Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I rode in. The streets were just wet here at the bottom of etobicoke. Pleasant ride for sure on the vstar. Did I just spend two hours washing the bike yesterday...yes...yes I did...oh well...I even enjoy doing that.

Rain? Rain gear packed for the ride home.

I installed a mosfet rr on my gsxr yesterday, seems to work fine, a consistent 14.61v at idle and 5000rpm. I did not go for a test ride incase it died on me, the wind and threat of freezing rain would not have been enjoyable...lol

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Rode in to work this morning.

It was around -10°c most of the way in and lightly snowing just after I left Port Perry (work in Vaughn.) No snow accumulation and the roads were nice and dry with very light traffic. I didn't need to wipe my faceshield at all.

Nice little ride!

Me too, a 20 minute ride to work from etobicoke to mississauga where I work.

I was dressed for it, except I had to hide my thumbs behind my grips.

At the intersections my hands go right on cylinder number 2...lol


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I just went to the bathroom, although I wore my thermal underwear, I must at this time inform you all of my updated condition.

Due to my ride to work in sub zero conditions I.am suffering the symptoms consistent of testicular atrophy more commonly known as "shrinkage."

No reason to panic prematurely gentlemen, it is my opinion that this effect is temporary.

Please be on alert for future updates.


Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
I just went to the bathroom, although I wore my thermal underwear, I must at this time inform you all of my updated condition.

Due to my ride to work in sub zero conditions I.am suffering the symptoms consistent of testicular atrophy more commonly known as "shrinkage."

No reason to panic prematurely gentlemen, it is my opinion that this effect is temporary.

Please be on alert for future updates.


Are you sure it is actually something new? :)

On the Iron Butt I did last May it was below zero for the last 3 or 4 hours of the ride.

I hopped right into our hot tub when I got home, and it still took an hour for everything to, uh, “recover”. ;)
On the Iron Butt I did last May it was below zero for the last 3 or 4 hours of the ride.

I hopped right into our hot tub when I got home, and it still took an hour for everything to, uh, “recover”. ;)
The closest thing to a hot tub here at work is the receptionists cup of herbal tea...



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You guys not concerned about the road salt?

Concerned as in "you're gonna wipe out if you hit it", or concerned as in "You're bike is going to dissolve into a pile of rust if you ride through it"?

Both are no biggie, contrary to popular belief. Loose salt and such on the road is managed exactly the same way one would manage gravel or debris on the road in the summer - riding within conditions and with appropriate caution based on road condition observation.

And the rust thing is overblown. Rinse it off, the end.
Wow impressed. I was curious if anyone ventured out. To be honest it was temping. I like crisp cold days like this (non riding). As the sun is out and is dry. Ah but better days are a head, will wait it out.

I take it the tires must have been stiff? I find my even at +5 they feel different.
You have to ride conservatively, but I don't find cold tires that big a deal.

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Concerned as in "you're gonna wipe out if you hit it", or concerned as in "You're bike is going to dissolve into a pile of rust if you ride through it"?

Both are no biggie, contrary to popular belief. Loose salt and such on the road is managed exactly the same way one would manage gravel or debris on the road in the summer - riding within conditions and with appropriate caution based on road condition observation.

And the rust thing is overblown. Rinse it off, the end.
In toronto driving there are no piles of salt. Rule of thumb for me in colder weather and slick looking roads and I know this is counter intuitive... go the speed limit and easy on the corners. Watch other people, because everyone else is still going 80 or 90 in a 60 zone.

Then on the weekend...wash your bike. Get under it and give it a good scrub.

My tires dont feel different other than I changed from dunlops to michelin commanders. When you ride cautiously you dont really notice anything special. Minus 10 is no different than +10 if you are driving aggressive like you are on a hot track. I was doing my last or second last ride up around Georgetown this fall. I was on thr cruiser not the sport bike, and a gixxer passed me, I caught up to him at the capuccino place and he said his rear tire is slipping on the corners. I said the obvious...yeah, they cant get heat in them, you have to drive to the conditions my friend.


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Fingers crossed - I hope this snowless winter goes away early...
knowing my luck - i will s***storm
late March into April...like last year

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Hand warmers and toe warmers are 40% off at Cdn Tire this week.


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Jan 15, 2019

Rode in today to work, was a pleasant ride in with some flurries when hitting downtown. Glad I rode in was debating at -3c then remembered the long term forecast looks pretty grim from tomorrow, hopefully the weather man is wrong again.
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