Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

A little feedback would be nice guys. My goal is to be a lean 190 lbs. As of this morning I'm at 196 lbs. Should I trim down to 180 and then build or should I build now and cut later? That made a lot of sense in my head, I'm not sure if I got it across right. lol
If by build you mean build muscle, I would build now since you have the extra weight and then cut later.
Depends on a bunch of things.

I'd cut and then build from there.
I would be doing both. A solid routine will cut away the fat slowly and build at the same time. Unless you are competing for something, why are you setting bodyweight goals for yourself, as opposed to more health, fitness and strength oriented goals? Just curious.

I would suggest a sustainable routine that allowed you to build and get ripped while trimming away the unwanted. I would suggest mixing cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises, matched with proper diet.

On a side note, I'm now on day 17 of a 30day yoga challenge and have definitely noticed a difference in strength, flexibility and recovery from long cardio workouts. Weight and body fat has been lost and more importantly - I feel better and am healthier. It has been tough at times because I'm also running about 50k a week including two speed workouts a week, but definitely very good for getting rid of longstanding aches and pains.
Your fat loss is going great so just keep it up. You should be feeling a bit stronger these days already. I'd say go for the lighter weight and go from there. You might just feel healthier and more spry at the lighter weight as well.
Ugh...stuck on 12hr shifts the next few weeks so going to the gym is going to be extremely difficult. Thinking some home body weight exercises might need to be checked out (as per Shane's earlier post).
Not sure if this has been covered, but the most important thing i find is that when youre at the gym to push yourself. I got to a point where i was content but you should always strive to lift heavier to build more

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Not sure if this has been covered, but the most important thing i find is that when youre at the gym to push yourself. I got to a point where i was content but you should always strive to lift heavier to build more

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I've never understood that, although it's always been said, I've never heard the why. What do you do when you get to a spot where you are comfortable with size/ strength? Is there not a maintenance phase?

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I've never understood that, although it's always been said, I've never heard the why. What do you do when you get to a spot where you are comfortable with size/ strength? Is there not a maintenance phase?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Yes and no.

Lighter weight (than what you're doing) with higher reps, will have you in a 'maintenance ' mode but, here's the thing, there really isn't a pause/maintenance phase to the body. You're getting older, your metabolism is wanting to slow down, your bones and joints are slowly degrading. You combat this with stretching, resistance training and cardiovascular routines.

Fitness (uuggghh!) is a pain in the ass to start, BUT! Once you make it a part of your routine, it gets easier and you get better at it, so you naturally start to challenge yourself.

From my personal experience, the biggest fitness issue people face is consistency. Consistency with doing regular fitness activities. Consistency with what they put in their mouth. You find something that you can do every other day for an hour and you're ahead of the game. Combine that with the proper nutritional serving sizes and macros, you're an unstoppable force.

But if it was easy...
I would be doing both. A solid routine will cut away the fat slowly and build at the same time. Unless you are competing for something, why are you setting bodyweight goals for yourself, as opposed to more health, fitness and strength oriented goals? Just curious.

I would suggest a sustainable routine that allowed you to build and get ripped while trimming away the unwanted. I would suggest mixing cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises, matched with proper diet.

On a side note, I'm now on day 17 of a 30day yoga challenge and have definitely noticed a difference in strength, flexibility and recovery from long cardio workouts. Weight and body fat has been lost and more importantly - I feel better and am healthier. It has been tough at times because I'm also running about 50k a week including two speed workouts a week, but definitely very good for getting rid of longstanding aches and pains.

Maybe I shouldn't be setting a bodyweight goal but I feel that for my height a healthy/lean 190 is a good range to be in. I've quite smoking, today is day #4 - I hope to be get my cardio/stamina up and be able to do long distance jogs.

Your fat loss is going great so just keep it up. You should be feeling a bit stronger these days already. I'd say go for the lighter weight and go from there. You might just feel healthier and more spry at the lighter weight as well.

Here's what my build phase looks like:

*Start Each Day with 5 minutes of Cardio.
*End each of these days with 30-45 minutes of slow walking pace, depending on time restrictions.
*Drink one serving of BCAA’s during your workout.

