Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

Nice ride in this morning.. heavy fog until west of Kennedy.l just enough drizzle to keep face-shield damp and stop road spray from drying up.

Saw someone on a cbr250 or something around 5 pm north on dufferin.

This week we are suppose to hit double digits above zero, but with rain. If the rain clears up I might take a spin.

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LOL I think winters done

It's only February. March can be a ***** sometimes. Don't jump the gun.

Although next week is looking great, and 9 degrees on Sunday but breezy and some rain possible - may get out for a brief toot if the radar shows an opportunity!
winter aint done till the last week of march
It's only February. March can be a ***** sometimes. Don't jump the gun.

Although next week is looking great, and 9 degrees on Sunday but breezy and some rain possible - may get out for a brief toot if the radar shows an opportunity!

What PrivatePilot said .... March always brings that last ditch "I'm winter and I'm still here beetches" weather.

I'm seeing 10 and sunny for Sunday, definitely gonna take advantage of that!
What PrivatePilot said .... March always brings that last ditch "I'm winter and I'm still here beetches" weather.

I'm seeing 10 and sunny for Sunday, definitely gonna take advantage of that!

Saturday clear +4, rain over night/morning, +10 in afternoon and clear. Looks good to me!
Monday or Tuesday next week look promising, sun is suppose to be out with around 7 for temp.
Yeah just noticed that too. Looks like I might be riding to work Monday, Tuesday, even possibly Wednesday. \o/


And my cold weather gloves just arrived. Bonus!
Went out last weekend when it was around 1-2 outside. Didn’t see anyone else riding, but got quite a few thumbs up.

Hopefully heading out today if the rain holds off, if not, sunday-tuesday
Saw the trucks pointlessly dumping tons of salt on the roads this morning

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Planning on Getting out there This Weekend or next. Roads are looking pretty clean, hopefully they can stay that way but march usually brings at least one good snow just when you think you are out of the woods!
Went out last weekend when it was around 1-2 outside. Didn’t see anyone else riding, but got quite a few thumbs up.

Hopefully heading out today if the rain holds off, if not, sunday-tuesday

Every time I have been out this year in those temps I don't get any thumbs up, just people looking at me like i'm a lunatic...
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