Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

I find girls that are that shredded gross tbh. Not even a jealousy thing

sort of agree...take away the fake tan and the lighting, not really sure what these women would look like - also i think when women get that shredded, they absolutely need the fake jugs to pull off the complete packaged look...I do think girls with muscular glutes and thighs are hot, as well as an aggressive calf-to-ankle ratio.

you take away the fake tan and the lighting on guys, they would still look good
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I find girls that are that shredded gross tbh. Not even a jealousy thing

That's likely why I like that picture the best, it's the "softest" of them... I agree that being that shredded isn't something I look for in a girl.

I like seeing just the outline of abs in a girl, still a flat toned tummy, but feminine.
I'll just leave this here...

A little on the thin side, though

I'm pretty sure all the ladies and most guys don't walk around ripped 365. A lotta competitive ladies look amazing (and better) in their off season.
I totally dig a chick that is super fit ,lean fitness body. Its impressive because it shows not only physical strength but proves a lot of mental strength and discipline. I do not dig overly dainty, fragile, wimpy girls at all as they are no fun.
I totally dig a chick that is super fit ,lean fitness body. Its impressive because it shows not only physical strength but proves a lot of mental strength and discipline. I do not dig overly dainty, fragile, wimpy girls at all as they are no fun.

Truth to that... I've dated a couple "tiny" girls, and I always had to hold back. I had a weekend with a girl that was really in to going to the gym and lifting decent weight, and she could take whatever I gave...
this thread will turn into "chicks that lift things and put them back down"
this thread will turn into "chicks that lift things and put them back down"

Ha, I'm attempting to get the gf to start lifting things.
Since I've started to really put some serious effort in to this, she has also started to eat better and go for runs, but want's to improve her lower half... She's a toned 115lb 5'6" girl so she is already sexy as it is. Trying to convince her to start doing some heavy lifting focusing on her lower half and she will get what she wants.
not ripped, but this was between working out, when I was slacking off. And yes this is a photo shoot, but there was no editing done to suck stuff in as you can tell by the large thighs, you can also tell by my horrific sock tan. Hopefully in a couple months I'm more in shape, don't want to use the T word (toned) :p

And sometimes I think my gf is too tall at 5'8....
crap, sorry I used the "t" word in my last post... I forgot how that gets on the nerves of some people lol.

Once we get some warm weather, the girl will be doing a little photo shoot with the bikes before I thrash them this summer.
I've found it much easier to just find a chick who likes to stay somewhat fit, to begin with. I don't expect her to be as fit with abs, but I'd expect her to take care of herself. I'm still not sure if it's an unrealistic expectation, tbh.
I've found it much easier to just find a chick who likes to stay somewhat fit, to begin with. I don't expect her to be as fit with abs, but I'd expect her to take care of herself. I'm still not sure if it's an unrealistic expectation, tbh.

Lol mine stays relative to me. When I'm bulking (i.e. now) she lets herself chub out a bit, and when I start shredding she gets back in the gym (damn her metabolism).
I've found it much easier to just find a chick who likes to stay somewhat fit, to begin with. I don't expect her to be as fit with abs, but I'd expect her to take care of herself. I'm still not sure if it's an unrealistic expectation, tbh.

I don't think it's unrealistic. I think that if it's such a central part of your life that you won't stop if you tie someone down and have kids, then you will ensure you find someone who will also be the same.

I don't expect a girl to come out and keep up with me in the gym, on a bike (pedal) or on a run, but I do expect her to take care of herself in the same manner that I look after myself... If she can't put the energy in to herself to be healthy, then what kind of energy will she put in to other parts of her life?

My girl is naturally thin, but since I've picked up the pace on my gym time, she has as well. I think having both partners interested in the same thing helps... ie, we won't impact each other's diets in a negative way, and we will "remind" the other that they haven't hit the gym that day.
So gentlemen and ladies.

I just keep getting bigger, and it's starting to look pretty ridiculous since I top out at 5'10. I've tried deloading for a couple weeks and it hasn't helped all that much as far as not gaining size and just maintaining. I'm not cutting calories right now but I'm not eating for gaining mass. Any ideas?

I like my chest around a 44", that's what all my gear is sized at. I'm sitting around 45.5" around. It just looks kinda odd
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