There's a couple of noob trolls here that I wish were just ****ing banned. Jesus.
OP, you may very well become bored of the 300. While a bike of that calibre and power would otherwise make an absolutely fine commuter capable of running in amongst 401 traffic, you may grow tired of muted rates of acceleration at highway speeds and not having a great deal of power in reserve. While lightweight, small-displacement bikes would kick *** on Mulholland Drive and squirting through downtown traffic, around these parts where highways are mile after mile of straight-line drudgery, they become high-RPM buzz-bombs leaving you feeling sympathy for the reciprocating equipment, tingly and fatigued by the time you get where you're going.
If your commute is long I suggest considering something with more displacement, torque and taller gearing for a more relaxed ride. If your commute is moderate or short, the 300 would be fine.
My first bike was a CBR500R; consider something like that. It's eminently capable on the highway, heavy enough to feel sturdy under you but not heavy enough to feel wallowy in corners. It doesn't get 250 or 300 fuel economy but it still returns 60+mpg when ridden "normally." In other countries, like Australia, it's "LAMS"-approved meaning it's recommended for new riders in those locales. You may even find that the insurance is affordable, plus it comes in three flavors (R, F and X).
A 300 would function fine as a longer-distance commuter but, IMO, it's not the bike's forte (or the class, for that matter...)