Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)


That one?

That's the one.Their are two parts to the video ,looks like only part two(right below that link,called part deux is working,at least from my phone)hanks for posting the link
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Main roads are fine, dry even despite no sun today. 95% of the salt is gone courtesy of all the rain.

I did end up getting out for about 45 minutes. That's 16 months straight, and counting. Next up, February. ;)


Darlington Park Road (hardly used this time of year) was a bit dodgy (lots of sand) but all the other roads were fine. No spray/dirt/brine on the bike at all even with 30-40K on the ODO.

Nice. These bikes are great value.
Anyone remember that guy who winterized a CBR125R? I wonder if that bike is still around. Pretty cool concept for such a cheap bike and winter hobby.
Went out for about 45mins this afternoon. Pretty chilly riding around with no winter gear, but can't complain, it was nice to get out.
Do share, apparently this one went over my head.
Lol! I tried to decipher it. I either failed or he was just plain complimenting your bike.

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Joe texted me his interpretation. It's complicated. :)
Joe texted me his interpretation. It's complicated. :)

I'm guessing something our dear dudester said some time ago in a metric vs HD debate??? Uncle Inreb has a long memory

Edit... or come to think of it... something YOU said haha
Thats a sweet set up....how can i buy one like that ? Or what mods do u have on there!?!?!

Sent from phone, excuse typos.

Thanks, it's pretty much a stock KLX250SF. I added the FMF slip on pipe and did a dynojet stage 2 jet kit. I also made a custom fender eliminator which really cleaned up the back end. That's about it!
I'm guessing something our dear dudester said some time ago in a metric vs HD debate???

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

I just got discharged from the mancold ICU Sunday evening. All the meds have me a little slow on the uptake the last few days. It's possible I've been imbibing a little in some of the rum I brought back from the Caribbean as well.
Wonderful riding last night and today. Probably get wet tonight, but oh well.
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