Why do so many ghetto people smoke?

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Clearly there is a significantly larger percentage of smokers among the ghetto population compared to the population as a whole. Your thoughts? I even welcome real responses based on data and statistics as well as good replies

Please reference something to back that statement up, if you expect others to.
Now why did I waste my time bothering to make reading suggestions? I don't think you're actually interested in any research surrounding this. Like I said, I think you're just making generalized appraisals about people based on a single thing you don't like.

I think this needs to be read again.
I've worked for 4 or 5 smaller places over the last 20 years or so, none of us in the office smoked yet a high percentage of the shop workers did. My kids have played travel hockey for years, there is always a percentage of parents that head out for a smoke during the games but go to a Hamilton arena and that percentage goes up huge. I still remember a game at an arena down near the steel plants, as I was coming out the door I watched as a mom handed her two kids each a smoke. One looked to be around 12 or 13 the other was probably no more than 10, I was speechless. I think environment and acceptability has a lot to do with whether people smoke.
For all you fine looking ladies, smoking ages you prematurely.
Please reference something to back that statement up, if you expect others to.

I don't expect anyone to back anything up, it's clearly anecdotal.
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There's no cause and effect relationship, to support that theory. Another failure of a newspaper to correctly headline a story, because the story itself states a lack of clarity regarding the issue.

As nicotine is a vasodilator which has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, and has been shown in decades old studies to provide a temporary increase in effective IQ, I would say it's more likely that people with lower aggregate IQs tend to smoke.
I'd like to know how "ghetto" people can afford to smoke with how much a pack of cigarettes costs. $12 for a pack of 25 is pretty steep.

As for a typology of people who smoke and why some people continue to smoke, IMO, it's highly individualized and has nothing to do with class, status, income, educational attainment, gender, or any other variable you attempt to throw in the mix. People who continue to smoke despite the fact that society views it as reprehensible, may do so based on physiological differences. The same as how some people are alcoholics. For some people, it's not that easy to simply stop. And for people like me, who are fully cognizant of the detrimental effects of smoking on the body, they still engage in that highly self-destructive activity regardless. I'm not stupid. Smoking is terrible.

I find it interesting how many 'kinds' of people continue to smoke. From medical doctors to technicians to artists and graphic designers to academics. Every kind of job I have worked in has its smokers. There are still lots of smokers out there from every walk of life.
This thread is making me want a smoke...that's bad cause I just quit. Stop fighting about smoking and hug it out:D Fighting about who smokes and who doesn't is even more ghetto then ghetto people smoking.
As nicotine is a vasodilator which has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, and has been shown in decades old studies to provide a temporary increase in effective IQ

Not to mention opening up the lungs prior to one of the Category 5 climbs in the Tour de France.

If she smokes, I don't think that she is hot...could be the hottest girl in the world and if she smokes I think it's disgusting. I have lots of friends that smoke but don't think I could ever date one.

One less competitor to worry about.

Clearly there is a significantly larger percentage of smokers among the ghetto population compared to the population as a whole.

From your initial post it certainly sounded like a judgement call on smokers 'as' ghetto.

You'd think with the cost of a Doctorate Program, they'd throw in a few comprehension courses gratis.
I prefer blondes

I prefer attractive women.

And LOL at all of the ruffled feathers in this thread. Some of you need to relax and have a smoke.
You'd think with the cost of a Doctorate Program, they'd throw in a few comprehension courses gratis.

Really? For one thing, Kellen did not substantiate his 'finding'. Second, it's quite easy to make an inference to what Kellen is saying, 'between the lines' so to speak, with his statement regarding smoking and ghetto.

It seems to me that you and Kellen are lacking in the self-esteem department necessitating your need to bash the vices of others to prop yourselves up. Feel better now? And what's your vice, btw? Drinking? Smoking pot? Never getting enough sleep? Eating poorly? Not getting enough exercise? Everyone has a vice. The problem emerges in what society views as acceptable and unacceptable in vices.
I'd like to know how "ghetto" people can afford to smoke with how much a pack of cigarettes costs. $12 for a pack of 25 is pretty steep.

Native smokes $25 for 200 or the cheap packs for $6-7 a pack. Hell their kids don't have food but they have their smokes.
Where exactly is this ghetto that the smokers all come from?

Or is it an appearance thing?
Really? For one thing, Kellen did not substantiate his 'finding'. Second, it's quite easy to make an inference to what Kellen is saying, 'between the lines' so to speak, with his statement regarding smoking and ghetto.

Kellen said why is it that more ghetto people smoke? You got in his face for calling all smokers ghetto. If you can't see the difference, I really can't help you. I could try typing it out slower, but I don't see it changing the outcome.

And what's your vice, btw?

I can tell you that boasting that I'm smart on the internet isn't one of them.
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