After doing a 30 day yoga challenge, I would say that this would work for core flattening and not looking gaunt. Maybe even 3 x a week and some cardio a few times a week with a balanced diet.
What's the weight training like?Yup. I play soccer 2 times a week (though I've had to stop recently due to injury), and spin once a week, along with weight training 3-4 times a week.
What's the weight training like?
High rep low weight?
Full body? Focusing on areas? Balanced?
I agree stretching/yoga will help, also if you're lifting weights you might also need to be eating more.
Generally speaking, I focus on high rep low count
I generally break the workouts into:
1. Chest/Tris
2. Back/Bis
3. Legs (Same day as spinning)
4. Shoulder/Core
I'm not looking for any particular specialized gain. I just want to be balanced, but still be thin. My body is built for a small frame so I might as well embrace it.
After some calorie monitoring, I've found that 2500 a day is my weight maintenance number.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned fluid intake.
Keeping hydrated by upping your water intake may help with the sunken face look. Many people when they exercise, do not replenish their fluids sufficiently.
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You've got a good routine going and you know your calorie intake. You're ahead of the game.
So my next question is, what are your macro ratios? Proteins, Carbs, fats? 40/40/20 ? 40/30/30? 50/20/30 ?
Do you keep track of those or just overall caloric intake?
If you use Tapatalk you can "like" posts.There is some really good advice in here. It sucks there is no "likes" in this forum. I am in the process of losing some unwanted weight, and gaining back some lost strength. The info in here is really helpful, and motivating.ccasion5: Learned something new yesterday browsing through this thread.
Generally speaking, I focus on high rep low count
I generally break the workouts into:
1. Chest/Tris
2. Back/Bis
3. Legs (Same day as spinning)
4. Shoulder/Core
I'm not looking for any particular specialized gain. I just want to be balanced, but still be thin. My body is built for a small frame so I might as well embrace it.
After some calorie monitoring, I've found that 2500 a day is my weight maintenance number.
My routine:
Anything is 3x12 unless otherwise mentioned
Monday: Legs
10 Minute run at 7.5-8.5 mph
Squats 5x5
Leg Press
Hip Abductor
Weighted Lunges on some weeks
Leg Extensions
Hamstring Curls
Calf Raises
Tuesday Chest/Tris
Bench 5x5
Pec Flies
Tricep Extensions w/ Rope
Tricep Extensions w/ Machine
Dips (Close Grip)
Incline Press
Decline Press
Chest Press (Machine, Low weight)
Occasionally I'll throw in dumbbell press just to work on stability
10 Minute Run at end of workout at 7.5/8.5 MPH
Wednesday Back/Bi's
Deadlifts 5x5
Standing EZ Bar Curls
Preacher Curls
Dumbell Curls
Seated Rows
Upright Rows
Supinated Grip Rows
Back Extensions (Machine)
Lat Pulldowns
10 Minute Run at end of workout at 7.5/8.5 MPH
Thursday Cardio/Abs
15 Minute intervals -- Jog at 6, Run at 10-11 -- 2:1 Jog to run ratio
Weighted ab crunches (machine)
Side Bends
Abdominal Twist Machine
Weighted Situps (machine)
Hanging Leg Raises
Friday Arms/Shoulders:
Standing Curls
Bench Press 5x5 (I hold the bar in a way to feel it in my delts and tris more than chest)
Shoulder Raises
Preacher Curls
Forearm Curls
Tricep Extensions (rope)
Dumbell Hammer Curls/If I feel like it, Supinated grip on the concentric movement, Pronated grip on the eccentric movement (This is death)
Tricep Extension (Dumbell)
Shoulder Press w/ Dumbells
Reverse EZ bar Curls for the forearms
And I end off with whatever exercise I feel like I didn't work hard enough. Usually another tricep workout.
Sat and Sunday off... But not really because I work a 13 hour shift every Saturday and an 8 every Sunday. I might add another 5 sets of squats on cardio and ab day. I feel like doing compound movements twice a week on the bench has really helped out.
About 70 grams of protein from Whey every day
Fish Oil / sometimes hemp oil
5g of Creatine Daily
BCAAs 30 minutes before and directly after workout
Multivitamin before bed