^Cheryl Cole's such a babe...
If you want to start cutting, a good rule of thumb is to keep carbs under 150g a day( 150 is generally maintenance). Also, you people with good ab genetics piss me off
Also keep in mind that when you cut, a good chunk of people will think that you're getting bigger when you're actually just getting more muscular and getting smaller. So even though your arms will be smaller, more definition leads to the illusion that they're bigger than they actually are.
They'll definitely get smaller when you start cutting more, although you're already fairly lean. When you say that your arms are getting too big, do you mean when you look at it from behind or the side? 'Cause from the side, they look fine (and I'm saying that as someone who lifts for aesthetics)What would you recommend for me to reduce the size of my arms?
If you want to start cutting, a good rule of thumb is to keep carbs under 150g a day( 150 is generally maintenance). Also, you people with good ab genetics piss me off

Also keep in mind that when you cut, a good chunk of people will think that you're getting bigger when you're actually just getting more muscular and getting smaller. So even though your arms will be smaller, more definition leads to the illusion that they're bigger than they actually are.