Something along the lines of "How do you know when somebody is a pilot". I will be seeing my pilot friend this evening for coffee. Will get the exact wording.
Exactly my experience. All the way to the 1.3L class and dying to go to the ninja 250r which gave me more fun while I was a rookie. Probably grab one as my 2nd bike and make it my main bike.
Small bikes definitely have a purpose and can bring joys the big ones cant, vise versa though also.
seriously?? I find that kinda hard to believe, I'm 5'11, 185ish geared up and have no problems passing anything moving at under 150 km/h on a 250 and top out in the 165-170 range.
I sold my ninja 250r for a yamaha fz6, a 600cc sport tourer and my insurance is the same. Im a 22 year old male.
Its possible to upgrade without killing yourself on insurance, just get some quotes first.
I definitely loved how the 250r handled, but I love the explosive straight line speed and comfortable highway cruising of my bigger bike wayyyy more. And its more usable than a 250. Its fun to go 20 minutes out into the country with the 250 but you cant take it on long trips or put your girlfriend on the back.
After riding the 600 around for a few weeks I hopped on the 250 for old times sake, and my first thought was that the engine must be firing on only one cylinder. It felt like a toy compared to the 600. It had absolutely no power at all amd was no longer exciting to me.
Still, if I were older and my insurance was less, I probably wouldve kept both bikes. Cant explain why.
That's such a dumbass statement that has no fact or knowledge. You know nothing about me, if you were trying to be humorous you also suck at it because a 250 is just about as heavy as a 600cc SS. On top of that I've ridden bikes 700+ lbs and looking at your own history of bikes you've owned you should realize that you just look like a c*nt saying dumb **** like that...
That's such a dumbass statement that has no fact or knowledge. You know nothing about me, if you were trying to be humorous you also suck at it because a 250 is just about as heavy as a 600cc SS. On top of that I've ridden bikes 700+ lbs and looking at your own history of bikes you've owned you should realize that you just look like a c*nt saying dumb **** like that...
Why so serious?
Looking at the smiley face after my first post would indicate I was joking.
Looking at my history of bikes you should extrapolate I was joking with my response (especially since I don't know you).
And since I don't know you perhaps you can tell us why you get so upset over nothing?
250 Ninja is 344 lbs wet, zx6r is 431 wet. That's an 87 lb difference, but apparently that's the same weight to you.
So at least we know something about you, your math sucks.
if you have a condition like Aspergers Syndrome or bipolar disorder I apologize. (Just so you don't go into another rage I would like to point out the preceding post was all tongue in cheek).
Like I said, it was a joke. So please don't post pictures of yourself in spandex working out to show how strong you are, we don't want to break the internet after all.
Why so serious?
Looking at the smiley face after my first post would indicate I was joking.
Looking at my history of bikes you should extrapolate I was joking with my response (especially since I don't know you).
And since I don't know you perhaps you can tell us why you get so upset over nothing?
250 Ninja is 344 lbs wet, zx6r is 431 wet. That's an 87 lb difference, but apparently that's the same weight to you.
So at least we know something about you, your math sucks.
if you have a condition like Aspergers Syndrome or bipolar disorder I apologize. (Just so you don't go into another rage I would like to point out the preceding post was all tongue in cheek).
Like I said, it was a joke. So please don't post pictures of yourself in spandex working out to show how strong you are, we don't want to break the internet after all.
Hey man don't try and be all friendly after your *** just got shot down... but I am sorry, it was late, I was tired and saw you taking jabs at me and the little guy so I just had to respond.
But an 08+ 250 is actually 375lbs wet and some 600's are lighter than the ZX6r so yea, the difference is about as much as a small child, its pretty negligible.
What about those pics in spandex working out? Are those getting posted? #NoHomo
With insurance rates the way they are right now, I don’t see how most people would not want to be riding a 300. Heck, if I lose ~100lbs, I might look at a 125 for booting around town and back and forth to work.
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Hey man don't try and be all friendly after your *** just got shot down... but I am sorry, it was late, I was tired and saw you taking jabs at me and the little guy so I just had to respond.
But an 08+ 250 is actually 375lbs wet and some 600's are lighter than the ZX6r so yea, the difference is about as much as a small child, its pretty negligible.
Don't talk about my ***. No worries, inflection is lost in the written word. And in my younger years I too got heated over forum posts (with great age and imminent death comes wisdom, sometimes). And I can't help but be friendly, it's in my nature. Ask anyone who knows me. Just so you know, I learned street riding on a friends 250 LTD and had a blast.
She is not built to withstand such heavy flogging. You are completely ruining her for the next guy that might want to straddling her down the road. She may never idle the same again. You need to find a bigger framed version of Ninjette that was built for such long days in the saddle.
I remember someone asking Honda about this once, and their response was 'any RPM below redline is fine' so long as it gets regular maintenance, especially oil & filter changes. Honestly I don't understand the whole 'if you keep the revs too high you'll kill it' mindset, especially around bikes. The smaller cc'ed ones are designed to operate high in the rev range, and the supersport bikes are completely designed to operate they are race bikes after all.
Granted if you can shift up into a higher gear to lower sustained RPM you do so...but the whole 'bike will explode if I keep it around 8000 in 6th' or 'if I ride for 4 hours' just makes zero sense to me. Same can be said to those who consider bikes with 10,000-20,000km on them 'high mileage'.
I remember someone asking Honda about this once, and their response was 'any RPM below redline is fine' so long as it gets regular maintenance, especially oil & filter changes. Honestly I don't understand the whole 'if you keep the revs too high you'll kill it' mindset, especially around bikes. The smaller cc'ed ones are designed to operate high in the rev range, and the supersport bikes are completely designed to operate they are race bikes after all.
Granted if you can shift up into a higher gear to lower sustained RPM you do so...but the whole 'bike will explode if I keep it around 8000 in 6th' or 'if I ride for 4 hours' just makes zero sense to me. Same can be said to those who consider bikes with 10,000-20,000km on them 'high mileage'.
I had a salesman tell me that my first stick car shouldn't be shifted under 6,000 rpm, so guess who blew the first rod in North America for that particular car?
Best to take it easy with the shifting, and let the oil circulate for a while, before flogging a bike hard.
I had a salesman tell me that my first stick car shouldn't be shifted under 6,000 rpm, so guess who blew the first rod in North America for that particular car?
Best to take it easy with the shifting, and let the oil circulate for a while, before flogging a bike hard.
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