Words people mispronounce or misuse that drive me bonkers

sometimes pronounced geezer
hate that

After many a moon..........just in the nick 'o time.........the entertainment shows up. (the rest of it is banned, be good).
Your absence requires a full explanation by the way, octo. :confused: PM works.

Why is 'then' and 'than' used incorrectly so often lately?
really hate that.
After many a moon..........just in the nick 'o time.........the entertainment shows up. (the rest of it is banned, be good).
Your absence requires a full explanation by the way, octo. :confused: PM works.

Why is 'then' and 'than' used incorrectly so often lately?
really hate that.

Hey Gary, it's always nice to see a friendly face in the crowd. I hate that they call Ciint Eastwood an octogenarian. Get off the lawn.
The link you provided proves my point. They pronounce it "off-en" and they say it rhymes with "coffin, soften, and dauphin"

The hard "T" sound is a recent screw up.

The way you suggested in must be pronounced is actually how the pronunciation has evolved.

Its Of-ten. Pronounce it how you would like.
border vs boarder, seen it on this site very Of-ten.
motorcycle terminology ... ferring = fairing ..

here are examples from two current kijiji advertisments :)

"Need a quick sale!
FABULAOUS starter bike

extreamly well maintained - stored in heated garage!

Lady ridden
small unoticable crack in ferring "

"wanted...right side ferring to match"
One for the geezers: Edelbrock called Eldebrock.
Eglington : Eglinton
Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leaves

Hmmm, the first point is correct, but words that take irregular plural endings often just take just an "s" or "es" when they are plural proper nouns.

- one Mother Goose / two Mother Gooses

Further, proper nouns can even modify regular plural endings

- one Blackberry / two Blackberrys
- one Toronto Maple Leaf / two Toronto Maple Leafs

It's complicated :-)

1. Aks: Ask
2. Pitture: Picture
3. Posed: Supposed
4. Expecially: Especially
5. Libary: Library
6. Febuary: February
7. Excape: Escape
8. Enviurnment: Environment
9: Mute point: Moot point
10. Verbage: Verbiage (guilty of this one until recently)
11. Swag: Swagger


Really people.. its not that hard. Enough with the Tronno bs
All forms of "Business Speak" make me want to shake people violently.

For example:
"Let's touch base..."
"Who's going to Champion this effort?"
"Lets consolidate our resources and explore options while we find a restitution and further this with a discussion on the matter"

Generally, a lot being said, without a damn thing being said.

How about (from the sales guys)

"Lets firm up that ____ for you"

Ugnhh I feel like choking someone when i hear that.
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