Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

You guys not concerned about the road salt?

Naa. I have a well-used 2007 DL650 as my winter beater. Once the salt finally destroys its electrical, I'll just buy another dirt cheap, well used, dented DL650 of that generation, move my parts over, and ride it until it dies.
Common guys....... riding for 30 minutes or 50 km on a nice day in January is a total farce and totally meaningless.

Let's be serious, this post is totally meaningless.
Saw this guy/gal yesterday downtown. Very slippery conditions even walking on the sidewalks

I have some of those hot hands things kicking around...probably 10 years old. They still heat up, just not super warm. Using some today as a warm compress for my son's sore neck.

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2 degrees on Sunday, according to the forecast. ;)
Just getting setup for the rest of winter:




As a devoted rider who is not averse to occasionally riding up to cottage country at night in late Summer when overnight temps occasionally approach 0, I stare at this not knowing whether to applaud and yell BRAVO! or suggest he get some sort of crisis counseling. It's like a line from one of Seinfeld's standup routines....you ever see those street musicians who can play a guitar, harmonica and drum at the same time and say, 'that guy's a genius'! But then he adds that one extra instrument and you say 'that guy better get some help'!

The line between genius and insanity is often very thin.
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And then there are those who are thinking about packing it in, for the season.

Saw some guy -18c on a dirt bike I think heading north on bathurst and finch. Crazy dude.
I think it was this time last year we had that nice 2 day warm up.

I think I have forgotten how to ride.

Let's see what the groundhog says about spring.

Sent from the Moon!
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Rode into work today, it was a balmy 6c this morning in Scarbaria.

First ride in for Feb!!! Hopefully more to come!
Wanted to ride, but the driveway was icy and made me wonder if the roads might be too. It looks nice now

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Would it be a bad idea to ride in the melted snow water if it's all mixed with salt water? Or nah
Would it be a bad idea to ride in the melted snow water if it's all mixed with salt water? Or nah

LOL... HORRIBLE IDEA!!!! it's gonna disintegrate your bike!!! One minute you'll be enjoying your ride, the next you'll be on your *** because your bike dissolved!

Just like those idiots that drive their cages in this weather... don't they know salt eats cars? Why do people live in Canada when they could live in the southern states where there is no salt and their cars live indefinitely????

LOL... HORRIBLE IDEA!!!! it's gonna disintegrate your bike!!! One minute you'll be enjoying your ride, the next you'll be on your *** because your bike dissolved!
Ok good thing I stayed indoors!

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I saw someone on a brand spanking new Yamaha R6, white with yellow wheels, wearing brand spanking new leathers, on highway 410.

I had the top down in my car, but that's as close as I'll get. It's pretty wet.
Day off today so went for a ride. Headed east in a convoluted way and stopped at Belleville. Ended up a bit short of 400 km and think about 70km short of 160,000 on my 2015 Strom.

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