Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Rowing is half legs...

you can still do it without legs. I know when I was trying out for the university rowing team, they had us do 5km just upper body and some times 5 just lower. It's obviously best to do the two together, but you can still get cardio from only one.
I pretty much agree with the article. I also used to make the exception for using the cables, particularly for pulldowns. Machines aren't a scam per se, but IMO you're not really getting the same functional results.

Missed this, but yeah, machines for everything is dumb. I can relatively easily chest press 400lbs on the machine, but I can barely do 110 a hand with dumbbells. Machines are so easy to manipulate to "show results" and so few people use them right.
Some machines are absolute pooh with poor design and wierd feel. There are some good ones though. I like to sometimes use the pec fly/rear delt machine and the calf raises machine. I think the cable apparatus' are so versatile that there are many practical uses for them to compliement solid free weight training.

What do you think the dumbest, worst machine is? For me, its that stupid ab crunch machine where you sit upright and when you use it, it looks like you are trying to suck your own schlong / snuggle with your genitalia.
I use machines to finish off a workout. Great for getting that last bit out when you're tired without risk of injuring yourself due to poor form.
I use machines to finish off a workout. Great for getting that last bit out when you're tired without risk of injuring yourself due to poor form.

They're a nice add-on but shouldn't be your sole forms of activity.

one of my favourite machines:
i think even freeweights to an extent present the same problem that machines do, in that only incorporating freeweights end up isolating certain movements and strength development, which is probably why very few athletes rely solely on freeweights for their strength training programs. God forbid they would rely solely on crossfit though lol.
Okay, I need some advice and I hate using BB forums...

I'm pretty happy with my weight/size right now, (13% BF as of 2 weeks ago (roughly), 231lbs. this morning).

But since me and my (now ex) gf are over and it's exam season I'm going to spend a lot more time in the gym. My goal is to drop below 9% by spring.

Besides adjusting my diet and increasing cardio, anyone have tips so as not to plateau? I've pretty much been doing HIIT in between my freeweight sets, but no noticeable change in the last 2 weeks that way.

Will insanity help me? My cardio isn't the best as it is.
Okay, I need some advice and I hate using BB forums...

I'm pretty happy with my weight/size right now, (13% BF as of 2 weeks ago (roughly), 231lbs. this morning).

But since me and my (now ex) gf are over and it's exam season I'm going to spend a lot more time in the gym. My goal is to drop below 9% by spring.

Besides adjusting my diet and increasing cardio, anyone have tips so as not to plateau? I've pretty much been doing HIIT in between my freeweight sets, but no noticeable change in the last 2 weeks that way.

Will insanity help me? My cardio isn't the best as it is.

Give insanity a try... It's Cardio yes, but it's a million times better than just going for a run or being on a spin bike, even though I love spinning. It develops power, I noticed I had better flexibility, basically everything improved, even my MX racing.

A buddy at work has been on my case to get me in to heavy lifting due to my body type. He says he never had really defined abs until he got in to heavy lifting, despite lots of core work before.
He's our unit's fitness poster child, so when he talks fitness I listen up. I don't do heavy weights simply for the fact of what sport I need to concentrate on, otherwise I would go for what my body naturally wants to do.
Give insanity a try... It's Cardio yes, but it's a million times better than just going for a run or being on a spin bike, even though I love spinning. It develops power, I noticed I had better flexibility, basically everything improved, even my MX racing.

A buddy at work has been on my case to get me in to heavy lifting due to my body type. He says he never had really defined abs until he got in to heavy lifting, despite lots of core work before.
He's our unit's fitness poster child, so when he talks fitness I listen up. I don't do heavy weights simply for the fact of what sport I need to concentrate on, otherwise I would go for what my body naturally wants to do.

I'm barely any taller than you but I'm bigger than Roasted apparently :p
Insanity with the proper nutrition will make you melt.
and when you're done with insanity you can always do insanity asylum which is the next step.

and after that you'll be ripped (pronounced in a deep demonic voice)
just lost the 10 lbs I put on since the end of the race season (end Sept)...... the woman has to stop baking all these delicious goodies!

Fortunately for her (and me ;)), with her metabolism she can eat my share and not gain an ounce lol
just lost the 10 lbs I put on since the end of the race season (end Sept)...... the woman has to stop baking all these delicious goodies!

Fortunately for her (and me ;)), with her metabolism she can eat my share and not gain an ounce lol

Aww, since tonight is my last "be bad" night I pigged right out. Pan seared sirloin with butter and herbs, stuffed mushroom caps, squash soup and Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake to finish.

I go shopping for the insanity diet tomorrow.
just lost the 10 lbs I put on since the end of the race season (end Sept)...... the woman has to stop baking all these delicious goodies!

Fortunately for her (and me ;)), with her metabolism she can eat my share and not gain an ounce lol

Lucky , since doing crossfit for almost 4 months now, my arms have gotten more jacked, making most of my shirts too tight, and I gained 10lbs :( why must I weigh so much more then most woman.

Lucky , since doing crossfit for almost 4 months now, my arms have gotten more jacked, making most of my shirts too tight, and I gained 10lbs :( why must I weigh so much more then most woman.

See your username

Lucky , since doing crossfit for almost 4 months now, my arms have gotten more jacked, making most of my shirts too tight, and I gained 10lbs :( why must I weigh so much more then most woman.

Don't look at numbers on a scale. It's about how you look, and more importantly, how you feel. Why women get so caught up on that magic number I'll never understand.

Secondly, you weigh more than other women because you're freaking TALL. I wish I had your problem. :p

P.S. I also wish I had your problem of my arms busting out of my shirts. I'd feel so badass..
ya, I don't typically look at the scale, but it still sucks to see that you weigh 175. I miss out on all the movie like scenes where chicks literally get picked up. meh

Date a Basketball player :p my buddy is 6'8 and 300lbs. Completely ripped.
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