Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Nah you missed the socializer...although he's kinda close to the coach... but he's basically texting and talking to everybody while doing cardio at low pace not breaking a sweat
I lost more fat walking slowly and not breaking a sweat than when I did high intensity or ran a consistent pace. It won't always be the case for everyone, but it's just a reminder that you don't always have to sweat when doing effective cardio. And when cardio's that boring/easy, I don't blame people for texting.
I'm finished starting strength a couple of months ago... have been doing my own thing; mostly still focused on the big 3 with a little accessory here and there. I'm going to try this routine for now

I realize it's a pro routine... so I either cut back on the volume or use less weight. I don't know what's more optimal.

I think I want to run a 5k this year too.
Then you need c25k if you're not already running :D
yeah I looked that up a few days ago! I just gotta get used to this workout first, I can do a little cardio on my rest days but right now I'm getting destroyed on my legs.
I know eh...

I have trouble with my jump rope/ running after my legs days... i have to do that BEFORE my leg days or i cant get full performance for strength training
Jumping rope is one of my fave things to do, I can go for about 45 minutes ( ofcourse it is not non stop ) when you get an itch or the ropes hits your foot or you want to skip a song
Jumping rope is one of my fave things to do, I can go for about 45 minutes ( ofcourse it is not non stop ) when you get an itch or the ropes hits your foot or you want to skip a song
I just started... so i can do 1 minute at a time without messing up but thats about it.

And i usually do it as a complement to a workout (say intervals) or after my boxing class imma do a little 5 minutes.
My calves hate me after it though...i wanna increase my skip rope sessions everytime i try to add an additional minute when i can

@rmemedic: hopefully you find a way to get better at it...or if its due to injury, simply get better ;)
I've never been able to jump rope...dunno why
I'm finished starting strength a couple of months ago... have been doing my own thing; mostly still focused on the big 3 with a little accessory here and there. I'm going to try this routine for now

I realize it's a pro routine... so I either cut back on the volume or use less weight. I don't know what's more optimal.

I think I want to run a 5k this year too.

There are some great words of wisdom in that link. Especially on the importance of deloading and not overusing training to failure. Those are two surefire ways to plateau and get stuck in a rut which Ive made the mistake doing for many years. It does feel counter-intuitive at times since its easy to get caught up in going hard 100% of the time but resting more and being more sensitive to not mentally burning out your central nervous system has made an amazing difference and has led to alll kiindddsss of gains.
I've never been able to jump rope...dunno why

When I watch people try to skip for the first time, they are usually overjumping the rope which means that they can't end up skipping for very long at all. Once you get the timing, coordination of it, you end up jumping very little as the rope passes and can therefore skip for a real long time. You then only get stuck or misskip the rope not because you are tired but because you're not even thinking about it and your mind is wandering a little too far.
I used to be pro at skipping back in grade school, now I keep tripping on the rope. I blame my clown feet for it.

On another note, I wish I had the discipline to eat better and wasn't so picky 'cause I can put on muscle like nothing but can't get my fat to leave me. Grrr, got my jacked arms but a squishy tummy, not cool.
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Welcome to my genes. I need to diet like a madman to even begin to have a 6 pack
Yep, sucks... I currently now eat LESS and work out MORE than my 115lb gf.

My new gf literally dieted for a month with light cardio here and there and she's slimmed down and got abs like its nothing.

My new gf literally dieted for a month with light cardio here and there and she's slimmed down and got abs like its nothing.

obviously, pics plz :D
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