Words people mispronounce or misuse that drive me bonkers

Two that I see a lot in business:

1. "It's a mute point"
2. Beginning a sentence with "in order to..." 99% of the time you can remove "in order" with absolutely no loss of generality.
In Europe AL is spelled and pronounced Aluminium, here in North America is Aluminum. It has to do with how it was spelled when discovered, then to conform to the naming of most elements with ending -ium it was changed to Aluminium. Americans decided to go back to the original spelling, hence the difference, but both are considered correct.

It doesn't drive me bonkers, but I think it's funny but when Indian immigrants speak English! So many words!

Furniture; pur-nee-ture
what are you doing; what doing

Another one that I find unique is aluminum. I believe both pronunciations are correct.

Ah-loo-mi-num and ah-lih-min-nium
All forms of "Business Speak" make me want to shake people violently.

For example:
"Let's touch base..."
"Who's going to Champion this effort?"
"Lets consolidate our resources and explore options while we find a restitution and further this with a discussion on the matter"

Generally, a lot being said, without a damn thing being said.
differentiate-distinguish between
my bad-my mistake
at this point in time-now
Lately my boss uses some of that business jargon...."I want you to take ownership of this..."

I purposely DONT do that BECAUSE he uses that sentence....i think hes catching on....
All forms of "Business Speak" make me want to shake people violently.

For example:
"Let's touch base..."
"Who's going to Champion this effort?"
"Lets consolidate our resources and explore options while we find a restitution and further this with a discussion on the matter"

Generally, a lot being said, without a damn thing being said.

This would be a thread on its own. Probably quite entertaining too.
I would love to use these on my boss and clients.
All forms of "Business Speak" make me want to shake people violently.

For example:
"Let's touch base..."
"Who's going to Champion this effort?"
"Lets consolidate our resources and explore options while we find a restitution and further this with a discussion on the matter"

Generally, a lot being said, without a damn thing being said.
"Let's circle back..." It's a circle! If you circle back you'll end up exactly where you started!
"Let's circle back..." It's a circle! If you circle back you'll end up exactly where you started!

Don't forget a few more favourites:

"Let's take a holistic approach..."
"Take this off-line"
"Value added"
"Let's go after the low hanging fruit first.."
"Go forward, let's liaise with one another and put our two cents in"
one I've heard recently, which I don't think is wrong but sounds weird to me is
harrisment: harassment

well,, when it is sexual "her a s s ment ".. you should say harrisment !

How Come we don't say "Y" any more?
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well,, when it is sexual "her a s s ment ".. you should say harrisment !

How Come we don't say "Y" any more?

Reminds me of this:
SPANISH WORD OF THE DAY: HARASSMENT My old lady caught me in bed wit my lover so I said harassment nothing to me!
sometimes pronounced geezer
hate that
About or a bout?


Haha, yeah, I noticed I did that after I posted and didn't bother to change it. Its a habit I developed online using shorthand like "2 (two,too,to), 4get, 2mrwo, etc". The difference is that I know it is spelled about and many people don't realize they're using their "there's" and "to"'s wrong.
Reminds me of the time I was in Dallas and my buddy was asking people on the street where the book "suppository" was that Oswald shot Kennedy from, as though we wanted to go ram books up our ***.He must have asked that 20 times before I corrected him.I still laugh thinking about it.
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