Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!


Drink nothing but water. No-sugar-added juice is ok too in moderation. You'll drop more weight from that alone than you'd care to believe
If u wanna get aggressive u could cut carbs too. Like rice, potatoes, chips, etc.
Alot of ppl do not know how much energy alcohol has. 1g of alcohol has almost the equivalent of 1g fat

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
water, leans meats and veggies and some (less) fruits
when i wanna treat myself i have greek yogourt and more fruits

and yes i will induldge in deliciousness but lets just say that the "cheating" will account for 10-15% of my diet if possible

water wise, 2L a day.
i have a good bladder so
2 glasses when i get up in the morning.
1 glass before each meal
2 glasses before going to bed at night

Helps the activate the digestive system before meals and...flushes out the system from shizza.

Different things will work for different people meal-wise. Some people need the 6 smaller meals a day, some people on Leangains will do Intermittent Fasting and get awesome results.
Do whats best for you.

Basically my principles

- Get a simple program you can abide to and respect it while leaving enough recovery time to not overwork your muscles.

- Eat good foods the majority of the time, processed foods aren't your enemy per say but shouldn't be your best friends..more like the rare acquaintance.

- Track your progress to encourage you (ie. before after pics, measurements, weighing)

:) and of course reap the benefits lol
I drink a crap load of water... It's all I drink. But lately here and there I've been adding some pure lemon juice to it. Either in ice cold water or hot tea like water. Equally good, lots of benefits due to the lemon and not as sugar filled as normal juice... You don't need much for the flavor.
I've used the myfitnesspal app & website for the past couple of years to track caloric intake & macro nutrients. My most important exercises are table push-backs and fork put-downs.
For those that buy supplements, do any of you order from the U.S (i.e. Do you end up getting dinged for customs duty/taxes?

In canada, sndcanada/popeyes is pretty much the only site I know of which ships from within canada and the price differences between them and say is huge. GNC is still pretty much a rip off. The brick and mortar stores are all more expensive than ordering online so ordering from the u.s is appealing.
For those that buy supplements, do any of you order from the U.S (i.e. Do you end up getting dinged for customs duty/taxes?

In canada, sndcanada/popeyes is pretty much the only site I know of which ships from within canada and the price differences between them and say is huge. GNC is still pretty much a rip off. The brick and mortar stores are all more expensive than ordering online so ordering from the u.s is appealing.

Always from, LONG shipping but no duties that I remember.

They have a Canadian based online store now
Toshison, I've heard it's hit or miss with more luck lately for duties. Depending how big your order is, it might be worth it to just drive to Buffalo and pick it up there - I ordered doubles and did that because some people end up waiting up to 3 weeks for their stuff.

Vrus, thanks for the link - I think I'm gonna try that program next in a couple of months.'re gonna have to give up a lot of subway! When I was cutting, I could only eat half of the bread from every sandwich. I looked like an idiot removing the top half and eating with a fork & knife

Also, what are your thoughts on vegetarian bodybuilding? Talked to some fitness chick last month who suggested 10% fat, 10% protein and the rest as carbs. I didn't really pay it any mind, but I tried a vegetarian diet for a week without working out and didn't notice much of a difference.I ate like 3 times the portion of carbs that I normally ate at each meal so I could maintain calories and I still ended up pretty ripped by the end of the week.

It's a short trial period, so I really don't know what to make of it. But if it really is feasible to give up proteins, I would save a lot in the long run.
Toshison, I've heard it's hit or miss with more luck lately for duties. Depending how big your order is, it might be worth it to just drive to Buffalo and pick it up there - I ordered doubles and did that because some people end up waiting up to 3 weeks for their stuff.

Vrus, thanks for the link - I think I'm gonna try that program next in a couple of months.'re gonna have to give up a lot of subway! When I was cutting, I could only eat half of the bread from every sandwich. I looked like an idiot removing the top half and eating with a fork & knife

Also, what are your thoughts on vegetarian bodybuilding? Talked to some fitness chick last month who suggested 10% fat, 10% protein and the rest as carbs. I didn't really pay it any mind, but I tried a vegetarian diet for a week without working out and didn't notice much of a difference.I ate like 3 times the portion of carbs that I normally ate at each meal so I could maintain calories and I still ended up pretty ripped by the end of the week.

It's a short trial period, so I really don't know what to make of it. But if it really is feasible to give up proteins, I would save a lot in the long run.

