Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

nope, not at all. Actually the ********* shirt was hilarious because that's exactly the type of people I was referring to...Those Tapout shirts have become the equivalent of the Icon vest. Most of the guys wearing them haven't set foot in the gym...and all the internet warriors are welcome to come to my gym if anyone has for a fight Sept 8th in Barrie, come out to that too the more support the better and bring your bikes, I'll likely be on mine.

Ronin I'd come to your gym. I can learn ya how to wrastle.
MMA? I'd check it out. Do you have a link for details?

This is going to be Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing), I will post details about the event here as soon as I get them.

Ronin I'd come to your gym. I can learn ya how to wrastle.

I dunno, I'm more of a stand up guy...I like to keep guys away rather than rub up on them, but if you're anything like your avatar I'll take you up on the offer ;)
This is going to be Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing), I will post details about the event here as soon as I get them.

I dunno, I'm more of a stand up guy...I like to keep guys away rather than rub up on them, but if you're anything like your avatar I'll take you up on the offer ;)

You don't know the details of the event you are fighting in in less than a month? You sound very well prepared. Didn't you say earlier that people who do strictly BJJ or boxing are pussies? So a strictly Thai trained person is just waiting to be taken down and choked out in your world? With your attitude I would suggest you train in everything or your going to talk yourself into a problem some day. Stand up and groundwork will save your azz
Dude he doesn't really do MMA... he is afraid someone will rub on him. With any luck maybe some talent will rub off. But judging by his posts that's doubtful.
This is going to be Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing), I will post details about the event here as soon as I get them.

I dunno, I'm more of a stand up guy...I like to keep guys away rather than rub up on them, but if you're anything like your avatar I'll take you up on the offer ;)

Im guessing this is just an exhibition smoker/sparring demo since competitive Muay Thai fights are not legal in ontario right?
good job man, 40 lbs is a huge accomplishment. Maybe it's me though, but i thought you looked fine in the before phase. (no homo)
good job man, 40 lbs is a huge accomplishment. Maybe it's me though, but i thought you looked fine in the before phase. (no homo)

lack of activity, video games, and over eating caused me to get all jiggly... much better after loosing the 40 lbs, much lighter on my feet :P
Relatively new to working out (doing a modified form of SS, basically it's SS with a few accessory lifts, and not squatting every workout session (because squatting on the same day as deadlifting doesn't work for me. And I personally think squatting 3x a week is just way overkill anyways.))
But, I busted my knee over the weekend (not workout related; actually don't know how, just know it hurts to move.) Tried doing squats/deadlifts with just the bar and it still hurt (seem to be mostly the movement, and not pressure/weight causing it); so looks like I can't do much lower body work until it heals.
Also can't jog, so it's back to cycling/walking for cardio I guess.
I've lost about 15lbs in 1.5 months (since I started getting serious. Before that I lost about 40lbs over the course of 2 years) Hoping to have 10-12% bodyfat by christmas, and then I'll start bulking. Sitting at 180lbs last I weighed myself (which I don't do often, since the best indication for me is looking in the mirror or noticing changes. If I were to jump on the scale everyday I'd get disappointed by how slow the numbers decrease. But if I hop on it, and then stay off for 2-3 weeks, then the number'll have changed a lot since the last time I weighed.)

My overall goal is to get into power and oly lifting. But I'm going to give everything a try before making a final decision.
Congrats on the transformation.

How are all you other regular lifters coming along? Transformation pics are always so cool to see. I wish I documented mine better. And by "better", I mean "at all". lol
POV with a go pro!!!
Hey folks,

my arms (more specifically my tripceps) are outpacing the growth of the rest of my upper body....i feel like i have massive arms relative to the rest of my upper body (my friends have indicated this as well). I havent done a bicep curl nor a tricep isolating exercise in months but they are still growing, probably via my compound lifts - db/bb flat bench, db/bb incline bench, dips, and shoulder press. I don't care too much about my bicep size as im rather vascular

i'm 5'7, 14 inch arms flexed (and my biceps are tiny, its mostly tricep). As a shorter guy, I really dislike the humongous look. Being shredded (hyper lean with some muscle) is okay though lol, so I wouldn't be against the idea of lowering my bf% if that would mean i'd end up achieving smaller arms

What would you recommend for me to reduce the size of my arms?


unflexed arm pic...arm looks like a log lol
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Im guessing this is just an exhibition smoker/sparring demo since competitive Muay Thai fights are not legal in ontario right?

yea, its a new gym opening up in Barrie, so they're trying to create some awareness for it...

LOL at these clowns that judge your life from a few posts on a internet forum without even knowing who you are.
Freestyle must be like the ****** in this video all tough til he realizes he's gonna get his *** handed to him...

i'm 5'7, 14 inch arms flexed (and my biceps are tiny, its mostly tricep). As a shorter guy, I really dislike the humongous look.



My arms are 17 inches and I ***** about them being too small. Your arms look FINE. You could use a little more chest but they are proportionate to your delts. Looking shredded btw. THe reason your friends say your arms are oversized is probably because your arms are lean, giving the illusion of size and you're wearing a t-shirt most of the time so that's all they see.
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