Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

^Cheryl Cole's such a babe...

What would you recommend for me to reduce the size of my arms?
They'll definitely get smaller when you start cutting more, although you're already fairly lean. When you say that your arms are getting too big, do you mean when you look at it from behind or the side? 'Cause from the side, they look fine (and I'm saying that as someone who lifts for aesthetics)

If you want to start cutting, a good rule of thumb is to keep carbs under 150g a day( 150 is generally maintenance). Also, you people with good ab genetics piss me off :(.

Also keep in mind that when you cut, a good chunk of people will think that you're getting bigger when you're actually just getting more muscular and getting smaller. So even though your arms will be smaller, more definition leads to the illusion that they're bigger than they actually are.
Don't mean to thread-jack, but does anybody know where I can get some decent gloves for the gym. Most gloves have seams in the palm of the hands and those seams tend to break. Tear of the threads caused by the bar-bell

My arms are 17 inches and I ***** about them being too small. Your arms look FINE. You could use a little more chest but they are proportionate to your delts. Looking shredded btw. THe reason your friends say your arms are oversized is probably because your arms are lean, giving the illusion of size and you're wearing a t-shirt most of the time so that's all they see.

lol - misunderstanding ... i dont think of myself as being humoungous, i meant i would like to avoid that look down the road. Yes, definitely more chest is needed though ive been struggling to get the size there that I want. But keep in mind though you have 17" arms and you think that is small, you also have half a foot on me in height too. The t-shirt comment is right on as well.

I don't even know what I'm arguing about anymore. I'm going to switch up my chest routine to focus on flys first. I'm finding bench pressing focuses too much on my triceps. If my arms were to stay this size and not get be any bigger, I would be happy with that (im not in it for competition after all), its just that proportionally, I dont feel its quite in line with the rest of my body.

The funny thing is that I havent really gained weight in the last two months, but it so happens I have been getting a crazy tshirt tan with all the sun...I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it

^Cheryl Cole's such a babe...

They'll definitely get smaller when you start cutting more, although you're already fairly lean. When you say that your arms are getting too big, do you mean when you look at it from behind or the side? 'Cause from the side, they look fine (and I'm saying that as someone who lifts for aesthetics)

If you want to start cutting, a good rule of thumb is to keep carbs under 150g a day( 150 is generally maintenance). Also, you people with good ab genetics piss me off :(.

Also keep in mind that when you cut, a good chunk of people will think that you're getting bigger when you're actually just getting more muscular and getting smaller. So even though your arms will be smaller, more definition leads to the illusion that they're bigger than they actually are.

Yea, that's what i mean...they look disproportionately larger from behind. It's hard to take a shot where I can show its girth. I saw your ab pics, they look fine, should really get the medal out of the way though lol..Besides im flexing mine like mad in those pics
anyone have experience with the paleo or paleo-like diets? My health freak friends are raving about it but it seems difficult to get the necessary cals out of it when starches are eliminated from one's diet.
yea, its a new gym opening up in Barrie, so they're trying to create some awareness for it...

LOL at these clowns that judge your life from a few posts on a internet forum without even knowing who you are.
Freestyle must be like the ****** in this video all tough til he realizes he's gonna get his *** handed to him...


Maybe if you show your posts on here about how you are hardcore like Wanderlei,hendo,shogun to your trainers you will then realize you are acting like the guy in the video who can't get in the bar. Did you find out when you are in the ring yet? Sept 8 is real soon
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Yea, that's what i mean...they look disproportionately larger from behind. It's hard to take a shot where I can show its girth. I saw your ab pics, they look fine, should really get the medal out of the way though lol..Besides im flexing mine like mad in those pics
Haha I'm lucky 'cause the medal covers the pathetic bottom 2 abs.

If that's the case, cutting will definitely work a little bit...but you're better off work the inner head more to round it out so the outer tricep head doesn't seem to bulge out as much
anyone have experience with the paleo or paleo-like diets? My health freak friends are raving about it but it seems difficult to get the necessary cals out of it when starches are eliminated from one's diet.
It's different for everyone...I had to do a modified one. The fruits are too high up on the pyramid for my liking.The reason it works is because it incorporates things that you should be eating even if you're not on a paleo diet (nuts, lots of veggies, etc.). But there are A LOT of sugars in fruits...when I was cutting hard, I couldn't get under 8.5% until I gave up eating fruits. I know lifters that avoid fruits like the plague, but you gotta remember that they're also rich in nutrients.

