Words people mispronounce or misuse that drive me bonkers

I used to have a brown bottle beer stein with a wooden handle that said "Tronto" on it.. the Montreal, Halifax, etc were all spelled correctly.. lol
I hear Trana quite a bit for Toronto... and they really mean somewhere in the GTA ,, not Toronto proper..
like the tronto airport,,, ah,, is that downtown tronto.. or
pose-ta = supposed to
prolly = probably
chimley = chimney
garge = garage
QuiZnos = quiNzos
punkin ,
hamlet = helmet
cylinder block... which is incorrect for cinder block,, which is really a concrete block
worshroom = washroom = restroom = BATH room even tho in public there is no bath facilities

and not really mispronounced,, but left over from the past..
steam roller, = diesel ashfault [sic] roller..
steam shovel = hi-hoe, excavator, loader,

sorry to pick on "foreign" tongue, as most understand english,, i just speak it.. and I can really make a mess of french, german, spanish, and newfie... when I try
Portuguese people say cloze-ed for clozed [sic]

is Weber st ,,, webber,, or weeber ? or veeber

i just leaned a yrs old friends name is Wic.. short for warwick .. which is really said, war-ick.. not Vic as I have use-ed for yrs.. cause the german friends say Vic instead of Wick

why is abbreviated sooo long?

I found out my buddy "Harley" name is actually not.. it is Dave.. I have 2 members of the family with first name Harley ,, nothing to do with HD but now I am straying off topic..
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prolly = probably
chimley = chimney
garge = garage

I text prolly sometimes as a shortcut.

My mother in law couldn't say chimney right, she would say chimley and we'd laugh at her.

My mom and grandmother say warsh, as in,"it's dinner time, go WARSH your hands. They also say Pellow instead of pillow.

My dad, and older people, say Detro-it, whereas I say it like Detroy-t.

And garage is another one I hear differently between older people. I say gah-rodge, whereas older people I find say gar-rodge (like saying the name Gary).
USA friends listen intently to me to hear "eh?" which I do very occasionally .. and I laugh when they catch me,, but they accuse me of Ooot and Abooot.... just because I say roooote 66 .. ah,, do they call it r-out 66
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USA friends listen intently to me to hear "eh?" which I do very occasionally .. and I laugh when they catch me,, but they accuse me of Ooot and Abooot.... just because I say roooote 66 .. ah,, do they call it r-out 66

Try living there... I had to explain to my friends words like house, mouse, out don't have w's in them (e.g. howse) :lmao:
Indian people will understand.

This is a "Hoss"
Weather spelled like whether

ex: weather you are right or I am, it doesn't matter!

I've seen this one as well :

we have to get are act together( THIS ONE FCU KING DRIVES ME NUTS!!!!!!)

There's also the need to add an s to make words plural when there is no such word in existence:
I had to get my riding gears together to get ready for the ride (what, transmission gears?)
This bike came in 3 different trims (even salespeople say this)
There's a sale on fishing tackles at Bass Pro (only tackles I know of are in football)

Ah, the English language. Always entertaining.
"once and a while"* used in place of "once in a while"

*cant stands it
I'm still trying to get used to the use of "Bring" and "Take", have they been interchanged? Any insight?
"No Trespassing" signs. Ya, no guff.:rolleyes: While you're at it why not put up a sign that reads "No stealing" or "Rape not allowed on premises"
"That's peposterus!"
I'm still trying to get used to the use of "Bring" and "Take", have they been interchanged? Any insight?
I don't believe they've been interchanged - it drives me nuts. I don't know what the actual rules are, but here's how I look at it.

Think about where you are, or what you'll be doing, and who you're talking to to put it into context.
To people with you: "When I leave, I will TAKE my stuff with me."
To someone who is not with you, "When you come to my house, BRING your stuff."
at home, to others there: "I'll TAKE my speedo with me on vacation."
at the beach: "Hey everyone, I BROUGHT my speedo."
Everyone at the beach: "UGH! Don't BRING that again. In fact, leave, and TAKE it with you."
When you're at home, you DON'T say bring (unless you're talking to someone that's already where you're going, and you can say "I'll bring it") To the people that are with you, you say "I'll take it.) It's a little more complicated, but again, it's related to where you and the person you're speaking to are.
1) Sangwich
2) Irregardless
3) Gonna
4) Wanna

Wow, that's almost a full sennance right there. "After my ride, I prolly won't be hungry. Irregardless, I'm gonna wanna sangwich."
A man was walking his dog through the graveyard when he saw another man crouching behind a gravestone.

"Morning!" he said.

The other man replies, "No, just having a s.h.i.t."
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