Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Some observations to do with however you please. Why are you training arms twice a week? They're already getting worked as a secondary muscle on chest and back days. If you don't give them more rest it's just going to hurt your back/chest/shoulder workouts. Also, strength exercises before toning (you're doing flys between chest press movements for example). Consider doing back/tri's and chest with bi's so that you're not hurting your chest and back sets because of exhausting those secondary muscles.
Bi's and tri's are a smaller muscle group that take about 2-3 days to recover with the proper nutrition, rest etc. I put arms two days away from bi's/back to allow for that recovery, usually I head into fridays with a better pump than the wednesdays and I never get the feeling of being overworked. I've noticed some pretty significant strength gains in the time being. The point is to maximize the recovery time of the arms rather than training arms once a week and miss out on those opportunities to train the arms when they are healed from the previous work out.

I agree with you, however, with putting back and tris on the same day. Some times (on the odd day every machine I need is being used) I'm stuck doing tri extensions before incline and it takes away from what ever weights i'd be stacking on the incline. That's pretty rare though and it only happens on the days I go to the gym before 10 pm when it's packed like sardines. I usually do all the heavy lifts (incline, bench, decline, dips) before the accessories and as a result the accessory lifts don't really suffer as much as doing an accessory lift before a heavy lift would suffer.

I see where you're coming from though.

edit : I edited the original post just to make it clear that wasn't the exact order I do everything in.
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Public Service Announcement: Do not get the ON premium banana cream flavour protein. it's disgusting and I made the mistake of buying a 5 lb tub of it.

your welcome.
Keep trying it. Eventually you'll grow to like it. I felt the same about my Vegan Raw chocolate protein shake at first.
Anyone have an opinion on intermittent fasting? Started the leangains method this week, 16 hour fast/8 hour feed
Ive started intermittent fasting without watching necessarily what i eat as much (although i make some vague effort) same 16/8, 5x a week. Body feels better and workouts feel more solid too.

I did it a few years back with workouts, good diet and a bunch of cardio (boxing and running) and i was melting away fat like nobody's business... finished at about 10% bf.

Now i'm doing it to get back to my running weight
Keep trying it. Eventually you'll grow to like it. I felt the same about my Vegan Raw chocolate protein shake at first.
I'm about half way through the tub and I wanna get it over with

I've got a bag of the vegan raw chocolate too. it's good but it's hard to mix.
I'll take it if you don't want it :D

Anybody in here do oly lifting? (Not crossfit)
yep I used to run a lot then made the switch

I started training for powerlifting, then decided to switch into oly. Been a few setbacks with nagging back issues, but finally been able to get back at it recently.

Two days ago I forgot to move my head back, clipped my chin on a jerk. Needless to say, I didn't make the lift :lmao:
I started training for powerlifting, then decided to switch into oly. Been a few setbacks with nagging back issues, but finally been able to get back at it recently.

Two days ago I forgot to move my head back, clipped my chin on a jerk. Needless to say, I didn't make the lift :lmao:
lol I saw a video of some chick doing that on instagram. thought she chipped a tooth or bit her tongue at first.

edit my bad I thought you meant to say "only lifting"
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What's oly?
There's a boot camp not too far from my place that I'm looking into. Classes may work with my schedule. And the guy that owns and runs it is a former fat guy. I find that motivational. Better to have someone that has walked in my shoes imo.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
What's oly?
There's a boot camp not too far from my place that I'm looking into. Classes may work with my schedule. And the guy that owns and runs it is a former fat guy. I find that motivational. Better to have someone that has walked in my shoes imo.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Olympic lifting.

sevet have you been using Axel bars by any chance or do you stick to barbells?
lol I saw a video of some chick doing that on instagram. thought she chipped a tooth or bit her tongue at first.

edit my bad I thought you meant to say "only lifting"

Not gonna lie, I did bite a piece of my upper lip when I did that.
Olympic lifting.

sevet have you been using Axel bars by any chance or do you stick to barbells?

I've never seen an axle bar in person, I'd probably give it a go if I did see one.

The goodlife I go to only has one half decently spinning bar and it happens to be a women's bar so I just slap on an extra 10 lbs for weight. I used to work out at another gym that actually had a platform and a decent bar (I want to say Eleiko but I don't remember), I miss that setup.
I'm about half way through the tub and I wanna get it over with

I've got a bag of the vegan raw chocolate too. it's good but it's hard to mix.

The trick is to keep shaking it. When you think you're done, shake it some more. It wasn't until the last 4-5 servings of the first tub that I started to enjoy it.
The trick is to keep shaking it. When you think you're done, shake it some more. It wasn't until the last 4-5 servings of the first tub that I started to enjoy it.
Lol shake it like a bartender too, very vigorously.

On another note, went for my first "run" this year, with stroller and dog (and with kiddo on the way back). My lungs were on fire due to colder air... not pleasant to be coughing up like a 70 year old smoker every time i laugh lol.

It went decently well though, and glad i skipped the workout last night cause im sore without working out this morning.
For those who want a good channel to subscribe to on youtube

Can anyone recommend a nutritionist/trainer to put together a meal plan for me? It's about the last piece I'm missing in my development, need a solid meal plan.
Can anyone recommend a nutritionist/trainer to put together a meal plan for me? It's about the last piece I'm missing in my development, need a solid meal plan.

eat boiled eggs, chicken, tuna, extra lean beef 1 time a week with side of spinach and quionoa
rinse repeat

just kidding with you, just making it up
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