Anyone riding tomorrow? Suppose to go up to 6-7
Temperatures sound good...but roads will be sloppy.
There's a video going around online right now of a guy who was out on the 401 in the snowstorm this eve. That's a whole different level of either dedicated, or a bit crazy.
-riding on the snowy 401 after sundown
-snow hides debris and potholes
-surrounded by drivers fiddling with cellphones
-many vehicles don't run snow tires
-driving and riding too fast for conditions is common
A generous conclusion might be that this person is displaying poor risk assessment.
Personally, I think your last line sums it up, at least in my opinion. Riding is a lot about risk, and risk mitigation. There are already a ton of hazards out there for us, and I just don't see the point (personally) in taking on all the extra ones to ride in the winter, let alone on a day like yesterday/the conditions in that video. It's not even about the rider being competent or not...if a car around them has an issue and slide into them or spins out, that could be the end of the rider.
My concern about videos like this is that they may encourage law makers to pass laws limiting motorcycles to a April 1 to November 1 riding season. That would suck, since I like to do the occasional tuttle in the country on a warm winter day.
My concern about videos like this is that they may encourage law makers to pass laws limiting motorcycles to a April 1 to November 1 riding season. That would suck, since I like to do the occasional tuttle in the country on a warm winter day.
If they adjust insurance rates accordingly I would be okay with this, but we all know that won't happen.
Eyeballing Sunday....the lead up to it looks like the roads might clear up enough to make a prospect for a scoot.
Holy crap....the long weekend forecast is spectacular. 11 degrees Saturday and sunny, 9 degrees Sunday and sunny, and still 9 degrees on the holiday Monday, but cloudy.
Will definately be getting a scoot in.