My buddy was vegetarian, but he got sick of having to supplement religiously and expensively. Now he's just cut out red meat completely. Only eats poultry and fish
For those that buy supplements, do any of you order from the U.S (i.e. Do you end up getting dinged for customs duty/taxes?

In canada, sndcanada/popeyes is pretty much the only site I know of which ships from within canada and the price differences between them and say is huge. GNC is still pretty much a rip off. The brick and mortar stores are all more expensive than ordering online so ordering from the u.s is appealing.

Also check out:

Great option if you know what you're doing and want to customize your supp ratios to find what works for you and weed out the fillers/sweeteners/junk. I get most of my stuff from them.
Also, what are your thoughts on vegetarian bodybuilding? Talked to some fitness chick last month who suggested 10% fat, 10% protein and the rest as carbs. I didn't really pay it any mind, but I tried a vegetarian diet for a week without working out and didn't notice much of a difference.I ate like 3 times the portion of carbs that I normally ate at each meal so I could maintain calories and I still ended up pretty ripped by the end of the week.

It's a short trial period, so I really don't know what to make of it. But if it really is feasible to give up proteins, I would save a lot in the long run.

I was thinking about this as being able to use whey and eggs? as your primary protein source.
Always from, LONG shipping but no duties that I remember.

They have a Canadian based online store now

I was on the Canadian based site last night but I think its just a portal to the main US one where they just do the currency conversion for you. The stuff is still coming from the US right? In there FAQ they say that usually shipments to Canada don't get dinged but I wouldn't count on that. Still, it may be worthwhile because some of there prices are just so much incredibly cheaper than Canadian retailers.
Also check out:

Great option if you know what you're doing and want to customize your supp ratios to find what works for you and weed out the fillers/sweeteners/junk. I get most of my stuff from them.

Dude, thanks a lot for this link. Wasn't aware of this site but from a quick browse, I do like what I see. I like No-Frills product/prices. Was looking for some sleep-aids but maybe I'll order some protein off these guys too. Care to comment on taste?

EDIT: This site and the have the best prices I've seen and even compete well with the US sites so I don't think I'll bother ordering from the states. Awesome.
Last edited:
ill try next time.

ordered twice from

first time, one item got backordered same day i ordered so it messed up, had to do another order but htey didnt cancel the previous one properly... anyways, a mini mess that was easily fixed. shipped in one week, no duties. (30$ shipping..but it was for 2 x 5lbs tubs = big box). Last time was about 3 weeks ago. Tracking info took a while to update, and they left it on the porch without ringing...but got there in one week. cost me 13 $ for one tub and about 3 smaller bottles of supps.
Pricing on the protein powder was about 25$ cheaper on than most canadian resellers i looked at

edit) they dont carry the protein i usually have on that canadian website :(
Just a review. I ordered from thanks to the recommendation from HardWrkr13 and so far so good. Shipping was fast since they are based in Windsor.

I ordered a bunch of different single serving protein samples and a couple pounds of some natural, unflavoured New Zealand whey for the Misses and some GABA-to see if it actually helps give me deeper sleep.

First of all, the protein I have tasted so far is friggin delicious and mixes perfectly. Chocolate Peanut Whey Blend is the most delicious whey protein I think Ive ever had. So far, Ive tried the Whey Blend and the Micellar Casein and they were both awesome and as far as taste & mixability goes. Comparing to a big name brand like O.N, I would pick the CanadianProtein stuff as being the superior product. I got some sample packets of the Whey Isolate that Im going to try but personally I don't think its worth the price premium over the blend. Nonetheless, very impressed so far.

I ordered some GABA to see how it would give me deeper sleep. Not sure I really like it. Woke up this morning majorly and very noticeably groggy. Same kind of grogginess you'd feel if you smoked a whole bunch of weed the previous night. Don't mind that kind of grogginess on the weekends when I can relax but its made me feel real lazy at work. Still haven't snapped out of it. has some great product, I'd order from them again.
I don't want bulk up either, I want to be lean but strong. At 5"11, my max weight is 170 and ideal would be a ripped 165. I'm currently 165, but could be a bit more cut. I don't measure my bodyfat %, or my lean muscle mass or anything else. Just be fit and healthy so my muscles, bones and body overall works as it should when I'm older. Not sure if I'm a little paronoid here, but I would be more concerned about putting on serious mass when young, and having creaky joints, rolling flab or man boobs when I'm older. I also didn't even start doing any workouts until I was 30, though played competitive sports all my life.

