53 lbs now. that theory the knees will **** up is bs. ive never felt any knee pains. forefoot. build up to it
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the trick is to use a weighted vest

boosts metabolism, increases bone strength, improves speed, cardiovascular endurance/overall fitness and u can do calisthenics, jump squat, burpess, work type 1&2 muscle fibres .


if u think u can handle it, start off with a 20 and work your way up. i can Run with 53 lbs now. that theory the knees will **** up is bs. ive never felt any knee pains. forefoot. build up to it
Is that the gym version of the douchevest?
Sometimes I show up to my gym in full chain mail. Whatever it takes.

Sent from my SM-G530W using Tapatalk
Sometimes I show up to my gym in full chain mail. Whatever it takes.

Sent from my SM-G530W using Tapatalk

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Call it whatever you wanttt

That's why I look like this, and you look like that

That pic is 6 months old I've got new gains now
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Without the 53 pound ham that usually rest on your shoulders; net gain zero

i muscle up, pull up, chin up, 1 arm hanging negatives, pistol squat both legs, working on 1 arm push up (without vest) . the vest is what got me to where i am now.

body went through metamorphosis

how many 6'2 guys can do a pistol squat or muscle up in the city. not many ive seen maybe 5-10 people who are not 5'11 or shorter doing what i achieved in the gym.......across canada

i chuckle whenever i see a short guy rocking calisthenics. less ROM
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Absolutely no clue whatsoever what any of that means. ? ^^^^

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Absolutely no clue whatsoever what any of that means.  ^^^^

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk

Does it matter? You picked up a vibe, a flavour, no? I don't know what that means either, certainly couldn't plot it on a graph but I know it's the shizzle by the shizzle tone. Gonna have to google "shizzle" I don't know what shizzle means. I heard the cool kids use it with impressive tonality tho.
I wish we could unban sonnythebull. This guy's too much for me.
i dont train like some of the softies you see in goodlife

if anything, more people should be wearing weighted vests. trainers should be advocating the weight vest. and most trainers should be wearing one cause you lost all your gains training others

goodlife islington, liberty, dundas, eglington, king, and a few others all i mostly saw were guys that don't know how to lift properly. they were doing everything backwards. ive worked out in a lot of gyms. the fittest cities in canada are Calgary & Edmonton. the gym is like church out there. i learned alot about gains in calgary
if there was some hypothetical canadian forces test you can just go and do for fun, i can confidently say i would be one of the front runners in every course.

my fitness in army terms is "combat ready"

i would happily go into CF if there was a fast track to CSOR. but there isnt. and i dont feel like wasting two years of my life being a boy scout. sorry to the guys reading this who are reserve/full time. ive hung around cf guys and what they told me does not interest me in enlisting.

maybe ill enlist in british army. still have some years before 33. sf try outs cut off at 35.

id smash it

so many options. too many canadians want to make csor. put in all that time and your not even guaranteed a seat. the odds to make it on a team in UK are way better than canada

  • The Special Air Service (SAS) ...
  • The Special Boat Service (SBS) ...
  • The Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) ...
  • Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) ...
  • 18 (UKSF) Signals Regiment. ...
  • Elite UK Forces : ...
  • Pathfinder Platoon. ...
  • Royal Marines Commandos.

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