Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

^^^ We'd best enjoy it to the fullest while we can - the long term outlook forecasts are consistently showing a sudden and dramatic flop into winter conditions at the tail end of November.

But so far so great. If we can make it to December without any crappy winter conditions it always makes the winter seem a little shorter, especially if things start to turn in March and we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
^^^ We'd best enjoy it to the fullest while we can - the long term outlook forecasts are consistently showing a sudden and dramatic flop into winter conditions at the tail end of November.

But so far so great. If we can make it to December without any crappy winter conditions it always makes the winter seem a little shorter, especially if things start to turn in March and we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

+1 Cross referencing to my analog calendar bears this out. Extended autumn, early spring has a direct impact on winters duration in real time and feel. I'm not seeing a downside, personally. Global is not my concern.
+1 Cross referencing to my analog calendar bears this out. Extended autumn, early spring has a direct impact on winters duration in real time and feel. I'm not seeing a downside, personally. Global is not my concern.

Farmers I knew told when I grew up told me the length of the Black/Red-orange/black sections of the Woolly Bear Caterpillars lets you know the length of the Fall, winter and Spring. From what I have seen the caterpillars have been every bit as accurate as the weather projections.

Strangely I didn't see any here this fall but did see some in Viginia a few weeks ago and the middle section was very small. Don't know if that relates to us up here but at least down there the Woolly Bear is projecting a short Winter.

This is welcome news indeed! What's the global situation not that I care?
I don't put much faith in caterpillars predicting winters, there doesn't appear to be any scientific basis for that at all when you dig into the details. ;)

Anyhow, Sunday is looking spectacular, for November - 15, calm winds, sunny. We be riding!
I was going to ride this morning but was already way late for work. Plus they told me I shouldn't ride below 10C without rejetting, especially since I'm basically breaking in the engine.

Will probably ride next week sometime, anyway.
It's 9C do you know where your chillin are? Just came back in from a mission. Nice out. Will make coffee run shortly. This is good.
I may be buying an RSV1000R tomorrow because I'm retarded and it's November.

See you guys soon.
I can't see any girls.

Photobucket site is down and a lot of ****** off customers are complaining.

Not looking good for me today ...tired and a bit chilly and a bit late to get going...tomorrow for sure tho
Sun is gorgeous but single digits out still.
Just got my heated grips installed at GP Bikes. Loving them while zipping down an empty 407 at lunch time today.
I'm headed out now for a little scoot - best take advantage of today and tomorrow, for next Saturdays high is forecasted for 3 degrees. Looks like the bottom falls out of the thermometer starting this coming Friday.
I just came back from a little rip around the Halton area. Originally I had planned a longer ride, but the wind brought the comfort threshold a smidge too low. Still, for a Novemberide, it's good.
Geez - looks like a summer weekend at the Forks. couple dozen bikes parked and lots going by....realllllly nice. Light wind, blue sky 15 degrees but feels warmer in the sun ....almost napped through it....too many late nights.

Africa Twin on site and the big Duc adventure bike.
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Icehouse this afternoon. Some regular faces. Some irregular faces. Nice day. Not bothered by a bit of breeze. Bike hangout pro tip reminder to self: If somebody pulls up on a SOHC CB750 nobody wants to know you rode one for ten years. Really, nobody wants to know. Zip it.
Gonna head out today with a buddy, probably going out to Terra Nova. Any fresh sand out there?
Looking good well into late November for real Toronto. New heated liner arrived, so I'm set. Keep pumping out that CO2 gents, I want to ride year-round.

Mac Doc should offer the woman in that Belfountain photo royalties.
I'm still out and about. If its above 6c, I'll ride. I don't have winter gear so that's as cold as I can take. Only short highway stints, mostly surface streets so I don't have to travel too quick. Just got a recall done on the bike. Will for sure be taking it out tomorrow.
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