come back stb all is forgiven
Why are you wasting energy here? Why don't you find a part time job in construction? Put that to good use
if there was some hypothetical canadian forces test you can just go and do for fun, i can confidently say i would be one of the front runners in every course.
my fitness in army terms is "combat ready"
i would happily go into CF if there was a fast track to CSOR. but there isnt. and i dont feel like wasting two years of my life being a boy scout. sorry to the guys reading this who are reserve/full time. ive hung around cf guys and what they tell me does not interest me in enlisting.
maybe ill enlist in british army. still have some years before 33. sf try outs cut off at 35.
id smash it
Why are you wasting energy here? Why don't you find a part time job in construction? Put that to good use
You can't even do construction but you call yourself better than special forces?i did construction. respect to the guys that do it. not for me
Really like how you are so very humble and modest.
whoa! is that you James25 in the pic? i may just have to convert back to non-lesbianism just for you. YUM! :love4:
I hope you don't take this the wrong way cause I don't have a problem with you or anything, but didn't you go out of your way to take a picture and post it on the internet of someone who has small legs/calves?
nah, just sexually liberated! you should try it sometime. call me, K? *DROOL* :thumbup:
lolol. small calves. im not a body builder. my legs are fitter than the avg population I can assure you that. do u even pistol squat bro ?