Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Absolutely is. The majority of the "recommended daily intake" stuff is centered around an average height and weight person (5'9-5'10 and 165-180lbs)
I'm 6'1, around 215 lbs right now and I cut at 3300 calories a day and that's probably an ~800 cal deficit for me since I loose 2 lbs a week this way. I have a FAST metabolism though and fairly low BF % already (probably 10-12% ish) so my BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) is probably much higher than yours. Still, if I was you I wouldn't go below 2400 cals. Maybe start with 2600 cals.

This is the true way to figure out how much you should be eating, no BS calculators which are just guesses anyways and don't account for the speed of your metabolism or true activity level:

*Start with some calory number that seems appropriate, I would suggest 2600
*Weigh yourself at the beginning of the week
*Eat same calories every day for 1-2 week
*Weight yourself again. Are you loosing less than 1 lbs a week? Decrease calories or increased cardio. MOre than 2 lbs a week? Increase calories or decrease cardio.

Repeat the process until you're loosing 1-2 lbs a week. That calorie number plus 500-800 calories depending on how much you're loosing is your maintenance calories.

If you diet too aggressively you will eventually crash your metabolism. What this means is that your actual MBR goes way down and you stop loosing weight or have to decrease calories very aggresively to keep loosing. Also, when your metabolism is crashed you will BLOW UP like a blimp as soon as you stop dieting since your body will use any surplus calories to put on fat. YOU CANNOT RUSH WEIGHT LOSS. I'm sure it feels great loosing 20 lbs in a month but you have to understand that this pace of weight loss is NOT maintainable over the long term and you are screwing yourself in the end.

Also, your cabs aren't particularly low. You might be OK with them being were they are. If you up your cals and aren't loosing maybe drop them to the 150-200 range and also increase protein to at least around 120 if you're not weight lifting or over 200 grams if you're weight lifting and are concerned with keeping/building muscle.
I've read some places that advocate getting calories from clean foods, and other say it doesn't matter where your calories come from. What do you guys think about that?
If you go back a couple pages there was a discussion about eating clean vs IIFYM
I've read some places that advocate getting calories from clean foods, and other say it doesn't matter where your calories come from. What do you guys think about that?
Eating clean will give you a better chance at it than eating anything.

Therefore if youre eating clean and not seeing results, that variable is already gone, you know its something else you have to change.
You are what you eat right?!
fractured thumb on one hand and a separated shoulder on the other arm (from 2 different accidents!)

This is going to set back my progress.

At least I can still do legs.

Everyday is now legday.

You are going to have some sexy legs to show off for the boys;) Going to have to come to L and L with some short shorts on. lol

Eating clean will give you a better chance at it than eating anything.

Therefore if youre eating clean and not seeing results, that variable is already gone, you know its something else you have to change.
You are what you eat right?!

Little lost, by clean are you guys refering to no supliments or no unhealthy foods?
You are going to have some sexy legs to show off for the boys;) Going to have to come to L and L with some short shorts on. lol

Little lost, by clean are you guys refering to no supliments or no unhealthy foods?
By clean i mean healthy food and possibly supplements that ARENT junk.
By clean i mean healthy food and possibly supplements that ARENT junk.

Ah ok, wanted to make sure before I made a suggestion. I agree clean is over all the best way to go especially in the long run. Eating unhealthy food will give you a lot of problems when you are older and that's when it's harder to change your ways of eating and want to enjoy things more.

I figure why not eat healthy most of the time so that if you want something unhealthy it's no biggy to enjoy it and not worry about your health:)
Thanks for the link - I'll be sure to check it out. If it's not too much to ask (and you're not secretive about it), would you mind posting up what your vitamins/supplements/diets are like? I'll do the research...I sort of just want to know what to look up.

I'm a little anxious to get my nutrition up 'cause I'm aiming pretty high in the next 2 years.

Yeah no worries. I use to supplement a lot more when I was younger including with Calcium, Vit E, Beta Carotene, Selenium, CoQ10, B complex etc.. But I think I got a little carried away so I've scaled back a lot.. I also use to buy dumb, expensive stuff like MRP's and protein bars which are really crappy. I eat pretty good food usually so I have come to rely on that more. Whole foods are the way to go and should always be top priority.

