Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Day off today so went for a ride. Headed east in a convoluted way and stopped at Belleville. Ended up a bit short of 400 km and think about 70km short of 160,000 on my 2015 Strom.

Another ride into Downtown today, balmy 4c leaving, but gonna go down to 1 or 0c by 5 pm, no problem as long as there is no rain. Which is unfortunately is in the forecast for tomorrow...so will have to ride the rocket tomorrow :(

Oh well 2 days ride-in the second week of Feb is still awesome! :)
Wishing it wasn't so windy out, I might have actually gone out for a little scoot today given the roads are dry and clear and it's beautifully sunny, but man, that wind...

Another 10-15cm in the forecast for Tuesday.

Might take my bike to Precision Cycle on Monday (only about 15 minutes from work for me, I'm sure I can get a buddy to pick me up) and get my new tires installed. Will be brisk, but I'll dress for it. I just really want to avoid waiting too long and then getting stuck in a lineup for service come the first wave of warm weather. Which, with any hope, will be in March. ;)
Rolled up the garage this afternoon. Was really tempted, had it not been for the fact that with some melting going on the briny water was inescapable.
Rode in to work this morning. Nice ride although there were a few very light flurries on occasion. Didn't amount to anything.

I saw another bike when I was getting off the southbound 400. A red adventure bike which might have been a Strom but could just as well been a Honda CBX500 was eastbound on Rutherford. I only saw them as they went past the intersection so hard to tell what it was and I only really saw that it was red, had an exhaust on the right and had a beak. I didn't have a chance to wave.

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I fell today.

Walking on the sidewalk, exiting a streetcar.

Good thing I was wearing all my motorcycle gear.

(Not my helmet tho)


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Sunday it is suppose to warm up quite a bit. Still lots of snow and ice on my street though, never got cleaned by the city. That and the melting and freezing creating ice patches everywhere, I will wait.

Sent from the moon!
Sunday it is suppose to warm up quite a bit. Still lots of snow and ice on my street though, never got cleaned by the city. That and the melting and freezing creating ice patches everywhere, I will wait.

Sent from the moon!

There is a wind warning on Sunday, with gusts upto 90 kmph- 110 kmph possible.
Nice ride in this morning! Temperatures swung around a bit. From what I think was about -14 (my temperature display's lowest reading is -10 but is 2 degrees C optimistic and it stops displaying colder than that) to -2 indicated (-4 in reality) plus some cold down in low spots to much warmer in high spots.

All in all a nice little ride and I am looking forward to riding home this eve.

I saw a dual-purpose Suzuki at the forks. No ride for me; my driveway still has too much ice to get safely across it with a bike.
I was supposed to get my bike into a local shop to get my new tires installed yesterday. Second try for that arrangement.

Foiled again by a skating rink of a driveway. It aggravated the hell out of me considering the roads themselves were good.

Thought about going out today for a ride...but so much meltwater everywhere running across all the roads it would have been impossible to not get soaked.
I went for a quickie Friday night. Just across town to the gym and back.
just enough to take the edge off for another week.
It's been a crappy winter for riding. When the weather is okay, I seem to have other commitments. Soon...

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Weather network was out with a report today suggesting that we have a few more weeks of winter to deal with and then we should expect a sudden and dramatic arrival of spring like conditions.

Here's hoping they're right for a change. I seriously need some wind therapy, life is sucking recently.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Weather network was out with a report today suggesting that we have a few more weeks of winter to deal with and then we should expect a sudden and dramatic arrival of spring like conditions.

Here's hoping they're right for a change. I seriously need some wind therapy, life is sucking recently.
Here's hoping... Feb has been pretty terrible with at least one storm every week. If the spring like conditions do arrive after a few weeks, I hope they last.
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