who's still riding? (in toronto)

My wimpy GS500 battery could not crank the motor over this morning, had to use a car battery to get it going.
My Shorai came through.
Man, I saw a ton of people out today. Everywhere I looked someone was riding by or getting on a bike.
I think I'm going to give up my attempts at continuing to ride. It's just getting too cold. Sure I see people still riding all the time, but they probably don't have a car :p
I had a jacket come in from www.motorcyclehouse.ca and I thought it was gonna warm me up.. big surprise. Not going to do the job.
I think I'm going to give up my attempts at continuing to ride. It's just getting too cold. Sure I see people still riding all the time, but they probably don't have a car :p
I had a jacket come in from www.motorcyclehouse.ca and I thought it was gonna warm me up.. big surprise. Not going to do the job.

Non of those jackets look like they're meant for cold weather.....
rode today, all day basically. was really comfortable outside but i think im done pulling off those cold morning rides. Friday will be the last day i will ride then gonna park the bike for good. cant wait for spring :(
Went for a long *** ride on Monday because I wouldn't be able to today...

Think I almost suffered from hypothermia, my thought processes were getting incredibly slow =/
油井緋色;2101557 said:
Went for a long *** ride on Monday because I wouldn't be able to today...

Think I almost suffered from hypothermia, my thought processes were getting incredibly slow =/

I think thats the time to pull over for a coffee/hot chocolate or something.
I think I'm going to give up my attempts at continuing to ride. It's just getting too cold. Sure I see people still riding all the time, but they probably don't have a car :p
I had a jacket come in from www.motorcyclehouse.ca and I thought it was gonna warm me up.. big surprise. Not going to do the job.

Last year I wore my textile jacket + the jacket liner with my winter jacket over it. Kept me warm till about -10. The only real problem is cold hands which is why I'm waiting for the Velocity heated gloves to come in ^_^. $15-$20 glove liners from sport check underneath my gloves helped out a lot as well - kept my hands warm for (probably) an additional 15 mins before they really got cold after 30 mins in those temps.
Since it was an ok day out, I rode up to the 507 and did that. Wasn't too cold until the sun went down :(
Rode in Newmarket today
I'll be going as long as I can. One thing that is nice about bike is reserved parking at GO. You just show up and ride into the spot while cars circling have to park illegally due to no more spots. Then when you get off the train you run with everyone else to the lot before the exit bottleneck you just run to the front and vroom off.

Wish it was spring already. I'm not ready to stop.
got extremely cold, FAST! Came back from DT toronto at around 8:00 pm...not enjoying riding much without friends or good weather :(

We'll see how much longer I can hold out my first season!
It was decent this morning and the ride home, but I think i'm close to being done this year...
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