Day I – Legs:

Sumo Squat – 1 set of 15-20 warm-up; 3 sets of 8-10
Dead Lift – 3 sets of 8-10
Leg Press with pin – feet high and wide, just heels on platform, 1 set of warm-ups (15-20); 3 sets 8-10

Seated Leg Curl – 3 sets of 8-10
Leg Extension – 1 set of 15-20 to warm up; 3 sets of 8-10
Leg Press with feet in centre – 3 sets of 8-10
Standing Calf Raises – 1 warm up set (15-20); 3 sets 8-10

Day II – Chest and Arms:

Incline Bench Press with Smith Machine – 1 set of warm-ups; 3 sets of 8-10
Pec Deck Flyes (machine) – 3 sets of 8-10
3 sets of push ups until failure
Biceps BB curl – 3 sets of 8-10

Alternating DB curl – 3 sets of 8-10
Triceps Cable Pushdown – 3 sets of 8-10
Assisted Triceps Dips – 3 sets of 8-10

Day III – Back and Shoulders

Bent Over BB Row or T-bar Row – 1 set warm-up; 3 sets 8-10
Single Arm Rows – 3 sets of 8-10 per side
Pronated Bench Flyes – 2 sets of 8, followed immediately by 10 pulses @ same weight (use light weights)
Seated Lateral Raises – 1 warm up, 3 sets of 8-10
Front Raises, BB – 1 warm-up 3 sets 8-10
Cable Cross-overs – 2 warm ups of 15-20; 2 sets of 8-10

Day IV – Core, Glutes, and Lower Back

Glute Machine – 1 set warm-ups, 3 sets of 8-10
Standing Squat Machine – 3 sets of 8-10 Squatting
Deadlift – 3 sets of 8-10
Hyperextensions – 3 sets of 8-10
Leg Raises/Knee Raises – 3 sets ‘til failure, aim for 20
Sit-ups, fingers reaching, just to lift shoulders off ground – 3 sets of 20
Cable chops – 3 sets of 20 each side; twist at waist; waist should not itself move

I'm on week two, today will be my second time doing Day III and so far I've been able to up my weights on most of the exercises. Warm up exercises are at lighter weights between 15-20 reps (I always aim for 20) and the rest is 8-10 (I always aim for 10) at maximum weight.
Welp, looks like my body doesn't react to creatine (mono). Been taking it for 3 weeks with no weight gain, no noticeable strength gains (most of the strength gains came from upping the weight every week prior to taking it). Drink over 8 bottles of water a day, still nothing.

I've got another tub because GNC had a buy one get one half off so I'll finish the tub and a half I've got left of it but I doubt i'll be using it after that unless a miracle happens.
Welp, looks like my body doesn't react to creatine (mono). Been taking it for 3 weeks with no weight gain, no noticeable strength gains (most of the strength gains came from upping the weight every week prior to taking it). Drink over 8 bottles of water a day, still nothing.

I've got another tub because GNC had a buy one get one half off so I'll finish the tub and a half I've got left of it but I doubt i'll be using it after that unless a miracle happens.

unless you stay on the bulking phase (20+ grams)for a bottle or two you probably wont notice much of a weight change. The regular dose will help you push slightly more weight and it should help your body last a little longer during workouts (if you are drinking enough water). In the past i have only noticed at most a 5lbs difference.

did you do a loading phase or did you just take the 5g a day from the start?
unless you stay on the bulking phase (20+ grams)for a bottle or two you probably wont notice much of a weight change. The regular dose will help you push slightly more weight and it should help your body last a little longer during workouts (if you are drinking enough water). In the past i have only noticed at most a 5lbs difference.

did you do a loading phase or did you just take the 5g a day from the start?

I did a loading phase for 5 days before I stopped. The amount of diarrhea was actually dangerous and if I didn't keep forcefeeding myself water during that time I'd probably be dehydrated.

At 5g per day I don't get that problem anymore.
I've quite smoking, today is day #4 - I hope to be get my cardio/stamina up and be able to do long distance jogs.
Awesome and congrats - smoking literally sucks the life out of you. I smoked for 18 years and quit about 10 yrs ago. When I started running I could only last about 2-5 minutes before I was huffing and puffing and whining all the time. But slowly the distance will come and it's very rewarding.

As for that workout - that's a pretty decent routine. Maybe a bit more core than 1 day?
I did a loading phase for 5 days before I stopped. The amount of diarrhea was actually dangerous and if I didn't keep forcefeeding myself water during that time I'd probably be dehydrated.

At 5g per day I don't get that problem anymore.

I'd stick it out for a while. You wont see any crazy gains but you should see your strength go up. Just keep the water intake up
Welp, looks like my body doesn't react to creatine (mono). Been taking it for 3 weeks with no weight gain, no noticeable strength gains (most of the strength gains came from upping the weight every week prior to taking it). Drink over 8 bottles of water a day, still nothing.

I've got another tub because GNC had a buy one get one half off so I'll finish the tub and a half I've got left of it but I doubt i'll be using it after that unless a miracle happens.
Try kre alkaline

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Thread bump:

Here's my dilemma. I am 5'8" hovering at 160lb. I have some belly fat I want to burn, but when I try to burn it via losing weight (calorie deficit), I end up looking to gaunt in the face - I was as low as 153, and while my stomach was flatter, i looked like I was starving.

Any suggestions to a leaner stomach while not looking thin in the face?
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