The average person can have about 200g of sugar before it starts converting it to fat. With all the random sugar in daily foods, sauces, marinades, etc. (it's almost unavoidable), you don't have much room left for fruit sugars.
After being really unhealthy for the last 2 years, i'm wanting to get back into shape.
I want to join a gym... What's the going rate for GoodLife now days?
During my uni days I use to go to the gym everyday and was in MUCH better shape, but life got the better of me. I use to pay about $30/month back then. How much is reasonable now?

I have a treadmill and some free weights at home. Would i be better off just buying one or two pieces of equipment for home and work out there? I tend to be less lazy when I can do it at home.
Don't mean to thread-jack, but does anybody know where I can get some decent gloves for the gym. Most gloves have seams in the palm of the hands and those seams tend to break. Tear of the threads caused by the bar-bell

I've been using Harbinger gloves for years and never had an issue with them. Best gloves I've used and I've been bodybuilding for 15yrs.

These are the ones I use:
I've been using Harbinger gloves for years and never had an issue with them. Best gloves I've used and I've been bodybuilding for 15yrs.

These are the ones I use:

Hahaha, those are the exact ones I have now. The seams are wearing out at the fingers and the palm of the knuckles. Maybe it's because the way I use the barbell. Sometimes I drag the bar between my hands. The extra padding at the palms is slowly releasing at the seams
Gloves are for chicks... real men rock calouses.
well.. I have gloves, but I really just use them for presses and sometimes dumbell work. I think chalk is the better way because your grip is stronger due to the shorter diameter. That's what I use for dl's and pulls.
I haven't trained with gloves in 8 years.. never liked the feel of em, once my hands became callused to hell i did away with them completely... i'll use straps for deads and rows some times because I have small hands and my grip strength is womanly. I do have some sponges that make an appearance now and then when i've picked at my calluses so much (terrible habit, I know) that its raw and bleeding but otherwise I really just prefer being "connected" to the weight im moving
Not a fan of typical fingerless gym gloves. Almost always bare hands. I feel like the padded palm clumps up and doesn't really give a good grip.

I have a pair of full fingered moto-x style gloves that were lying around the house so I started bringing them to the gym for back days and they actually work awesome. The palm is much thinner than typical gym gloves and I get a real good grip when doing pull-ups or deadlifts. Sometimes the bars are greasy and the gloves do come in handy.
Actually, *real* men know how to spell "calluses" :)

So that's what he meant. I thought calouse was those straps I see some ppl use

I've worn gloves ever since and my palms still have callus
'Sup guys, I'm gonna finish the Gethin Program tomorrow and I'm looking for suggestions on what to do next. I want to do another round of the program, but it's sort of aimed at big dudes losing a lot of fat.

I can definitely recommend the watch a video every day before you work out and it sort of amps you up for your workout + you learn a lot of very useful information along the way. It's supposed to be a 90 day program, but it took me about 6 months to complete + I cheated a lot on the diet. Thanks to dizzy929 for suggesting it



But yeah...any program recommendations/routines would be highly appreciated. I'm not slowing down 'til I get just shy of Kane Sumabat's physique :D
I haven't trained with gloves in 8 years.. never liked the feel of em, once my hands became callused to hell i did away with them completely... i'll use straps for deads and rows some times because I have small hands and my grip strength is womanly. I do have some sponges that make an appearance now and then when i've picked at my calluses so much (terrible habit, I know) that its raw and bleeding but otherwise I really just prefer being "connected" to the weight im moving

Haha i have smallish hands too but i find deads really improve grip strength. No straps or gloves for me. Pick the **** outta my calluses.

So i used to think crossfit was gay, my mind isn't completely changed but i did one DL workout was pretty good. 60X 315 as fast as you can do them and then done. Whole workout was 15 minutes and i was toast, back, traps, hams, forearms.
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