Yeah, it's terrible when people with real life experience, regardless of their choice of bike, share it with those with little or none who express interest in learning, huh?
I'm still learning. Not ashamed to admit that. I know you're not interested in learning anymore though after you gained all sorts of experience across multiple bikes and many years by osmosis. All that newbie stuff was just a rouse. Sure fooled us.
I was riding motorcycles before you were even a wet dream, and riding street bikes (yes, a sport bike myself as well, on the street even, gasp!) when you were in diapers. I've never purported myself to be a "pro", but do have some experience, even if it's with a big gap in the middle and I choose a different style of bike now, thanks.
So, please educate us, all knowing one. Sounds like you're a pro and all with your decades and millions of miles of experience across a wide swath of bikes.
Oh, yeah...about that.