who's still riding? (in toronto)

Just mind you don't get anywhere near a brine truck, that **** gets in your mouth and eyes

Well a few years back I had no choice but to pass by one while riding up the 400.

With my full face helmet (actually a modular but same effect) nothing got in my mouth or eyes but is was pretty bad just the same. The stuff go all over helmet and gloves and smeared like crazy. I had no water on me so no way to rinse the stuff off with the result that my shield kept smearing like crazy. It was all over my gloves so wiping with them did nothing good and it was too cold with too much crap coming of the highway to ride with the shield up.

Well a few years back I had no choice but to pass by one while riding up the 400.

With my full face helmet (actually a modular but same effect) nothing got in my mouth or eyes but is was pretty bad just the same. The stuff go all over helmet and gloves and smeared like crazy. I had no water on me so no way to rinse the stuff off with the result that my shield kept smearing like crazy. It was all over my gloves so wiping with them did nothing good and it was too cold with too much crap coming of the highway to ride with the shield up.


See, I have this amazingly dumb reflex to open my visor if I can't see through. Sometimes I can fight it ... sometimes I get whatever **** was coating the visor to now coat my eyes
Nice - - for sure get to the forks - need to fill the bike anyway - started fine today after a couple months off wandering the US by car.
Be nice to get a few rides in this month.
I just put in fuel stabilizer and got it ready but will get it out if Thursday is as good as accu-weather claims.
Wifey needed the car tonight to do a little Christmas shopping with her sister, I had a Scout meeting, so off I went on the Bonnie. Only had to go about 2km each way, could have walked, but it was kind of refreshing actually.
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Nice - - for sure get to the forks - need to fill the bike anyway - started fine today after a couple months off wandering the US by car.
Be nice to get a few rides in this month.

Arnt you off down under again this winter?
How much fuel stabilizer we have to add to full tank? I forgot.
Kiwi - yep - booked to go out a bit later this time in early Feb.

Looks good for a ride to Forks on Thursday :D
Maybe will put the trickle charger on tonight
Today was a nice day for riding! Dressed like I was riding a snowmobile. It protected me from wind chill. Hope to ride tomorrow as well.
Already stored away soon as I saw salt, so basically two weeks or so ago.

I think I'm going to buy a "beater" bike to ride in the winter, one I wont care about salt creeping up and rusting the **** out of it. Not that I wont take the precautions to clean it regularly to prevent rust but you get the picture.
Just got home from work 30 minutes ago. Nice actually. I came up to a R.I.D.E. check point on the Brock Street off ramp in Whitby. The cop just waved me by, no questions.
Just got home from work 30 minutes ago. Nice actually. I came up to a R.I.D.E. check point on the Brock Street off ramp in Whitby. The cop just waved me by, no questions.

This happened to me one night during the summer, the cop said you already passed the test ! LOL
just dont stumble and wobble the bike through and you will be fine.
Couldn't help wobbling and stumbling....and falling this morning. Everything was covered in a thin sheet of ice. Fell getting to the cage. It better melt off by tomorrow.
Ive commuted with my bike to work yesterday and today. No issues on the short ride between The Beach and downtown!

A bit wet this AM but traction was fine today/yesterday for my very unexciting riding style (just learning!)

Im probably 3 or 4 degrees warmer than those of you in the far north, at the 401.
South of Hwy7 you are safe for a lot longer. When I lived DT, I remember riding to work on Boxing Day. Also remember riding in Jan. Feb was another story...that's when the snow hit....bike got buried for a month.
Rode last evening to get some Sta-Bil at CT, and to test-drive my new helmet.

This AGV GP-Tech is amazing comfy and much quieter than my Icon. 9.4 Matty Rains out of a possible 10.

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