Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

Went out Saturday for a few hours and got back home just before it started to rain. It felt nice to be out riding. I also managed to get out for a bit yesterday so it was definitely a good weekend.
Was out for hours yesterday too. Went too far and had to ride home after dark - things starting getting cold quick then!
Serious Arctic Dipole on the go :(


Missed my window today to get the bike to the new place.

Thursday, February 1, 2018, 11:47 AM - An injection of warm air, but in the wrong place, has set into motion a developing frigid pattern across most of Canada for the month of February and with it, an abundance of winter weather across the south.

This bullish push of mild temperatures near Alaska acts like a surgical knife as it thrusts into the Arctic circle and cuts into the coldest air on the planet, the polar vortex, forcing this region of frigid air to settle into more southern latitudes. This type of pattern can often lead to a dominant cold snap for many areas across Canada and will be the general feature for the month ahead – but it will have starkly different impacts depending on location.


Polar vortex settles over Hudson Bay for much of February
Coldest air targets northern and central Canada, with periodic shots of bitter cold air across the south
Abundant winter weather ahead for many across southern Canada with several shots of snow

Well...there's always March to look forward to. Maybe.
Well...there's always March to look forward to. Maybe.

March...perhaps mid march would be a nice little early start to the season

Usually weather ain't good till April
March...perhaps mid march would be a nice little early start to the season

Have been spoiled by the last 2 winters during which many of us were able to out ever 1-3 weeks.
Let's see what the groundhog tells us tomorrow.

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If the snowmobile trails are still closed there's a good chance I'll go to this, I missed it last year because I was rebuilding my bike. Question though. What are the events? Is it a race like a winter hare scramble or?

This link explains it.Very informal fun.Emphasis on FUN.A LOT of really cool vintage MX stuff.And you can walk on a groomed trail back thru the woods to watch the really tight technical stuff.A bunch of us trialers will try and put on a competition of sorts. https://www.townmoto.com/blogs/blog/grand-prix-de-snow-recap
Very cool. Thanks for the link. I won't be going to the effort of studding tires so a broken collarbone might be in my store for me but what the heck the dirt bike needs some time on it.

Btw I checked out some of the other links on that page and judging by your sig you have a green trials bike. If so good chance it's you in one of the pictures on the direct motocross article if you didn't know that already. Nicely done!
Very cool. Thanks for the link. I won't be going to the effort of studding tires so a broken collarbone might be in my store for me but what the heck the dirt bike needs some time on it.

Btw I checked out some of the other links on that page and judging by your sig you have a green trials bike. If so good chance it's you in one of the pictures on the direct motocross article if you didn't know that already. Nicely done!

Thanks.That is me.My daughter (2nd pic in the Dan Lim photos) and i had a blast that day.She borrowed a studded Husky for a while and had a great time.First bike she had ever been on that had a seat.Lol.
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OK now I'm getting PMS.

I shouldn't really... as if there is one month of the year that I am least likely to ride my bike it is February. I think the last few years have spoiled me a bit and hopefully we will get a few days of no snow and no ice or snow covered roads.

OK now I'm getting PMS.

I shouldn't really... as if there is one month of the year that I am least likely to ride my bike it is February. I think the last few years have spoiled me a bit and hopefully we will get a few days of no snow and no ice or snow covered roads.


Yep, good thing it's a short month! I try to get out a couple times every month of they year as well but it's not looking so promising...
Hmm well expect one more significant dump of snow usually end of Feb beginning of Mar..after that it is pretty much over.
lolz...ppl are ITCHING to ride...
i scratch it by being occupied with rebuilds/maintenance and general
blinging out the bikes with
premium parts...

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BTW this weather is obviously all MacDoc's fault.. he normally goes away to the other side of the world where it is hot and we have rideable weather here. This year he stayed and because of that the weather gods punished him for staying. Unfortunately we are all innocent collateral victims of his misdeeds.

Exactly ......

Looks like a window this Wednesday/Thursday to move the bike as long as the damn driveway melts. 3 C overnight on Wed and to 6 on Thursday.
Saw/heard a guy riding on wellington today. I was talking to my manager and got completely side tracked by it. Still pretty icy out.
I'll be at the motorcycle show this weekend, that should help a bit, carry me over till late march/april
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