I still take the following Vitamins/Minerals
1 Multivitamin/mineral
5000IU's (5x1000iu pill) Vitamin D -> Dosage here depends on season, I don't take any in the summer if Im getting sun regularly.
1000mg Vitamin C
6 x 1000mg Fish Oil
4 x 1gm Fish Oil
20mg Zinc
500mg Magnesium

I also take:
Glucosamine/Chondritin/MSM- For joints. I have stopped/restarted taking this supplement several times just to see if it actually works because after a while it can be hard to tell. It does work though for me.
BCAA's -10-15gms pre-workout. I use to take the pure powder which tastes gross so Ive switched to Allmax Aminocore. I like the product a lot.
Creatine-Not only good in the gym but also research that says supplementation may be good for your brain in preventing degenerative diseases. I buy the basic cheap stuff.
Whey Protein-everybody knows this one.
Casein Protein Powder - Casein is a little expensive but I buy it once and a while to make "Protein Fluff" as described on It really works. Throw it in a mixer for about 8 minutes and it turns into the consistency of whipped cream.

Coconut Oil - Though really 'food' and not really a supplement, I consume a lot of it so I thought it would be worth mentioning. A lot of good things about coconut oil. Coconut Oil is two-thirds MCT Oil which has a lot of history in old school bodybuilding. Its worth reading up on the effects of MCT's in the body.. Good source of (fat) calories that are absorbed very quickly much like glucose is yet are not prone to being stored as bodyfat. MCT's are easily used as energy and any excess ends up being burned off as bodyheat. I really buy into this last claim because in the past on a really low carb diet while consuming a lot of MCTs, I could feel a noticable difference in my bodyheat. I would always feel warm and even my lady could tell just be touching me. I dont buy MCT Oil supplements though, I just stick with pure extra virgin coconut oil.
I figure why not eat healthy most of the time so that if you want something unhealthy it's no biggy to enjoy it and not worry about your health:)

I agree totally. I agree so much that I went to Five Guys last night and decimated burger(s) and fries with a nice sugary fruitopia to wash it down. Then I came home and ate half an apple pie.
You are going to have some sexy legs to show off for the boys;) Going to have to come to L and L with some short shorts on. lol
I guess I could take 1 week and go all out squid. Even got a beanie helmet I can use!

Now they doctors are telling me i tore a ligament near my thumb...

3 doctors,3 different diagnosis.

Frist doctor: fractured/chipped bone in wrist.
Second doctor: fractured thumb bone.
Third doctor: ligament torn between thumb and indexfinger.

In their defense: there IS a chipped bone in my wrist just chillin' but it's been there for a long time. My thumb does have an irregular bump on the bone and is slightly twisted, but is also old.
This last doctor went a more logical route: no pain anywhere but in that ligament (with intense pressure applied all over to check every spot). Thus, that ligament is the problem.

With this new splint on (much shorter than my full forearm and thumb cast/splint thingie) I can operate a clutch again!
Ouch, torn ligament takes longer to heal than a fractured bone. Let it heal buddy.
Ouch, torn ligament takes longer to heal than a fractured bone. Let it heal buddy.

anyone have snack tips? i have trail mix...but thats about the only dry thing i can munch on during the day when i get hungry and see a kit kat lol
I've read some places that advocate getting calories from clean foods, and other say it doesn't matter where your calories come from. What do you guys think about that?

I think that I should get the best bang for my buck when I consume calories. In other words, I want them to have the nutrients, adequate protein and healthy fats that my body needs to function well. Like someone already mentioned, I could theoretically get all my calories from beer or potato chips, but I'm gonna be one sorry specimen.

For the most part I eat pretty clean, and loosely follow a paleo/primal style diet. I have zero issues with weight control, and have plenty of energy to burn during my martial arts classes. Once in a while I treat myself to junk food, and I totally don't feel guilty about it.
Ouch, torn ligament takes longer to heal than a fractured bone. Let it heal buddy.

Maybe... but tomorrow is supposed to be great. I need to get at least one more ride in...

edit: my shoulder hurts like hell and my hand is a little sore, but it was soooo worth it to ride today.
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in regards to working out, and fitness,

what would a person in a wheelchair do for cardio or to keep fit. Ie: exercises from a sitting position, only able to use arms.
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