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Yay bbm for every other phone. Too little too late. People actually have bb devices still?
Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
Yay bbm for every other phone. Too little too late. People actually have bb devices still?
10 million downloads in less than 24 hours.
No 1 download on apples app store in 66 countries
Too little too late? :lol:
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
As far as I'm aware, they have no (logical) plan to monetize it.
You would be incorrect. This is part of a grand scheme of things. Hint : bbm channels
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
I'm aware of the channels plan, which is why I specified "logical".
As of yet, channels provides nothing that Twitter/Facebook doesn't already do better. If for some reason it comes up with a neat feature that the don't have, they could easily take that feature and integrate it quickly.
Yet apps like Instagram continue to flourish. What does igram do that Facebook doesnt?
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
So who's getting an updated iPad?
Basic photo editing w/ filters, basic photo-based status updates. Facebook is filled with a bit too much "oh em gee, drama BS". It's essentially a photo-based twitter.
Also, the Z30 is blah. Just throwing that out there. (I've had one for a while)
Btw, finger print sensor rocks
Btw, finger print sensor rocks