Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

This fits me perfectly! I never use the other facilities in the gym, only the lockers. It creeps me out showering with other dudes.

By the way does it stock a full weight rack & presses? Thats all i need


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You're from Scarb, no? The Golden Mile (vp/eglinton) one is fully stocked. They have all the free weights & machines that you'd need (it's bigger than my goodlife).

You're from Scarb, no? The Golden Mile (vp/eglinton) one is fully stocked. They have all the free weights & machines that you'd need (it's bigger than my goodlife).

This works out great because its even closer to my Goodlife
This works out great because its even closer to my Goodlife

Fit4less, $10 per month, open 24/7.

Some machines I've noticed they need are laying/standing leg curl and calf press, but for $10 a month you can't complain.
Just signed up tonight for the gym - time to make a change. The focus is on weight loss and cardio for now.

Anybody have any recommended reads for choosing food? I want to eat clean, lots of fruits and raw vegetables, but will that give me enough energy to get through work? I'm not sure how to put this any other way other than to say work requires high levels of concentration for a couple hours at a time, so I need to have that energy. I assume lean meats are important throughout the day as well? Any suggestions? Things to keep away from?
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To help you out you can get slow release protein mixes
Greek yogourt is also a great source of protein

And yes, meats, fruits and veggies are your friends.
Have more meals during the day of smaller portions
Fish and chicken are good and red is alright as long as you make sure its good quality (lean, xtra lean, etc)
Drink A LOT of water. My trick is to have a 1L bottle and i make sure i drink at least 2 of them a day...more when i workout.
If you're still feeling hungrier "than you should" for you caloric expenditure, green tea and grapefruit can help curb your hunger

Diet is key to making changes. You cant outexercise a crappy diet :)

These are my tips of the day. Good luck!
We should get a whole tips thing going - that'd be pretty dope. I've got so much more to learn from some of you guys. Anyway, here's what I can think of:

- On meats & protein: Eat lean. Generally speaking, every ounce of meat yields about 7 grams of protein. They say that you should eat about 1.5g for every pound that you weigh. 1g/lb can even be enough depending on your genetics. Eggs have 6g: 3 in the yolk & 3 in the whites. A couple of yolks are good, but be aware that while it can be "healthy" fat, it's still fat at the end of the day (personally, I don't put more than 3 yolks in any time I'm cooking eggs)

- It's okay to eat a bit of fat with your lean meats...natural fats can be good.

- If you're looking to curb your hunger, eat fibrous veggies (green veggies are great). They're low in calories, have useful nutrients, and are easier carbs for your body to break down vs rice. It's really hard to adjust your diet at first because your body's used to having more food...but it does get easier. Another thing that worked well for me was drinking green tea. If green tea isn't available, I just drank water until I was too bloated to be hungry lol.

- As for fruits: I don't eat them AT ALL when I'm cutting. 1 banana has about 145 grams of sugar and your body start turning sugar into fat once you hit approximately 200g. If the goal is weight/fat loss, then try & cut your sugars as close to 0 as you can. Now that I'm done cutting, I only eat about 1 fruit a week - they're rich in vitamins in nutrients, but have a lot of sugar. So while it's good for general health, it can be bad for your results at the gym. On the point of sugar: avoid it because it makes you more hungry. Sugar makes your insulin spike, which makes you hungrier/crave more sugar when it goes back down.

- Roasted can probably tell you more about the different nuts you can eat (I'm allergic, but those things would save me so much time & money).

- Regarding carb limits: Generally speaking, 100g of carbs a day will maintain weight, 150 will help you grow/put on weight, and under 100g will help you lose weight.

- There's evidence saying that meal frequency does NOT increase your metabolism. But some people will swear by it. Again, try both and see what your body responds to

-Lastly, there are 2 schools of thought on cardio. High intensity interval training(HIIT) & low intensity. An example of the former would be sprinting really fast, then slowing down to a jog, then sprinting really fast, then back to a jog, and so on. An example of the latter would be walking. The logic behind HIIT is that it shocks your body and gets your heart rate up - done properly, it works so well that your heart rate stays higher throughout the day because your body won't know when it needs to kick into overdrive at any given moment. The logic behind low intensity is that when you do a low-energy exercise, your body uses a sustainable energy source because it assumes that you're gonna maintain that intensity for a while (in this case, it uses fat instead of immediate energy like carbs or stored energy like protein). But at the end of the day, it's about carbs in and out. Low intensity worked better for me because I didn't end up losing muscle that I put on. But I've seen good results from going either route.

- These are guidelines and the actual amounts will vary from person to person, but it'll give you a rough idea of where to start off. The key is consistency. So when you're working out but not getting results, you can control your diet to see changed.

