who rides in the rain? | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

who rides in the rain?

First time riding in the rain yesterday and it really started to pour on the highway. I didn't mind, had my rain gear on over top of my riding gear. Found out my water proof boots are water proof. Was a bit worried about that cause of all the threads I've read on "water proof" boots.

Was kinda cool to feel the drops of rain hit my legs cause I don't have riding pants yet and you can really feel the drops hit you through the rain pants and jeans.

Would definitely do it again. No excuses for me any more;)
Like I stated before I rode from Ottawa yesterday and I got caught in the rain, but with my raining gear everything was fine, I even felt closer to my machine!!!
I am using 2 piece Frogg Toggs and boot slip overs (they work great!). In heavy rain some water gets through around the groin area. Probably because of water pooling down from the gas tank. Other than that I stay dry. The Frogg Toggs go over jackets and pants quite easily and they pack up into a compact sac for easy transport. Being cold is a non issue, there are hi tech lite weight fabrics out there. Spend the money and layer up until you are comfortable. My visor does fog, the only way around that is to keep the visor open slightly. Investing in some motorcycle saftey glasses or goggles is a good idea for riding in rain and colder weather.
ridge road is fun in the road, slip and slide around a bit...its fun
I have been riding for over 40 years. My wife has been riding for 6 years now.
She had never ridden in the rain before. I've become so used to riding in the rain, I hardly slow down any.

2 years ago, me and my wife were in Port Dover for the 13th.
We had to get a babysitter so that we could go. My Dad, Brother and about 10 friends always reserve a room at the Erie Breeze for dinner.
After dinner the wife and I have to get home, because the babysitter had to get home by a certain time.
When we got out of the restaurant, I could see some heavy clouds moving it. I tried to hurry the wife up so we could miss most of it, but she was having no part of it.
We finally get over to our bikes, and just as I put the key into the ignition, the heavens opened up and let loose like crazy.
We had to get home. We had to go. It was a horrible rain, with lightning and massive rain drops. Everybody was telling us to stay and let it rain out.
We had to go.
It was crazy rain. It didn't bother me much, but my wife had never, never ridden in rain before.
I rode the speed limit and kept a close eye on my wife.
She kept up pretty damn good.
I pushed her a bit harder and she was fine.
Cars were pulled over under overpassed because they could not see. Bikers were holed up under the road and the overpass because it was so bad.
We kept on going.
My rainsuit got wet just around Oakville around 3rd line.
The wife stayed dry the entire ride.
After that, the rain never bothered her at all.
Damn she did good that day. I was so proud.
Uh no. I'd rather be riding my bike than spending time washing and wiping it down.

That was my point. If getting your bike dirty is a major concern you might as well put it up on stands in the living room with no fluids in it just for something to look at. Why waste time washing it all the time when you could be riding it? It won't melt from a water spot or some dirt.

If I washed mine every time there was a water spot (or worse) I'd never get to ride the thing. Then again, I haven't properly washed it since I got it since any day it's nice enough to wash it and I have the time, I'd rather just go for a ride.
That was my point. If getting your bike dirty is a major concern you might as well put it up on stands in the living room with no fluids in it just for something to look at. Why waste time washing it all the time when you could be riding it? It won't melt from a water spot or some dirt.

If I washed mine every time there was a water spot (or worse) I'd never get to ride the thing. Then again, I haven't properly washed it since I got it since any day it's nice enough to wash it and I have the time, I'd rather just go for a ride.

Right, but I have a car so riding in the wet is completely optional. I could choose to ride in the rain then waste time washing it on a sunny day, or I could elect to not ride in the rain and avoid needing to wash it. In this instance I suppose we agree to disagree, its all preference really...hence the name of the thread.
If rain spots on your bike are a big deal you must be going too slow. I gaurantee the only time you see dirt on my bike is when I pull over at a timmies and I try to avoid pose fests due to Ugly lawnmower.
Not really sure why its mandatory to have a clean bike or why a dirty. Ike.would stop anyone from riding. I'd rather not.store or wash the bike. I'd rather ride it all the time.

Also, for those that think the non rain riders are crazy, understand if you winterize in October and springerize in April its the same level of oddness to some.
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If rain spots on your bike are a big deal you must be going too slow. I gaurantee the only time you see dirt on my bike is when I pull over at a timmies and I try to avoid pose fests due to Ugly lawnmower.
Not really sure why its mandatory to have a clean bike or why a dirty. Ike.would stop anyone from riding. I'd rather not.store or wash the bike. I'd rather ride it all the time.

Also, for those that think the non rain riders are crazy, understand if you winterize in October and springerize in April its the same level of oddness to some.
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so does that mean its possible to ride in the snow? that sounds ludacris to me but if someone has rode the whole winter on a ninja 250 looks like im not buying a car anymore
there are guys on this site that ride in the snow.
there are many people that simply rode when the streets were free of snow. I was riding in december with no problem.
there are guys on this site that ride in the snow.
there are many people that simply rode when the streets were free of snow. I was riding in december with no problem.

how was your traction? were you riding like you ride in the summer (i.e. gunning it) any tips or words of advice for riding in the snow? should i just buy a dirtbike for winter riding?
The gas saved not driving the car, pays insurance and gas for the bike. So gotta ride rain or shine, once you have done it a few times it just becomes an annoyance more than anything else. Car also on occasional use status to save more cash.
i used to ride in the rain all the time when i had bikes that i didn't care if they were dirty or got some rust (you will get rust riding in the rain)for a long time when i was younger i had bikes but no car so i had the option of bike or TTC...now i pick my days (i have even had to ride home with a little snow falling but thats another story)...i have considered getting a beater for rainy days but decided that i don't enjoy riding in the rain all that much anyways so why not take the truck and stay dry...my bike stays in the garage when it rains... it has no rust at all and is very easy to keep clean
The gas saved not driving the car, pays insurance and gas for the bike. So gotta ride rain or shine, once you have done it a few times it just becomes an annoyance more than anything else. Car also on occasional use status to save more cash.

What is this "occasional use status"? I have two cars and would like to keep them both insured but one I would only need to use on the rare occasion that I actually need to carry more than 2 people or large items.
Took my safty course in the rain so I dont mimd it at all. More then anything I cant stand the visor fogging not to mention my glasses. They say drunk driving limits your vision . . . Lol at times I cant tell if im seeing a red stop light or a car :p

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get a pin lock visor! worth every penny!
how was your traction? were you riding like you ride in the summer (i.e. gunning it) any tips or words of advice for riding in the snow? should i just buy a dirtbike for winter riding?
it's important to clarify I mean dry roads, not snow roads.
traction is less in rain, less in cold, but nothing crazy. some people will make it sound like in -5 the tires become bricks and won't stick. that's false. the only problems I've had in cold are the engine as it's carbed. it hates cold. modern rubber will stick. track rubber on cold streets I'm sure would suck. good rain tires like the bt-45's will stick. doing the forks in december might be a bad idea. braking in cold is like braking in rain. you've gotta do it sooner and expect to not stop as fast.
I don't ride in heavy snow. my bike would suck. I've tried it, and failed. it was like skiing with a cow between my legs. the bike slid everywhere. you need 3 wheels or knobby tires. there are guys on dual sports that go in snow during winter though.
There were a few times this winter when I tried to ride because the roads were clear but my non-knobby street tires just spun on the small patches of snow in the driveway and so I gave up since I couldn't get to the street.

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