If I want to lose weight I run and cycle. I find for me that the perfect amount to not put on weight is to run 40-50km/week over 3 runs spaced 2 days apart. I cycle on the off days, with 1 day of rest per week where I do nothing but rest. My runs are usually 60-120min and they don't have to be fast runs, but consistently paced or interval based. In addition, I'll do a gym workout every day for at least 30 min, where I mix a variety of bodyweight exercises with weights. The problem with enjoying running for me is in not working out my legs enough (because sore legs are hard to run on) and it then leads to a weaker trunk overall and leads to injury during running. I try to make up for it by lots of core workout - but that doesn't make the most sense.

If you smoke, stop. I did for about 18 yrs and giving that up had a big impact on energy levels. When I started running a few years ago, I could last max 5minutes - it was pretty sad.

Regarding diet and staying within the context of being lean or cut, I think it's simple. Eat healthy. Whether you eat meat or not, keep your diet clean, light and balanced. I used to eat way too much meat and way to much sugary drinks and processed foods. Personally, I stopped eating all meats and drinking dairy milk about 5 years ago, and increased my intake of all kinds of nuts, green leafy veggies, legumes and fruits. No processed foods at all anymore. I try to roughly balance my protein, carbs and good fats at 1/3 each. The human body needs these things to sustain itself on so many levels. For general weight loss or body health, minimizing protein or carbs or all fats is one of the most confusing things I have ever heard. It's so unsustainable it's ridiculous.

Someone posted earlier about doing grocery shopping only around the perimeter of the grocery store - some of the best advice in this thread!
Toshison, I've heard it's hit or miss with more luck lately for duties. Depending how big your order is, it might be worth it to just drive to Buffalo and pick it up there - I ordered doubles and did that because some people end up waiting up to 3 weeks for their stuff.

Vrus, thanks for the link - I think I'm gonna try that program next in a couple of months.'re gonna have to give up a lot of subway! When I was cutting, I could only eat half of the bread from every sandwich. I looked like an idiot removing the top half and eating with a fork & knife

Also, what are your thoughts on vegetarian bodybuilding? Talked to some fitness chick last month who suggested 10% fat, 10% protein and the rest as carbs. I didn't really pay it any mind, but I tried a vegetarian diet for a week without working out and didn't notice much of a difference.I ate like 3 times the portion of carbs that I normally ate at each meal so I could maintain calories and I still ended up pretty ripped by the end of the week.

It's a short trial period, so I really don't know what to make of it. But if it really is feasible to give up proteins, I would save a lot in the long run.

I gave up on the diet for now. I haven't been able to go to gym because of work, but hope to start soon when things calm down. Basically training a lot of people that requires me to be here all the time. I hollow out the bread before putting anything in it. Try to reduce as much intake that isn't a vegetable. Lots of water and no sauce. Takes like **** but oh well. Sometimes I'll splurge with a fat free sauce.
Just a review. I ordered from thanks to the recommendation from HardWrkr13 and so far so good. Shipping was fast since they are based in Windsor.

I ordered a bunch of different single serving protein samples and a couple pounds of some natural, unflavoured New Zealand whey for the Misses and some GABA-to see if it actually helps give me deeper sleep.

First of all, the protein I have tasted so far is friggin delicious and mixes perfectly. Chocolate Peanut Whey Blend is the most delicious whey protein I think Ive ever had. So far, Ive tried the Whey Blend and the Micellar Casein and they were both awesome and as far as taste & mixability goes. Comparing to a big name brand like O.N, I would pick the CanadianProtein stuff as being the superior product. I got some sample packets of the Whey Isolate that Im going to try but personally I don't think its worth the price premium over the blend. Nonetheless, very impressed so far.

I ordered some GABA to see how it would give me deeper sleep. Not sure I really like it. Woke up this morning majorly and very noticeably groggy. Same kind of grogginess you'd feel if you smoked a whole bunch of weed the previous night. Don't mind that kind of grogginess on the weekends when I can relax but its made me feel real lazy at work. Still haven't snapped out of it. has some great product, I'd order from them again.

Sorry I didn't get on this site to answer your earlier question about taste but I see you're happy with the product. I use the 100% Isolate and feel it is a worthwhile upgrade over the blend but it depends on each persons requirements. I've tried each flavour and they are all excellent compared to the competition (regardless of any price). Mixability is top notch as well. I've always had excellent customer service from them and usually do large bulk orders and often receive plenty of free extras thrown in. Happy to help.
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