Good luck!
disclaimer: I'm not an expert :D
i was at the whole foods supermarket, just newly opened in Markham by warden and hwy 7. Couple of my coworkers thought it would be a nice change to hit up their a la carte and share some sides. Cost of lunch came out to be $18 per person for a variety of meats and veggies. It felt overpriced for what I got. I was surprised by just how packed the supermarket was given it was only 12 pm. Certainly got a sense of the yuppy and holier-than-thou attitude from the people there. I loved the food sampling though....plenty of sampling going on :D

What's everyone's take on this whole organic/natural craze?
As for fruits: I don't eat them AT ALL when I'm cutting. 1 banana has about 145 grams of sugar and your body start turning sugar into fat once you hit approximately 200g.
disclaimer: I'm not an expert :D

Damn son, what kind of Banana's are you eating!! A medium sized ordinary banana is typically rated at slightly over 100 calories and approximately 27gms of carbohydrates.
Damn son, what kind of Banana's are you eating!! A medium sized ordinary banana is typically rated at slightly over 100 calories and approximately 27gms of carbohydrates.
Do you really wanna know?
For me, the constant "snacking" is what works. I can't do the whole one big meal a day thing that I've seen talked about. My energy levels would be way too low either to work or to hit the gym after work depending on when I ate. Plus, in order for me to work my arse off in the gym I need to have hardly anything in my stomach. I can't eat within the hour before the gym.

The constant snacking for me is about 5 "meals" of around 400 cal per day. I try to keep the carbs low but I don't deny them as I do need some easy energy. I have nothing that is sweetened in any way, but I do have a fruit or two per day. Lots of veggies PLAIN (luckily I love raw green beans and red/green peppers) and my meat is either fish or chicken breast. Couldn't tell you what I do as per my grams per day of carb, protein etc... I just eat "right".
Of course, have a cheat day once per week, but I find I don't over do it since I worked too hard the rest of the week.
I reduced my intake of dairy by about 75% and I noticed a huuuuuge change in my GI tract... I'll spare details.

I lost 8 lbs in about 3 weeks once I stuck to this and some really intense cardio/plyo workouts about 4 nights a week on top of my morning hour of spin 5 days/week and racing mx sat and sun.
Brought my resting heart rate from about 60 to a 50-52 and my BP was about a 122/85 and it's now a 110/65 (we actually checked that one a few times with different machines thinking it was wrong).

Unfortunately, I have suffered a few injuries this year due to racing and work has me in the field a lot (hard to eat right when you have a choice of eating what is given to you or not eating at all) and I don't feel like having an intense work out and not being able to shower for 2 weeks.
Once November hits my field time should be coming to an end for a while and I'll be back hitting it hard, and hope to drop 20 by the holidays.

Was talking to a very fit buddy of mine yesterday, he wants me to start doing heavy lifting since I'm very endomorph and throw muscle on very quick. My issue with that are my legs are already "jacked" and if I get in to olympic lifting I won't be able to find pants that will be slack enough in the thigh and snug enough in the waist... Had that issue in high school and it sucked.
I appreciate the replies. I'm looking for a lifestyle change, I can't do the counting calories/carbs thing. I did a year at college with my buddies going every night to the gym, and I remember feeling physically, emotionally and mentally better than I do now. I like the small meals idea, and it might be better as I work two hours on and then an hour break and I can't eat while working.

The hard part is trying to figure out what is the right food to consume, and the quantity.
I appreciate the replies. I'm looking for a lifestyle change, I can't do the counting calories/carbs thing. I did a year at college with my buddies going every night to the gym, and I remember feeling physically, emotionally and mentally better than I do now. I like the small meals idea, and it might be better as I work two hours on and then an hour break and I can't eat while working.

The hard part is trying to figure out what is the right food to consume, and the quantity.

I started by reading the diet program that came with my Insanity package to get an idea, and then for different food ideas I just searched on the web for good ideas.

I don't really have a kitchen, so if I can manage to prepare good, healthy food then anyone can... And it doesn't have to be expensive either. I don't spend more than $150 a month on food.
Just signed up tonight for the gym - time to make a change. The focus is on weight loss and cardio for now.

Anybody have any recommended reads for choosing food? I want to eat clean, lots of fruits and raw vegetables, but will that give me enough energy to get through work? I'm not sure how to put this any other way other than to say work requires high levels of concentration for a couple hours at a time, so I need to have that energy. I assume lean meats are important throughout the day as well? Any suggestions? Things to keep away from?
Go to & sign up for an account. Track your foods & be honest.
Go to & sign up for an account. Track your foods & be honest.
And on top of it theres an app for it (which i have) its awesome!

You can even scan an item's barcode to input it (at least on the android version dunno about the iphone version)
Damn son, what kind of Banana's are you eating!! A medium sized ordinary banana is typically rated at slightly over 100 calories and approximately 27gms of carbohydrates.

Thanks for calling me out. Definitely read that wrong:

The space between the numbers is probably a decimal (which would make more sense, now that I think about it)
You're from Scarb, no? The Golden Mile (vp/eglinton) one is fully stocked. They have all the free weights & machines that you'd need (it's bigger than my goodlife).

I just checked out the VP/Eglinton. Pretty nice place. The equipment is even newer than my Goodlife.
I will sign up for December.
Thx for letting us know
Well, I'm making another bragging post........I hit 405 lbs x 4 on squat today and decided to go for another PR......ended up getting 455 lbs x 1 which is 4 and a half plates a side and was my goal for END OF YEAR :p. I tired to go for rep #2 but pussied out last minute and only went like halfway down on second rep (so it didn't count). I never take vids but maybe I'll take one next time just for ***** and giggles.

way to crush my excitement of setting a one rep max of 95lbs for a push jerk, not sure if that's only some crossfit thing... I can lift a small female above my head!!!! muwahahahahah and then I went rock climbing after, so my hands and arms are dead.
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